Final Team-Up of X-Men & Avengers Before AvX


Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy

Marvel’s biggest teams join forces one final time before they go to war against each other in Avengers Vs X-men. Kieron Gillen talks with about the significance of this 2 part Uncanny X-Men arc. 

  “It’s the final compare and contrast,” Gillen says. “It’s showing everyone involved as the greatest super heroes on Earth. It’s about showing how we hope they’ll never fight. It’s about showing why they’re going to.”

  Earth’s first line of defense against aliens cracks. The S.W.O.R.D. facility, The Peak, fails. 

  “There’s a catastrophic failure aboard the Peak’s brig and all its prisoners are dropped,” says Gillen. “The main villain of the arc is actually UNIT, who I introduced in [the S.W.O.R.D. series] as a cross between CP-30 and Hannibal Lecter.

“Many [prisoners] explosively decompress. The ones who don’t, who fall to Earth—well, you’re talking about the sort of number of threats that would make up a year of stories if we were to tell them all.  There are some elements of the approach that do remind me of S.W.O.R.D. That was a book which moved at enormous pace. For a story that’s only two issues, we manage to fit an enormous amount of actual story in here. If there’s one part of S.W.O.R.D. which crosses over well to Uncanny X-Men, it’s that. So it’s a case that there are so many things happening, the Avengers and X-men talk to each other [and decide] ‘If we mobilize and act together, we can pull this off.’”

Uncanny X-Men #9 courtesy

  “It’s all about saving the world,” Gillen declares. “That’s all that matters. Generally speaking, Captain America seems entirely on the X-Men’s side. Cyclops is a little more cautious, but that’s just in his personality. The team-up works spectacularly. And then something changes, which, even if it doesn’t go to blows, really does show that the teams are in different places.

  “There’s obvious tension in Cyclops having to be even vaguely in the same area as Wolverine,” he notes. “It’s at the level of a glance. The story’s mostly about the team in action and throwing them against the threats, and seeing what they can do. Do several people not like Magneto? Sure. But that takes a back seat. This is them all pulling together.

“Until they don’t.”

Uncanny X-Men #9 is out April 11th. It looks like Terminus was on board the Peak. I don’t think he’s been seen since The Evolutionary Wars back in the 90’s Marvel Annuals.
For the entire interview and more preview pages by Carlos Pacheco here’s the link.

AVX Scarlet Witch Vs Phoenix

Avengers Vs X-Men #6 variant courtesy Marvel

   Marvel revealed a variant cover to Avengers Vs X-Men #6 by Nick Bradshaw showing an angry Scarlet Witch at full power with the Phoenix claws ready to grab the mutant.

  This week in Avengers The Children’s Crusade #9 Scarlet Witch was redeemed and ready to make up for M-Day. Looks like Wanda may be on the edge of losing control of her powers again or losing her life to the Phoenix Force.


AvX Avengers Seize The Jean Grey School

X-Men Legacy #266 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel’s ladies in green are about to throw down as Avengers Vs X-Men hits the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. She-Hulk and a team of Avengers arrive to “secure” the school in X-Men Legacy #266.

Christos Gage says knowing AvX was coming affected his direction for the book in a new Comics Newsarama interview.

 “I have certainly been aware that AvX was coming, and been preparing for it, but it’s not as if we’ve been solely focusing on that. I think in Uncanny, there was more of a continuity of purpose… the roster was smaller, and there was some change of focus, but the Utopia X-Men are doing more or less what they did before.

It’s been a bigger shake-up for the Grey School X-Men, and I wanted to examine that, as well as the Schism‘s effects on the characters. Over in Avengers Academy, I’ve been continuing with ongoing stories for the kids, and having a blast with the Runaways guest appearance in #27 and 28. So I think each story is its own thing, but with an awareness of where we were headed, and the character journeys will continue during AvX.”

The Avengers task force coming to the school includes She-Hulk, Falcon and Moon Knight. Gage revealed how he picked these heroes.

 “I’ll be honest, it was partly to do with who I could use in a way that made sense given where else they’re showing up and who’s off in space and so on. But of those who were available I picked these three because they work well in the context of the story. I can’t get too much into why without venturing into spoiler territory. But it’s a fun mix! She-Hulk and Frenzy have battled before… and Moon Knight vs. Gambit just sounded cool to me. I hope people enjoy reading it as much as I’m digging writing it!”

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

I’m ready for Rogue to whip She-Hulk!

Top 5 for March 7, 2012


Avengers: The Children's Crusade #9 courtesy Marvel

Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #9 The final fate of the Scarlet Witch. Which young heroes will survive the showdown with Doctor Doom.

