X-Men 2013: New Mutants, Dead Mutants?

Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

New characters, new books and endings pack the January Marvel solicitations out. Here are some of the X-related highlights that might inspire some fan frenziness and frustration.

  Uncanny X-Force #1 Sam Humphries and Ron Garney relaunch the covert team concept with Psylocke in command, Storm sporting a mohawk, Spiral and Puck and new character named Cluster? Any relation to Fantomex aka Charlie Cluster Seven I wonder? Could the X-team be pulling a genetic twist (in the tradition of Loki and Miss Sinister) and giving us a female Fantomex?

  X-Men Legacy #4, #5 In previous issues of this new book by Simon Spurrier Professor X’s son will go to Japan in search of new mutant twins. In this month’s preview two new villains out to destroy Legion: one is in his mind, one is hiding within the X-Men? Could this be an entity like Malice and a new shapeshifter?

  Wolverine and the X-Men #23 The fight with the murder circus continues and the “circus claims its victims!” Does this mean another student of the Jean Grey School will die?

  X-Men #40 is “the end of an era.” Does this mean an end to this title? The tension and distrust has been building and the “security team’s” insecurity may be their undoing.

Thanks to Comic Book Resources.

Cable and X-Force: Inside Marvel’s Most Wanted


Cable and X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

Nathan Summers is back running the team he founded back in the 1990’s. New Mutants evolved into X-Force. In recent years the X-Force concept evolved and the team was run by Wolverine as a covert ops unit doing the dirty work the X-Men couldn’t. In 2013 Cable and X-Force launches in the Marvel Now. Writer Dennis Hopeless recruits Colossus, Domino, Dr. Nemesis and Forge for this new team of mutants that have been branded as terrorists. Hopeless tells Comics Newsarama about his plans for the team and the roster.

  I was really interested in the inclusion of Colossus who has literally been to several versions of hell and back thanks to Magik, his bonding with Cyttorak and possession by the Phoenix Force. Apparently things will get even worse for Peter.

  “Colossus is coming out of a pretty dark period when our book kicks off. Peter has a lot of regrets. He’s an introspective guy and his recent past will definitely weigh on him. All of that will affect his decision-making for sure.

  Unfortunately, we won’t be giving the guy much of a break in which to reflect. He’ll be busy running for his life.”

  This new book marks a reunion between Nathan and Domino. Hopeless says don’t expect the former lovers to have the same dynamic.

“Domino has developed into a different kind of character lately. She’s matured some I think and like you said, she now at least tries to be a hero first.

  Both Domino and Cable have grown into different people than when they were together. Cable may not look it, but he’s a lifetime beyond the man Domino knew. He raised a daughter, got married and grew old with his wife. Fans shouldn’t expect these two to pick right back up where they left off and fall into bed together. That wouldn’t make any sense.

  But they are going to have to work together. They’ll have to figure out what all that history means in the here and now. It’s a complex relationship that’s very fun to write.”

I was thrilled to see that Dr. Nemesis will be part of the team. The genius egomaniac has a new look Hopeless said was redesigned by Salvador Larroca.

  Hopeless says he will address Forge and his most recent appearance in which he was the bad guy in the Ghost Boxes storyline.

  Sam Humphries and Ron Garney will launch a brand new Uncanny X-Force title. Hopeless says “there will definitely be some interaction between the two X-Force books. Just not right off the bat. These are very different books.”

For more of his interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.

 By Editor

Opinion: I’m in on this book because of Colossus, Domino, Dr. Nemesis and Salvador Larroca’s art. Making me like Cable? That’s the challenge for Hopeless but I’ll give it a try.


Wolverine and Doop by Allred

Wolverine and the X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  There are many reasons to love Jason Aaron’s Wolverine and the X-Men: Kitty & Iceman’s growing attraction, Kid Gladiator, Bamfs, Broo, Beast in full wacky professor mode, Logan’s tempter tested by Kid Omega, Toad’s crush on Husk and then there’s Doop!

  Mike and Laura Allred crafted the cover for this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #17 featuring Logan and Doop ready for action! The staff and students of the Jean Grey School try to soldier on despite the world burning in the grip of the Phoenix. One student may not survive this AvX tie-in.

  Allred co-created Doop with Peter Milligan back in an X-Force reboot which became X-Statix. Doop is now on staff at the Jean Grey School. Just one of the many characters Jason Aaron has on an amazing and eclectic palette of characters on the tite.

