A Geek’s “Revenge” Meets “X-Men” Crossover – Updated


New X-Men #131 cover courtesy Marvel.com

  Tonight is the finale of REVENGE on ABC so I thought it was a perfect time to revisit this crazy idea I had:

 They’re rich, powerful, blonde, manipulative and can deliver razor-sharp one liners like a Hand assassin throws a dagger.

  Emma Frost is the reformed White Queen of the Hellfire Club and now co-leader of the X-Men. Emma could teach Emily a few maneuvers!

  Nolan Ross (played by Gabriel Mann) is the witty, scheming, brilliant high-tech billionaire with too much time, money and tech on the hit ABC show Revenge.

  If ever too characters from similar worlds but different mediums should cross over its these two.  As I watch Revenge I can’t help but think if Emma had a long-lost twin it might be Nolan. Here’s to the “good” guys with an edge who keep us entertained.

 This is what happens when a geek has too much time his hands – spinning two of my favorite vices into a twisted idea. Disney does own both companies behind these properties and I can see Frost on holiday in the Hamptons crossing paths with Ross – if he survives tonight’s season finale. Here’s hoping because Revenge wouldn’t be as sweet without him!

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X Marks Diversity: How Northstar’s Gay Wedding Continues A Long Tradition

Astonishing X-Men #51

  The upcoming wedding of Northstar to Kyle in Astonishing X-Men #51 next month is the latest reason to celebrate our love of the mutant super heroes. From the beginning the X-Men represent diversity and overcoming differences. These heroes don’t just fight bad guys. They fight discrimination and intolerance.

  When Stan Lee created X-Men #1 his young heroes had powers because of genetics. Stan the Man conceived  “Born This Way” before Lady Gaga made it an anthem. Professor Xavier taught his students how to use their powers for the good of all humanity. Magneto was a Jew and his horrific experiences in World War II brought him into direct conflict with Xavier’s teachings.

  In the 1970’s Len Wein and Dave Cockrum helped introduce the “all new, all different” X-Men. The team’s new additions reflected the changing world. Ororo Munroe aka Storm was an African woman. John Proudstar/Thunderbird was an Apache Native American. His brother James would eventually take the code name Warpath. Shiro Yoshida was the first Japanese X-Man code-named Sunfire who later had his own team and title: Big Hero Six.

  German Kurt Wager is still my favorite X-Man. Nightcrawler lived the ultimate in irony. Kurt was a compassionate, devoted Catholic, sweet soul but genetics gave him the appearance of a demon. My other favorite is Kitty Pryde, a Jewish girl from Chicago who joined the X-Men as a teenager. Kitty was frightened of Kurt for years and their evolving friendship was one of my favorite ongoing storylines.

 Writer Chris Claremont was the creative force behind the X-Men for nearly two decades. Claremont made Storm leader of the team. In the early 1980’s having an African-American female in charge of the team was a big breakthrough. Storm would fall in love with Forge, a Native American mutant and Vietnam veteran. Storm would later become leader of X-Treme X-Men, the Queen of Wakanda (she married the Black Panther) and became an Avenger.

  Claremont explored the issue of apartheid with the creation of Genosha. On this island nation off the African coast mutants were enslaved and considered natural resources not equal citizens. The X-Men were involved in liberating the mutants of the nation over several storylines. 

The New Mutants graphic novel cover courtesy Marvel.com

  Claremont was creator of the future generation of X-Men. The New Mutants continued the legacy of creating diversity. Danielle Moonstar was a Cheyenne Native American and became team leader. Karma was a devout Catholic from Vietnam. Shan later came out as a lesbian. Sunspot was Brazilian. 

  John Byrne was a co-plotter and artist on the early Claremont era. Byrne created the Canadian team Alpha Flight including Northstar. Byrne said he intended to have Jean Paul come out back in the 1980’s but it was against editorial policy at the time and the comics code authority. In 1992 Northstar came out in Alpha Flight #106 under writer Scott Lobdell.

  Lobdell and Fabian Nicieza were the primary writers of the X-Men in the 1990’s. Lobdell co-created Generation X which included Skin, a Hispanic American who escaped from gang life in Los Angeles to join the team. M (Monet St. Croix) is Algerian, Muslim and became a popular member of X-Factor

Generation Hope #10 courtesy Marvel.com

  The X-Men welcomed Bishop, an African-American mutant from the future. Dr. Cecilia Reyes is a doctor of Puerto Rican background. She reluctantly joined but focused on her career as a surgeon instead of being a superhero. Neal Shaara is a Hindi from India who joined the team. Jubilee is an Asian-American “mall rat” who joined the X-Men and Generation X. Wolverine’s former sidekick is now a vampire. This is yet another example of how X-writers explore differences while telling a compelling action story.