Age of Apocalypse #1 Wolverine is the madman Weapon X. The X-Terminated are the only hope for humanity. A new series set in the bizarre dimension spinning out of Uncanny X-Force.

Fairest #1 Horror, humor and adventure in a new series exploring the secret history of Cinderella, Show White, Rapunzel, Thumbelina, The Snow Queen, Sleeping Beauty and more of   

Honey Badger Adventures #1 The internet sensation inspires a new comic book starring the world’s most fearless animal.

Green Arrow #7 Three deadly blondes give new meaning to drop dead gorgeous and they after Green Arrow. The legendary Ann Nocenti returns to comics and her reputation for creating femme fatales continues

The Hunger Games & X-Men: First Class Connection

  When casting began for The Hunger Games a big surprise was Lenny Kravitz for the role of Cinna. The cools stylist helps transform Katniss into a star before she enters the competition. The new Entertainment Weekly reveals how Kravitz became Cinna.

 Director Gary Ross had been moved by the singer’s performance in Precious and that Kravitz had a bond with star Jennifer Lawrence, who had become friends with his daughter, Zoe, during the filming of X-Men: First Class. Lawrence played Raven Darkholme/Mystique. Kravitz played Angel Salvadore.

“I love that girl, ” says Kravitz, “The minute I met her she became part of the family.”

For the entire interview including how other actors were cast pick up the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly.

Matt Fraction on AVX: Phoenix & Hope…The Big Payoff


Avengers Vs. X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  One of my favorite writers Matt Fraction was a special guest on the Axel-in-Charge column this week on Comic Book Resources – a Friday must for all Marvel fans. I really excited by his response to the question of what elements he will tap into for the upcoming Avengers Vs X-Men epic.

  “Not to put too fine a point on it, the Phoenix! I put a lot of my back into growing Hope as a character. I was very present in those early conversations figuring out what this little girl’s destiny was going to be — who she was and who she was going to become. And I became quite fond of her and what she represents. I have a daughter and we don’t have enough girl-heroes to go around. So the idea of being a part of telling this story where Hope and the Phoenix would encounter each other at long last? That was a huge payoff.

The Phoenix stuff, with the exception of being a red herring in one story arc, largely went untouched when I was on Uncanny [X-Men]. I just used it to kind of foreshadow that this was coming, though at the time I didn’t know when or how it would play out. Even though the plans have changed, you can see foreshadowing for this back in the early #500s. In my first four or five issues of “Uncanny,” we were foreshadowing “Second Coming” and “AvX.” And then I left the book, but to be back and now be a part of it is like having my cake and eating it too. And there’s a bunch of other stuff. There’s another big location that the gang goes to that I don’t want to spoil, but in issue #7, I got to do a real big piece of the Marvel puzzle that I hadn’t had a chance to touch otherwise. The whole event has been a chance to play with all the toys at once in all these fun, new combinations.”

For the entire interview click here.

  Fraction continues writing The Mighty Thor, Invincible Iron Man and The Defenders and his creator owned epic Casanova. It will be great to see him write with the X-Men again in AVX. I was a huge fan of his run. This is just speculation but I wonder if Matt might be a front-runner to take over the Avengers franchise after Bendis?

AVX: My Comic Book Shop’s Launch Party!

courtesy Marvel

  I know where I’ll be April 3rd at 8pm and I know which Marvel team I will stand with!

  Earlier this week Marvel revealed new promo art and announced that more than 1,100 comic book stores are having Avengers Vs. X-Men launch parties.

  I have been shopping at Zanadu Comics in Downtown Seattle since I moved to the Emerald City 14 years ago. I was thrilled when Perry told me Zanadu will stand with….The X-MEN!

  I love you Avengers but I’ve been loving the X-Men longer.

Wolverine and the X-Men’s Nick Bradshaw & Kitty Pryde Gives Birth?

Wolverine and the X-Men #7 art courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw is my favorite book right now and a pure joyride with action, humor and outrageous storylines.

Here’s a quick recap:

Wolverine built the Jean Grey School for young mutants after his schism with Cyclops. Kitty is pregnant – sort of. Beast and some kids are inside Kitty’s body trying to save her. Logan and Kid Omega – that brat – are in an outer space casino cheating at gambling to get money to keep the school open. There’s a nice Brood student who talks and won’t eat you. The school is being invaded by an army of Brood – the nasty kind you know and hate.

Oh yeah – there are these baby nightcrawler looking things that steal Logan’s whiskey and are kind of like the Gremlins of the school. Continue reading Wolverine and the X-Men’s Nick Bradshaw & Kitty Pryde Gives Birth?