Thanks to Marvel.com.

Remender on the Future of Secret Avengers, Uncanny X-Force

Secret Avengers #29 courtesy Marvel.com

 Rick Remender is leading the charge into Marvel NOW! with Uncanny Avengers. The new book will feature a hybrid team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom. Remender has won acclaim for his work on undercover teams for both franchises (Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers) and for making eclectic team rosters work.

 Before AvX tie-in issues Remender created an ominous new threat in Secret Avengers. The Masters of Evil are back with a new leader and an entire nation under their control. The Descendants are a new race evolved from the most famous and infamous robots in Marvel history. Remender tells Marvel.com about what’s next for Hawkeye’s covert team.

  “I kind of look at [AvX] as an interlude [with the temporary team]. So, coming back into the regular fold, we open up with Hawkeye discovering that things are amiss in Bagalia, the red light nation, where we saw [him] and Captain America take a visit back in SECRET AVENGERS #21.1. And this is the arc where I am wrapping up all of Ed [Brubaker] and Warren Ellis’ Shadow Council stuff, taking all those threads and moving them toward one big story that ties in with the Master of Evil, Bagalia, Ibis [and] the Shadow Council. We drop in a squad of Secret Avengers who expect something is amiss but they don’t have any idea of quite the magnitude of what they’re about to deal with. You always want that escalation.

 So Hank Pym and Captain Britain are out dealing with Descendants investigations, trying to figure out what’s going on. We keep that Beast story percolating in the background, and the team here is Hawkeye, Venom, Ant-Man, and Valkyrie being sent down to Bagalia to investigate what’s going on, and that leads us to a four-issue story which I’m just calling “Masters of Evil right” now. The new Masters of Evil and how they all came together has a nice twist that [will] get revealed around issue #30.”

Uncanny X-Force #32 courtesy Marvel.com

  Remender revealed that Uncanny X-Force is getting a new member.

 “Well it’s something that we saw Grant Morrison touch upon in his last arc, with the evolution of E.V.A. becoming her own person, and I would put a big Spoiler Warning over this: If you’ve read UNCANNY X-FORCE #27, then you know that Fantomex takes the hit. It was something that Grant had set up as happening in his future story and I thought that it would be nice to respect that and actually show it happen. Beyond that, I also wanted Fantomex to take the hit because this is going to be a very Wolverine-centric arc. All the characters have had a lot of spotlight time in this, but Wolverine has not had a lot of personal stuff to deal with. And here he is now where the methodology of X-Force and what they’ve done with Evan, and then Fantomex cloning and growing a new Evan, have left Wolverine in a bit of a spot where he’s got this student of his who’s Apocalypse. And this is because of Fantomex, and now Fantomex is not there. Fantomex is off the picture so he’s dumped this in Wolverine’s lap to deal with.”

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for 6/13/12

Batman #10 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #10 The Court of Owls have manipulated Gotham City and Bruce Wayne. The sinister society’s assassins  have invaded the Batcave and threatened innocent lives. Batman takes the fight to them! DC promises that we’ll discover the mastermind behind the Court.

Avengers #27 Earth’s Mightiest Heroes betrayed by one of their own. Why this hero may have to kill his teammates to execute his own secret agenda. How the return of the Phoenix Force is tied to one of the most powerful alien empires in the Marvel Universe.

Deathstroke #10 Three words: Deathstroke, Liefeld, Lobo! Need more? Earth’s most ruthless mercenary/assassin written/drawn by Rob Liefeld out to hunt the most bad ass bounty hunter in the universe.

Uncanny X-Force #26 A clan of killers grown from one of Wolverine’s deadliest enemies. A brand new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Logan’s covert team has their hands full and Psylocke reunites with the ex-lover she killed.

Spider-Men by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel.com

Spider-Men #1 Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales meets Friendly Neighborhood Peter Parker. Two Spideys. One historic story.

By Editor

X-Men Wedding Follow Up: More Gay Mutants in Love

  Northstar’s upcoming wedding in Astonishing X-Men next month and the reintroduction of a gay Alan Scott Green Lantern inspired my story X Marks Diversity – which looked back at how the X-Men have always been groundbreaking when it comes to characters of different races, cultures, religions and sexual orientation.

X-Statix Volume 1 courtesy Marvel.com

I made a glaring omission. As I was reading today’s Axel-In-Charge column on Comic Book Resources  CBR’s Kiel Phegley reminded us that current Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso was editor of the Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather. This Marvel MAX series relaunched the Wild West hero as open and flamboyantly gay drew criticism from anti and pro gay groups more than a decade ago. This led Alonso to remind us of two other gay heroes.

  “There are plenty of gay characters in Marvel Comics that fly under the radar. Take Phat and Vivisector, for instance: teammates on the [Peter] Milligan/[Mike] Allred X-Force/X-Statix series that were also lovers. I don’t remember them provoking any controversy and I don’t think Rawhide Kid paved the road for them or any other gay characters; the opportunity was always there. Whenever you create a new character, the details of their interior or private life – stuff like their sexuality – will at some time become relevant.”

  Northstar’s proposal is Marvel history now. Alonso revealed how recent events affected the storyline.

 “Our best stories reflect stuff that happens in the world outside your window. When the Twin Towers fell, we did the Spidey black cover issue [“Amazing Spider-Man #36”]. when New York State legalized gay marriage, we wondered how Northstar – an openly gay super hero who’s in a long-term monogamous relationship – would respond to that development.

 The world outside New Yorkers’ windows is one where gay marriage is recognized. But remember: For Northstar and Kyle, getting married is just the beginning of the story – the easy part. Marriage isn’t about the week’s vacation in Tahiti – it’s about the weekend trip to the K-Mart. A year from now, who knows – we could be looking at the historic divorce issue!” [Laughter]

For more of today’s column – a Friday must for me and I recommend for Marvel fans- here’s the link.

  I complete forget this mutant couple and this X-Force reboot from two gifted creators! The title was so different at the time – I always thought of it as an X-Men book by Vertigo.

By Editor

Top 5 Picks for 5/9/11

Batman #9 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #9 The Night of the Owls crossover continues with a battle in the Batcave. Bruce’s last safe haven is invaded by the Talons. How will he save Alfred from a strike force of the undead assassins. What has Alfred’s family kept from the Waynes. Gotham City’s darkest family secrets are revealed in a back story.

Fatale #5 This mystery noir series with twists of supernatural horror has creeped with a slow burn until last issue’s violent shocker. Josephine may be immortal but her latest lover may not survive. Are they being chase by mobsters or monsters? Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips latest collaboration will deliver a bloody showdown as the first arc races to the finish.

New Avengers #26 Answers to one of the biggest and mind tingling mysteries begins here. How is Danny Rand connected to the Phoenix Force? Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato reveal the secret history of the firebird in a book of the dead Iron Fists. This is a crucial tie-in to Avengers vs. X-Men.

Trio #1 The legendary John Byrne is back with a brand new superhero series. The world calls them Rock, Paper, Scissors. I’m hoping this will capture the spirit of Byrne’s classic Fantastic Four run.

Uncanny X-Force #25 The Final Execution begins here with new villains after Wolverine’s covert team. Rick Remender has teased a team of enemies born from Omega Red and shopping mall for assassins in the sky. I suspect this will be another violent, game changing epic like The Dark Angel Saga – definitely watch this series.

A Seattle Man’s Marvel Universe!

  A friend introduced me to the work of this super creative and devoted Marvel  fan! I begged to be introduced so I could show off his creations to the geek world! I really love that he gave Nightcrawler his own cloud of brimstone!

  “Nightcrawler and X-Force are still under constructions, but that was probably about 4 hours so far,” Michael told me about the time he puts into this labor of love.

  “I started do customs/modifications because the toy companies either weren’t making the characters I wanted, or weren’t getting all of the details right, so I either made them from scratch or modified them,” he added.

  I wanted to know about Michael’s early influences and favorites.

  “My first comic was actually a Batman comic back in the seventies, but that was probably the only DC comic I really ever had – I have always been a diehard Marvel fan. Spider-Man was my favorite as a kid, but I have grown to love the X-Men more than anything (can’t narrow it down to one character – love Nightcrawler, Beast, Colossus, Iceman and Wolverine in that order).  Favorite villain is by far Apocalypse (can’t believe they haven’t made a movie with him as the villain).”

  Michael’s creations are so stunning I wanted to ask him about advice for other fans who turn their comic book heroes into models. 

  “As for any tips – make something that will make you happy looking at it on your shelf… it is exciting to know you can have a one of a kind figure that you created. 

 Michael – I salute your creativity and share your passion!