  The 21st century saw the creation of more mutant heroes from diverse background. Dust is a devout Muslim Wolverine rescued from Afghanistan. Oya of Generation Hope is from Kenya and her religious beliefs make her think of herself as a monster. Frenzy is an African-American ex-villain who recently joined X-Men Legacy.

X-Factor's Shatterstar and Rictor courtesy Marvel.com

  Peter David pushes boundaries in X-Factor. After years of hinting that they were attracted to each other Shatterstar (a warrior from another dimension) and Mexican mutant Rictor fell in love. It’s not all perfect for this mutant couple because they often fight because of Shatterstar’s flirting. X-Factor has been nominated by GLAAD for Outstanding Comic Book Series. Other GLBT characters in the X-family include Anole, Bling and Graymalkin.

  The X-Men writers and editors have always reflected our world. Characters and storylines have been a way to directly or indirectly explore the issues of race, religion and sexual orientation. X-Men will always be a best-selling title because we can see ourselves, the conflict and the hope that we’ll learn from our differences, survive and thrive.

By Editor

I know there’s probably a favorite mutant I may have left out of this story. Please add a comment or email me who you think deserves to be added.

X-Men Gay Wedding Makes Marvel History: Updated!

Astonishing X-Men #50 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  The X-Men have always broken barriers with socially relevant stories and characaters. The mutant heroes will celebrate the wedding of Northstar in June’s Astonishing X-Men #51. Marvel’s first openly gay hero, Jean-Paul Beaubier will propose to his boyfriend Kyle Jinadu in this week’s issue #50. Creative team Marjorie Liu, Mike Perkins and Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso talk about the landmark issue on Marvel.com.

  “The Marvel Universe has always reflected the world outside your window, so we strive to make sure our characters, relationships and stories are grounded in that reality,” said Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor in Chief. “We’ve been working on this story for over a year to ensure Northstar and Kyle’s wedding reflects Marvel’s ‘world outside your window’ tradition.”

  “The story of Northstar and Kyle is universal, and at the core of everything I write: a powerful love between two people who have to fight for it against all odds,” said writer Marjorie Liu. “This is the quintessential Marvel story, one that blends the modern world with the fantasy of super heroes in order to tell an exciting story that begins with a wedding—and continues in ways you can’t imagine.”


Astonishing X-Men #51

“As a long-time fan of the X-Men, it’s not only a true honor to be part of such a historically significant story but also a complete joy,” said artists Mike Perkins.

  Northstar was born in Quebec and a member of the Canadian team Alpha Flight when he premiered in Uncanny X-Men #120. John Byrne wrote and drew the Alpha Flight original series and hinted as Jean-Paul’s sexual orientation. It wasn’t until 1992 when Northstar came out in an Alpha Flight #106 by Scott Lobdell. Northstar was recruited by Professor X to join the X-Men. Cyclops asked Jean-Paul to join the team when they moved to San Francisco. Kyle manages Northstar’s winter sports event company. The couple have been together since 2009 and recently moved to New York City after Wolverine invited Northstar to be part of his new school for mutants.

  As a longtime X-Men fan it’s amazing to see how this title reflects the times. When Northstar was first introduced in the 1980’s it was against editorial policy to have a character be gay. Northstar’s coming out in 1992 was controversial. Now we’re about see the wedding of a gay hero. Maybe Northstar will appear in a future X-Men movie? 

You can see the proposal tomorrow in Astonishing X-Men #50 and save the date – June 20th – for the big X-Men wedding.

By Editor

It’s Official: Gay X-Man Northstar Will Marry


Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel.com

  Marvel told fans to “save the date” for a wedding in Astonishing X-Men #51 this June. Fans speculated that Marvel’s first openly gay hero Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier) would marry his boyfriend Kyle. Today it’s official – the ladies of ABC’s The View made the announcement. Astonishing X-Men #50 by Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins is out this week – in which Jean-Paul proposes to Kyle Jinadu.


courtesy Marvel

  Jean-Paul is a native of Quebec and introduced in the 1980’s in Alpha Flight. Creator John Byrne said he always planned to have Northstar come out but Marvel’s editorial policy at the time wouldn’t allow it. Northstar came out in Alpha Flight by Scott Lobdell in 1992. Professor X recruited Northstar to be an X-Man and teach at the school. After joining, quitting (he was killed by a brainwashed Wolverine but resurrected) the X-Men and rejoining Alpha Flight Northstar started his own sports events company. He fell in love with his company manager, Kyle.

