No More Avengers?


  Marvel’s The Avengers may be dominating the global box-office but will they vanish from the comic book universe? Avengers vs X-Men pits the two super teams against each other. The Phoenix is coming to Earth for a young girl hailed as the mutant messiah. The Avengers wanted to take custody of Hope to save the planet. The X-Men said no believing the Phoenix could mean a new beginning for the dying mutant race. War erupted.

  The X-Men’s fight to save their people began when a possessed Scarlet Witch said “No More Mutants” and the race was decimated. Now Cyclops has declared “No More Avengers.”

  Today revealed this ominous image for Avengers vs X-Men #5 and this description:

  “Following the world-changing effects of AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #5, the Marvel Universe will face a dramatic change unlike any ever seen before bringing the action packed first act to a close. Then, the comic book event of the summer kicks into overdrive as Act Two begins in AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #6! Think you know everything about the Phoenix Force and what it’s capable of? Think again!”

 AvX #5 by Matt Fraction is on sale 6/6/12. AvX #6 by Jonathan Hickman is out 6/20/12. What does this mean? Who would have the power to remake the Marvel Universe? Hope? Scarlet Witch? Mister Sinister? The Void (which is locked inside Scott’s mind) or maybe the Celestials? The God-like beings have been a key part of Kieron Gillen’s Uncanny X-Men run but the Dreaming Celestial has been a part since the X-Men moved to San Francisco.

What do you think?

  By Editor

Top 5 Picks for 5/9/11

Batman #9 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #9 The Night of the Owls crossover continues with a battle in the Batcave. Bruce’s last safe haven is invaded by the Talons. How will he save Alfred from a strike force of the undead assassins. What has Alfred’s family kept from the Waynes. Gotham City’s darkest family secrets are revealed in a back story.

Fatale #5 This mystery noir series with twists of supernatural horror has creeped with a slow burn until last issue’s violent shocker. Josephine may be immortal but her latest lover may not survive. Are they being chase by mobsters or monsters? Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips latest collaboration will deliver a bloody showdown as the first arc races to the finish.

New Avengers #26 Answers to one of the biggest and mind tingling mysteries begins here. How is Danny Rand connected to the Phoenix Force? Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato reveal the secret history of the firebird in a book of the dead Iron Fists. This is a crucial tie-in to Avengers vs. X-Men.

Trio #1 The legendary John Byrne is back with a brand new superhero series. The world calls them Rock, Paper, Scissors. I’m hoping this will capture the spirit of Byrne’s classic Fantastic Four run.

Uncanny X-Force #25 The Final Execution begins here with new villains after Wolverine’s covert team. Rick Remender has teased a team of enemies born from Omega Red and shopping mall for assassins in the sky. I suspect this will be another violent, game changing epic like The Dark Angel Saga – definitely watch this series.

Avengers vs. X-Men Round 3 Wrap


Avengers vs X-Men #3 courtesy

Steve Rogers is ruled by his sense of responsibility. Scott Summers is ruled by passion for his cause. Logan is driven by both. The lone wolf mutant is on his own again and maybe the only hero willing to do the unheroic acts to save the world.

 Avengers vs. X-Men #3 is packed with plots within plots. We learn the aftermath of a supernatural showdown I really hope we see in AvX Vs or another tie-in book. I’m not giving this away because you can see it on the cover and you should have seen it coming – but there’s a brutal battle of wills, claws, and a shield between Cap and Wolverine.

  Round 3 supports my devotion to the mutants. I still suspect Cyclops’ actions aren’t entirely his own (the Void is still locked in his brain) but I want him to win maybe because he’s leading a hopeless cause against overwhelming odds. Cap is fighting for the Earth. Cyclops is fighting for a future. Like Scott, I have to believe that there’s a reason the Phoenix keeps coming back to the mutants.

Avengers vs X-Men “Let’s Talk Mutant to Mutant”

I’me enjoying Avengers vs X-Men but I think I’m liking the tie-in issues even more.



Spoiler Ahead


If you have NOT Avengers vs X-Men #3 then you may NOT want to keep reading.




Here it comes…


Wolverine and the X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  In Wolverine and the X-Men #10 Cyclops arrives at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning after escaping near capture by the Avengers on Utopia. Scott “just wants to talk.” Cyclops makes a plea for Logan to join him against the Avengers but was that really his endgame?

  Jason Aaron weaves several compelling stories about identity in this issue. Cyclops asking Logan to decide if he’s really an X-Man, Warren’s belief that he’s really an Angel or something else, and Genesis coping with who he hopes to be versus what we fear he could become…Apocalypse.

