Best of 2012 DC Comics


Batman #11 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #11 courtesy DC Comics

Best New Series: Talon the killer who got away from the Court of Owls is back for vengeance.

Best Continuing Series: Batman by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo! How do follow up the Court of Owls? Bring back the Joker and make him more horrific and twisted then ever1

Best Artist: Greg Capullo Batman

Best Writer: Scott Snyder Batman, American Vampire, Swamp Thing

Best Single Issue: Batman #5 Here’s my review when this came out back in January.

Best Comeback: Joker

Best Surprise: Superman kisses Wonder Woman in Justice League #12

Best New Talent: James Tynion IV (Batman backup stories, Talon)

By Editor

Hell and Heartbreak for Superman?

Superman #14 courtesy DC Comics

The Man of Steel is facing a powerful new enemy, trying to keep a burning new romance secret and going through major changes.

Clark Kent quit his job. A fellow member of the Justice League caught Superman kissing Wonder Woman again.

This week in Superman #14 work and love takes a backseat when Clark must deal with “He’l On Earth” when a new Kryptonian villain strikes. Continue reading Hell and Heartbreak for Superman?

Top 5 Comics For 11/21/12

Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

Captain America #1 The Star-Spangled Avenger’s new adventure take a sci-fi spin. No country. No allies. Steve Rogers is alone in a bizarre dimension packed with new enemies and an amped up old villain

Indestructible Hulk #1 Bruce Banner and his monstrous alter ego working together? Meet SHIELD’s biggest, brainiest new agent!

Batwoman #14 The thrilling showdown between Kate and Wonder Woman against the madness of Medusa!

Star Trek #15 You’ve got to love Spock in a stache! Yes, it’s time for a brand new adventure in the Mirror, Mirror universe!

Wolverine and the X-Men #21 This may be Thanksgiving week but a terrifying new villain stalks the staff and kids of the Jean Grey School! Frankenstein’s Murder Circus turns Storm, Logan and Bobby into their strangest new showstopppers.

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Editor


Celebrate DC Comic Love

courtesy DC Comics

Superman and Wonder Woman shared a passionate kiss in Justice League #12 but this February Clark and Diana aren’t the only lovers to watch out for DC Comics revealed.

An all-star team of writers and artists will create heroic Valentine tales in Young Romance: A New 52 Valentine’s Day Special #1. Diana consults the God of Love over her feelings for Clark, Batgirl and Nightwing may find new loves, Catwoman rekindles her flame with Batman, Apollo and Midnighter are separated on the big holiday and Aquaman shows he knows how to woo a spouse.

The giant issue full of romantic tales comes with Valentine’s Day cards with DC favorites. Are you in love with this cover by Kenneth Rocafort?

This romantic issue comes out February 6.

By Editor

Cat Fight in Justice League #13

Justice League #13 courtesy DC Comics

  Love Bites! Wonder Woman’s romantic kiss with Superman is interrupted by the bite of a classic villainess reborn!

  The Cheetah roars and rips her away into DC Comics The New 52 this week in Justice League #13. Superman and Wonder Woman’s passionate kiss from last issue leads a hero left alone but the attraction is still burning when they reunite later in the Watchtower.

  The real stars of this issue are the Cheetah, Wonder Woman and Tony Daniel! The Batman/Detective Comics writer creates a savage showdown between the Amazon and her friend turned mortal enemy in Central Park. The title splash page should be a poster on the walls of Diana worshipping geeks. By the end of the issue the team is in the Congo tracking down the villainess when she attacks and Geoff Johns leaves us with a savage cliffhanger. Johns and Daniel transformed a villain with a silly past into a badass with a ferocious future!

  Writer Jeff Lemire joins Johns on the backup story with Steve Trevor drinking after being dumped romantically by Wonder Woman and professionally by the Justice League. The appearance of another hero sets the stage for Trevor’s comeback in Justice League of America #1 coming soon.

By Editor

Batwoman & Wonder Woman Team Up!

Batwoman #13 courtesy DC Comics

The Batwoman/Wonder Woman crossover continues this week! DC Comics brought together the most iconic woman in comics and the most buzzed about new heroine of the modern age. Wonder Woman guest starred in this Batwoman #12 as Kate Kane chased the urban legend, Bloody Mary.

Batwoman #12 courtesy DC Comics

In this week’s Batwoman #13 Wonder Woman and Kate teams up to fight Medusa!

Batwoman #14 courtesy DC Comics

DC Comics shared a preview of Batwoman #14 in November. The Batwoman/Wonder Woman team up continues but Kate may be in over her head against Medusa.

By Editor

Superman & Wonder Embrace in Space!

Justice League #12 courtesy DC Comics

  Superman and Wonder Woman finally expressed their love and shared a kiss in Justice League #12. Buzzfeed shared Jim Lee’s cover for the reprint of the future classic issue in which DC’s most powerful man and woman declared their love and began their super-romance. The second printing of Justice League #12 arrives this Wednesday.

Is this a signal that Kal-El and Diana will keep their romance a secret from the world and other heroes?

By Editor

Wonder Woman vs. New Gods?


Wonder Woman #15 courtesy DC Comics

The New Gods of Jack Kirby’s Fourth World are crashing into The New 52! Orion appeared at the end of Wonder Woman #12. DC Comics shared this amazing cover and announcement for Wonder Woman #15.

  Wonder Woman versus Orion – Round One! Why is the New God fighting the Amazonian warrior? Find out this December in the latest chapter by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang.

By Editor