Astonishing X-Men #49 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

After Alpha Flight disbanded Northstar accepted Wolverine’s offer to be part of the Jean Grey School for mutants. Jean-Paul and Kyle will live in New York City and Northstar would commute (he’s a super speedster) to the school update.

Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy Marvel.com

I’m a big fan of Northstar’s twin sister Jeanne-Marie (Aurora.) Hope she’s able to come to the ceremony. Here’s a previous post with background on the GLBT mutants. We’ve come a long way in this country. I never knew when I wrote this post asking for Marvel to bring Northstar back into the X-Men family back in November of 2011 that I would be posting about his upcoming nuptials.

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Top 5 for 5/23/12

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel.com

Astonishing X-Men #50 Who’s the mystery woman behind the new Marauders attack on the mutants? Sure looks like a villainess from the classic Alpha Flight era. Marvel promised an X-Men wedding and a controversial ending to this issue – does that mean Northstar will propose to boyfriend Kyle – if they survive?

Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

Batman Inc #1 What’s better than Batman? How about Batmen stationed around the globe? The mastermind of the Leviathan organization is revealed and a new assassin is out for Batman and Robin. Goatboy may not sound menacing but remember mad man Grant Morrison is behind this and remember his Pyg?

Resident Alien #1 A stranded alien lives the life of a small town doctor until a murder mystery threatens to expose his cover.

Secret Avengers #27 It was suicide mission to stop the Phoenix from reaching Earth. The Protector betrays the team. Captain Marvel back from the dead? How do the Kree factor into the return of the Phoenix.

True Blood #1 courtesy IDW

True Blood #1 Ahhhhh Sookie! A new ongoing comic book series featuring the romantic exploits of HBO’s favorite telepathic fairy waitress and the two vampires who want her. With show creator Alan Ball and legendary comics writer Ann Nocenti on board this is sure to be a tempting comic to satisfy fans until Season 5 returns.

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Avengers Black Widow Bites X-Man Magik

  Let me say first that I loved Marvel’s The Avengers. I commend Joss Whedon for making the Black Widow work. Natasha is known for her Widow’s Bite. We kind of saw in the movie but it was never blatantly referenced. Black Widow is armed with bracelets that fire energy blasts – her bite. She kind of blasted one of the Chitauri in the big battle.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  I was reminded of that my by friend and fan Mitch and when I saw this awesome interior preview art (courtesy of Comic Book Resources in this week’s Axel-In-Charge column) of AvX Vs #3 by Terry Dodson. In this issue of the ‘all fights’ series the Russian superspy takes on the Russian mutant sorceress.  

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  Natasha vs Illyana doesn’t seem like a fair fight. Magik is the queen of a demon dimension. These preview pages don’t look good for Natasha but never underestimate the fighting and survival skills of the Widow.

  Ultimately I want the X-Men to win but I’m picking Natasha to win this one.

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Jason Aaron on Avengers vs X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel.com

  Jason Aaron is one of the minds behind Avengers vs X-Men epic and I love his Wolverine and the X-Men ongoing. I always wondered what it’s like to be comic book writer. I wanted to share this episode of MTV Geek’s Avengers vs X-Men War Journal. Aaron reveals is first comic book, how he got his big break, and the creative process behind AvX.

  I look forward to the episode with Ed Brubaker. At Emerald City Comicon, Matt Fraction jokingly warned Brubaker about the MTV Geek crew coming over to film at his home here in Seattle.

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AVX The Phoenix Fires Up An Illuminati Reunion

New Avengers #9

  This August Marvel’s secret society reunites against the threat of the Phoenix Force. The preview for New Avengers #29 given to Comic Book Resources teases the return of the Illuminati.

 Tony Stark, Professor X, Reed Richards, Namor and Doctor Strange gathered in secret over the years to protect Earth. This secret history was created by Brian Michael Bendis on his Avengers run. The group disbanded after the split decision to forcefully send the Hulk into space.

 From the cover by Ron Garney is appears Captain America is joining the super group. This is the first hint that Professor Xavier will join the Avengers vs X-Men conflict.

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