Psylocke & Fantomex Reunion in Uncanny X-Force

Uncanny X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel

Storm and Psylocke’s mission for Wolverine in the Los Angeles club underworld (with Alpha Flight’s Puck as their contact) has led to the return of Spiral and Bishop, the discovery of a new mutant child and a villain (maybe more of an evil entity – I won’t spoil!) from the classic New Mutants era.

Fantomex (now split into three bodies) may finally confront Betsy for the first time since Rick Remender’s Uncanny X-Force finale.

“Everyone loves a scoundrel. But, as we will see in Continue reading Psylocke & Fantomex Reunion in Uncanny X-Force

Brian Wood on Psylocke in X-MEN

X-Men #1 Psylocke variant courtesy Marvel
X-Men #1 Psylocke variant courtesy Marvel

There’s an amazing scene in X-Men #1 where Psylocke is portrayed as a psychic sniper. Armed with a telepathic bow and arrow, Betsy is poised to strike like Hawkeye in his first appearance in The Avengers film.

Betsy joins Storm, Kitty Pryde, Rogue and Rachel Grey in an all-female team on a mission to protect a mysterious orphan found by Jubilee. Writer Brian Wood tells how Betsy fits on this squad and her expanded powers as a “psychic ninja.”

“Psylocke’s primary role on this team is that of muscle, but in a very different way. My editor [Jeanine Schaefer] has unofficially tagged her “the point person” in the tactical Continue reading Brian Wood on Psylocke in X-MEN

Cable and X-Force In Space

Cable and X-Force #8 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #8 courtesy Marvel

Cable’s outlaws blast into space after unleashing an alien war criminal! Nathan, Domino, Colossus, Dr. Nemesis, Forge and now Boom Boom have been branded as terrorists.


Cable and X-Force #8 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #8 courtesy Marvel

In this month’s issue Domino and Boom Boom blasted Colossus and an alien inmate out The Raft.

The intergalactic outlaw was released to avoid the death of millions. How will Nathan bring it justice? Marvel shared Salvador Larroca’s art from Cable and X-Force #8.

The Uncanny Avengers have Continue reading Cable and X-Force In Space

Colossus: X-Man Needs Love

Cable and X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel

As I read Cable and X-Force #7 I had a thought about one of my favorite X-Men. Dennis Hopeless packs this issue with action, tense interactions and hilarious lines.

As bad girl Domino is breaking Colossus out of prison she tells him,”Look, I’m a big fan of yours. What can I say, big, burly and all sorts of broken. I’ve got a type.”

A sentiment shared by many girl and some guys for big emo lugs like Peter Rasputin.

The innocent Russian farm boy has had a universe of heartbreak and emotional torture over the years with deaths, resurrections, breakups and possessions.

Isn’t it about time Colossus get some… Continue reading Colossus: X-Man Needs Love


Cable and X-Force #6 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #7 courtesy Marvel

The family reunion you’ve been waiting for!

Cyclops face to face with his son in Cable and X-Force #7 out this week!

Scott and his revolution team recruited new students away from Logan’s school in the All-New X-Men #10 and Uncanny X-Men #4 crossover by Brian Michael Bendis.

Will Scott try to lure a member of Cable’s crew to his new Xavier School?

Here’s what writer Dennis Hopless says of the Cyclops/Cable dynamic:

“They’re both arrogant tacticians who prefer giving orders to explaining themselves. Their relationship is more complicated because Scott didn’t get the opportunity to raise Nate. Cable respects Cyclops, but as a peer not a parent. And yet, nature beat out nurture in this case because Scott ended up with a son who shares his most irritating personality traits.”

This stunning Salvador Larroca cover to Cable and X-Force #7 says it all: Daddy’s Home.

This will be the first time Cyclops and Cable have reunited since Scott formed the new Uncanny X-Men. How will Nathan respond?

For more of the interview here’s the link.

By Editor


Cable and X-Force #5 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #5 courtesy Marvel

A book for Hope Summers fans to watch out for! Cable faces his daughter, the mutant messiah of Avengers vs. X-Men in this week’s Cable and X-Force #8.

Hope Summers has been “exiled” from the flagship X-titles. I wanted to share some of writer Dennis Hopeless’s take on the Summers family dynamic. He says he’s explore Nathan’s relationship with the girl he raised and his father, Cyclops.

“I think in both cases, the relationship is hard because of how similar the fathers are to their children. Hope drives Cable nuts because she’s just like him. She’s headstrong and self-righteous, quick to grab a gun and solve every problem herself. Cable knows she learned it by watching him but wants his daughter to have an easier life than he did. Also, he trained her for life in a post-apocalyptic Continue reading CABLE AND X-FORCE Family Values

X-Man Possessed in UNCANNY X-FORCE

Uncanny X-Force #2 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Force #2 courtesy Marvel

Uncanny X-Force is the nasty, edgy wild child of the X-Men books in the Marvel Now. Sam Humphries and Ron Garney weave three story threads into one wicked tapestry and one hell of a cliffhanger in Uncanny X-Force #2.

Here’s what you need to know:

X-Force is over. Psylocke has serious issues. After what Rick Remender put Betsy through in the first volume of Uncanny X-Force who wouldn’t? Logan sends Psylocke and Storm (now sporting a mohawk and new post-annulment attitude) on a mission to investigate a bizarre new drug and the mysterious dealer in Los Angeles. Betsy and Ororo encounter Puck (of Alpha Flight) as their contact and the six-armed teleporting sorceress Spiral!

Psylocke’s ex has found the perfect new lover and partner-in-crime, himself! Fantomex is in love with his own female clone. If that’s not weird enough for you Continue reading X-Man Possessed in UNCANNY X-FORCE