LONGSHOT Saves The Marvel Universe Preview

Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe #1 courtesy Marvel
Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe #1 courtesy Marvel

Longshot’s luck did not run out with The End of X-Factor. The former X-Man stars in his own limited series Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe by writer Christopher Hastings and artist Jacopo Camagni. Longshot’s mullet it gone and he’s got chops.


Hastings says the hero with “good luck” powers will save Marvel from everything from “super powered serial killers to totalitarian government regimes to the total destruction of reality” in a new Marvel.com interview.


Longshot was created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams in their classic limited series then adopted by Chris Claremont’s X-Men for a long run before joining Peter David’s X-Factor. With such a strange origin and past Hastings tells viewers the simple reason to check out this new beginning for the hero. Continue reading LONGSHOT Saves The Marvel Universe Preview

All-New X-FACTOR Announced

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

A new beginning for Peter David and X-Factor revealed at New York Comic Con.


David hinted issue 260 of the new ended X-Factor held clues to his new project.


Then came the “Corporate” teaser.


Now we know there will be an All-New X-Factor by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico in 2014. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Announced

Peter David on X-FACTOR Finale

X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel

X-Factor Investigations closed up shop and X-Factor the comic book ended after 262 issues.


During Peter David’s acclaimed run he created a new take on the mutant team by having them work as detectives solving crimes police couldn’t.

David is working on a not yet revealed new project for Marvel and spoke with Comic Book Resources about the future of the cast he wrote for such a long celebrated run.

Continue reading Peter David on X-FACTOR Finale

The End of X-FACTOR

X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #262 courtesy Marvel

The End of X-Factor is almost here. The long-running series Peter David has written for more than a decade is coming to an end. It’s a time to look back at the innovative series and ahead to see the possible futures of the team members.


Back in the early 90’s there was Mutant Genesis (when Chris Claremont and Jim Lee launched the first X-Men #1) the original X-Men left their series, X-Factor, to join the two new X-Men teams/books. After diving up the popular characters into the two X-Men books, Excalibur and X-Force Marvel still had a title called X-Factor. Continue reading The End of X-FACTOR

Friday Flashback! X-Tinction Agenda

Uncanny X-Men #270 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #270 courtesy Marvel

Way back when there was only one X-Men book…seriously just one!


There was an X-Factor (the original 5 X-Men reunited) and the New Mutants (with a just introduced Cable, future founder of the first X-Force) but only one X-Book and Chris Claremont was at the top of his game with a thrilling, socially relevant epic.


At my local comic book shop’s 38th Anniversary I picked up the X-Tinction Agenda hardcover (at 38% off thanks to Zanadu) and relived the exciting epic I haven’t read since the original issues first hit shelves.


Genosha was an island nation that considered mutants a national resource and not citizens. Mutants were slave labor Continue reading Friday Flashback! X-Tinction Agenda

Comic Book Picks for August 7, 2013

All-New X-Men #15 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #15 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #15 Young Cyclops may be losing the love of his life to his best friend. Jean Grey turns her affection to another beast of a man.


Detective Comics #23 When Batman falls who will face the Wrath? Alfred proves he’s not ordinary butler when he steps up to take on the Anti-Batman.


Fatale #16 Josephine’s enemy gets a step closer in this new chapter set in Grunge Rock era Seattle. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips horror/crime noir epic of an immortal woman on the run reveals her connection to rock bands and a serial killer in the 1990’s Pacific Northwest. Continue reading Comic Book Picks for August 7, 2013


Quicksilver in Son of M courtesy Marvel
Quicksilver in Son of M courtesy Marvel

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is in talks to play Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The mutant criminal (and son of Magneto) turned Avenging hero is one of the most divisive characters in Marvel Comics.


While promoting Kick-Ass 2 the star was asked about the appeal of Quicksilver.


Taylor-Johnson points out his that he was still in talks but according to the story with Total Film, he has clearly been doing his research: Continue reading KICK-ASS Star on Quicksilver in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe

Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 courtesy Marvel
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 courtesy Marvel

The odds are in favor of Longshot fans! The End of X-Factor is near and one member of the team already has a new gig – saving the Marvel Universe!?


Peter David focused on Longshot and Shatterstar in last week’s X-Factor #259. Marvel revealed the luckiest X-Man will live on in a new series at San Diego Comic Con.


Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 by Christopher Hastings and Jacopo Camagni arrives this November. Continue reading Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe