Comic Book Legend on X-MEN APOCALYPSE

X-Factor #25 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #25 courtesy Marvel

Bryan Singer revealed the Children of the Atom face the world’s first mutant in X-Men Apocalypse in 2016.


Apocalypse first appeared in X-Factor (the original five X-Men.) Comic book legend Walt Simonson (Thor, Star Slammers) played an integral role in shaping what would become one of the greatest X-Men villains. You can see his version of En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse’s real name) on the cover of X-Factor #25.


Simonson points out his role in the bad guy’s evolution and his take on his transition from page to screen: Continue reading Comic Book Legend on X-MEN APOCALYPSE


All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David is back in business and business is oh so good in All-New X-Factor #1.
From government squad to detective agency and now corporate sponsored super heroes – David evolves X-Factor again.


Serval Industries is a leader in internet and weapons technology has bought the “X-Factor” brand name and “just wants to help people.”

You  must cautious and suspicious when Continue reading ALL-NEW X-FACTOR #1 Review


X-Factor #2 courtesy Marvel
X-Factor #2 courtesy Marvel

X-Factor is not just a superhero team…it’s a brand name.


This week an All-New X-Factor #1 hits comic book shops.


Peter David gives the mutant team concept a new twist: Serval Industries buys the “X-Factor” name and launches their own superhero group. Continue reading New ALL-NEW X-FACTOR Preview

First Top Comic Book Picks of 2014

Young Avengers #15 courtesy Marvel
Young Avengers #15 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Factor #1 The best mutants money can buy? Peter David recruits Polaris, Quicksilver and Gambit for his corporate team of heroes.


Avengers World #1 Captain America and Iron Man recruited a huge new team…and they may still not have enough Avengers! Nick Spencer joins Jonathan Hickman for a new globe-spanning epic with a focus on the rookies like Smasher, Cannonball, Sunspot and Shang-Chi.


Batman/Superman #7 It’s the Dark Knight vs. the Man of Steel is a trap set by Toymaster! Artist Brett Booth joins writer Greg Pak so this special “sideways” issue as our hero fight themselves with Mongul waiting in the wings! Continue reading First Top Comic Book Picks of 2014

All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Factor #1 courtesy Marvel

Peter David and X-Factor are back in business…literally!


All-New X-Factor #1 by David and Carmine Di Giandomenico is out this week.


From being the government’s mutant liaison team to a mutant detective agency – Peter David has evolved the X-Factor title over more than a decade of writing. Now David will evolve the book again with a brand new number one. Continue reading All-New X-FACTOR Evolves Again

Gay in the All-New Marvel Now?

Astonishing X-Men #51 courtesy Marvel


Suddenly you might wonder will GLBT characters have a home in the All-New Marvel Now?

Mutant lovers Rictor and Shatterstar are not part of the All-New X-Factor series. The previous volume earned a GLAAD Media Award for the portrayal of this couple rocky’s romance.

Astonishing X-Men #51 is famous for the landmark wedding of openly gay X-Man Northstar to Kyle Jinadu. Lesbian mutant Karma was part of this team, too but now that series is over. Continue reading Gay in the All-New Marvel Now?

Big Changes, Big Villains for All-Female X-MEN

X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

The all-female X-Men squad faces a powerhouse new Sisterhood of Mutants in the next arc by writer Brian Wood. A redesigned Lady Deathstrike leads a new alliance of evil against the women in two back to back arcs: Muertas (with artist Terry Dodson) and Ghosts with artist Kris Anka.


In the aftermath of Battle of the Atom – one team member has switched sides, another has seen her future. Wood tells how that plays out in his series: Continue reading Big Changes, Big Villains for All-Female X-MEN


Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 courtesy Marvel
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Factor is over for now but the odds are in favor of Longshot fans! The luck powered hero from another dimension already had a new job: saving the Marvel Universe!?


Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 by Christopher Hastings and Jacopo Camagni arrives this week.


I’ve been a huge fan of Longshot and highly recommend the original limited series by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams. I like having Longshot in the mix with the X-Men but he’s not a mutant. I always thought Longshot would be a great addition to the Avengers or out of the shadow of other team and become a solo star. Continue reading LONGSHOT Returns!