 From issue #1 this book has been a pure joy to read because of the great mix of action and humor. Aaron and Chris Bachalo pack plenty of action but this an issue that delves into the hearts and minds of these characters.

  The action will definitely kick in next issue as Gladiator is headed to Earth to get his son out of Logan’s school and off the planet before the Phoenix arrives. And the Emperor has ordered his Shiar Death Commandos to eradicate Hope and anyone standing in their way.

By Editor


Top 5 for 5/2/12

Avengers Vs. X-Men #3 courtesy

Avengers vs X-Men #3 Hope flares up as the Phoenix force speeds towards Earth. With the Avengers and X-Men at war, the mutant messiah sets out on her own agenda. Wolverine switches sides.

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha & Omega #5 Logan and Armor escape Kid Omega’s mental prison but the war isn’t over yet. Wolverine faces the Berserker and what will happen to Quentin when one of them wins

X-O Manowar #1 A Visigoth hero has an alien encounter. Aric escapes with the strange invaders’ high tech suit of armor to liberate his people from the Roman Empire but learns hundreds of years have passed. He’s a man out of time with the universe’s most powerful weapon trapped in our age. This marks the relaunch of the Valiant Universe of characters and the first talking comic book cover.

Earth 2 #1 courtesy DC Comics

Action Comics #9 Move over Clark Kent, make room for President Superman. The tale of an African-America Superman from an alternative reality taking on the new villain, SuperDoom!

Earth 2 #1 Who are the heroes of this alternative world? Old school favorites like Jay Garrick (the first Flash) and Alan Scott (the first Green Lantern) star in this brand new as DC Comics The New 52 launches a Second Wave where anything can happen. 

  Don’t forget this Saturday is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Go get a freebie, pick up something new and support your local comic book shop!

AvX Phoenix Rising in New Avengers


New Avengers #26 courtesy Marvel

What is the connection between Danny Rand and the Phoenix Force? New Avengers #25 revealed an ancient secret: X-Man Jean Grey was NOT the first vessel for the entity.

  Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato continue their beautiful tale of another red-haired girl, the prophecy of an approaching firebird, and how the Phoenix was once in Kun Lun issue 26.

  Fans of Jonathan Hickman’s SHIELD series (like me) will be pleasantly surprised by a guest star who aids Master Yu Ti in the search for answers to the girl and his dream. My only qualm is the misleading cover but I’m confident this tale of the past will tie into the meeting of Danny Rand and Hope as the Phoenix approaches Earth.


Seattle Super Heroes: Fact & X-Men Fiction

X-Factor #235 courtesy Marvel

 Seattle’s real and fictional super heroes take the spotlight this week. 

 Fiction: Someone or something is carving up Seattle’s super heroes. Marvel’s mutant detectives (including former X-Men) head to the Emerald City to investigate in this week’s X-Factor #235 by Peter David.

 Seattle’s Litterbug and The Insignia were introduced briefly only to be seemingly attacked in last month’s issue. In this week chapter a new villain named Scattershot is introduced. Given the cover – this new foe looks like a hybrid of two X-Factor members.

  Fact: The Pacific Northwest is the home of a real super hero movement. Phoenix Jones and his patrols of Seattle generated big new coverage. Here’s a link to the KOMONEWS.COM stories about his impact and the controversy. Citizen Heroes is a new documentary project exploring the real life superhero movement in Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon.

 Some of the real life heroes will be introducing Marvel movies this week when Avengers Assemble! at  SIFF Cinema takes over the Uptown Theater in Seattle. You can meet the local pop heroes before watching a different Marvel movie (Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger) each night before Earth’s Mightiest Movie arrives.

Astonishing X-Men Showdown Before the Wedding

Astonishing X-Men #49 courtesy Marvel

  Northstar’s past is coming back with a vengeance. A new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants is back on the attack. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins kicked off their Astonishing X-Men run with a frightening future sequence involving Northstar on the run from his new teammates.

  Issue 48 revealed Northstar and boyfriend Kyle’s home life in New York City and Gambit getting cozy with Dr. Cecelia Reyes (another blast from the past) when Wolverine, Iceman and Warbird show up. 

 Issue 49 is out and I’m eager for a major fight with this new villain team (which appears to be a mix of Matt Fraction’s Sisterhood and the Marauders from the Messiah Complex epic.) There must be a ton of quick action because a wedding is scheduled for next month’s issue.