New X-FORCE Roster and Surprise Member

X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

An All-New X-FORCE blasts into the All-New Marvel Now in 2014. Uncanny X-Force and Cable and X-Force will come to an end after the Vendetta crossover.


Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy) breaks down on the new roster and here’s the revamped look for each member by Rock-He Kim courtesy


“Cable. As in, the extraordinarily deadly grizzled old war dog and fancier of enormoguns. Slightly grimmer than the proverbial reaper.


Psylocke. Everyone’s favorite British aristocratic psi-warrior transplanted into the body of a nin-ja. Trying her best to quit killing. Not doing very well. Continue reading New X-FORCE Roster and Surprise Member

DOMINO & DAREDEVIL Flashback Friday

X-Men #38 courtesy Marvel

This week’s big news of a Daredevil series from Netflix and the first issue of Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe made me think of…Domino?


Hang in with me. Domino has luck power like Longshot. A new X-Force was announced without Neena on the team. All this made me think of when the luckiest mutant teamed up with the Man Without Fear.


In the category of “….and now for something completely different…” Continue reading DOMINO & DAREDEVIL Flashback Friday

X-FORCE The One and Only

X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

In the aftermath of the Cable and X-Force vs. Uncanny X-Force crossover Vendetta – there will be one single X-Force book. Marvel revealed plans for the new title by Si Spurrier (X-Men Legacy, Numbercruncher) via USA Today.


The rosters have changed but X-Force has always been the pro-active, clandestine unit of the X-Men doing what X-Men can’t…sometimes taking out their enemies before they can attack mutants.


The team will be Cable, Psylocke, Fantomex and the return of Continue reading X-FORCE The One and Only


Cable and X-Force #18 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #18 courtesy Marvel

X-Force vs. X-Force! The New Year kicks off with a bang as the two teams go to war. Marvel announced Vendetta at New York Comic Con and now we know new details of the fight between Cable’s crew and Psylocke’s squad battling all through January.


The bad blood and old scores will be settled in Vendetta coming to UNCANNY X-FORCE and CABLE & X-FORCE from the creative teams of Sam Humphries and Harvey Tolibao and Dennis Hopeless and Angel Unzueta. Continue reading X-FORCE vs. X-FORCE in VENDETTA


Uncanny X-Force #12 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Force #12 courtesy Marvel

At Rose City Comic Con I said to Sam Humphries he’s made Uncanny X-Force the naughty, twisted X-Men book of the extended mutant family. To which he grinned and said “yeah!”


Psylocke has had a fling with Fantomex and his female twin – at the same time. Storm is sporting her badass Mohawk – with the attitude to match. Spiral started out as the enemy but you’ll want to cheer for the six armed twisted sister now. Mojo’s former enforcer has entangled the team in the fight over a mutant mystery child, a bizarre cult and demonic animal spirits. Plus, this crazy book has Bishop and Puck from Alpha Flight. Continue reading UNCANNY X-FORCE Ready For War

Uncanny Avengers vs. X-Force

Cable and X-Force #14 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #14 courtesy Marvel

Cable and X-Force vs. Uncanny Avengers!


The final showdown happens in Cable and X-Force #14.


Hope may be the only one to save her adoptive father.


Writer Dennis Hopeless says don’t count Cable and company out just because they up against some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes. Continue reading Uncanny Avengers vs. X-Force

X-FORCE vs. AVENGERS Final Showdown?

Cable and X-Force #13 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #13 courtesy Marvel

Cable’s X-Force (Colossus, Domino, Boom Boom, Forge, Dr. Nemesis) and the Uncanny Avengers been circling each other like boxers in a ring but the final showdown is coming in Cable and X-Force #13. Marvel shared a first look inside the issue.


Writer Dennis Hopeless says don’t count Cable’s team out just because they up against some of the Avengers and X-Men’s heaviest hitters:


“There’s no denying that the Avengers are the safe bet here but it does say X-Force on the cover,” he notes. “Colossus is no slouch in a brawl, Domino and Boom Boom are both pretty scrappy and the X-Force science team of Dr. Nemesis and Forge always [has] a few tricks up their sleeves. We’ll see what they come up with,” Hopeless tells Continue reading X-FORCE vs. AVENGERS Final Showdown?

X-FORCE Movie Writer On His Favorite Mutants

Uncanny X-Force #18 cover courtesy
Uncanny X-Force #18 cover courtesy

Ever since it was announced Jeff Wadlow (Kick-Ass 2) was writing and possibly directing an X-Force geeks have been speculating which version of the team will blast their way across the big screen.


While Wadlow is not confirming the roster, he’s giving hope to the Deadpool faithful that the Merc With a Mouth could be featured. Here’s who Wadlow picked when asked about Screen Rant about his favorite X-Force members


“Look, I’m a huge Deadpool fan, who doesn’t love Wolverine – but obviously Cable Continue reading X-FORCE Movie Writer On His Favorite Mutants