Top 10 Comics for June 25, 2014

Batman #32 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #32 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #32  The Dark Knight vs. the Riddler for control of Gotham City. The fight that shaped the future of Batman, Jim Gordon and their crusade. The next to the last chapter of Bruce Wayne’s Zero Year by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo.


C.O.W.L. #2 A union of fallen super heroes fights to recapture their power, status and love of the public. What are they willing to sacrifice to win back their glory. A retro tale of 1960’s heroes with edge, guts and themes right out of our world today by  Kyle Higgins, Alec Siegel and Rod Reis


New Avengers #30 & New Avengers Annual #1 Marvel is conjuring a Dr. Strange movie and here are two intertwined tales of the Master of the Mystic Arts. How far is Dr. Strange willing to go to stop the heroes of a rival universe to save our Earth? Then in the Annual, Strange must return to the Himalayas to settle a debt with a sect of monks unlike any you’ve seen.  The Sorcerer Supreme already bargained in Hell for the power to save the planet -but will he lose his soul? Continue reading Top 10 Comics for June 25, 2014


Dark Wolverine #76 courtesy Marvel
Dark Wolverine #76 courtesy Marvel

Logan will be killed in Death of Wolverine by Charles Soule and Steve McNiven. Marvel says it’s serious about killing off the fan-favorite X-Man. The final journey began this week as Three Months To Die began in Wolverine #8 by Paul Cornell and Kris Anka.


While the story potential of a World Without Wolverine is incredible, this geek has a burning question: Could someone else become the next Wolverine?


In an earlier chapter I explored how Logan’s arch-enemy Sabretooth could assume the role. If Doc Ock could become a Superior Spider-Man, could one of Logan’s rivals become a Savage, Ruthless or Superior Wolverine?


What about Daken? Continue reading THE NEXT WOLVERINE Part II

Top Comics For June 11, 2014

Uncanny X-Men Special #1 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men Special #1 courtesy Marvel

Armor Hunters #1 A ruthless strike team is heading to Earth to kill X-O Manowar and seize his alien armor. Earth is the hunting ground and every Valiant hero and villain will be caught up in the war. Valiant’s big event blasts off here in the first chapter by Robert Venditti and Doug Braithwaite.


Detective Comics #32 Batman feels the grip of the ruthless crime boss known as the Squid as he races to find a killer. It’s a twisted murder mystery in which Bruce Wayne is a suspect from the creative team that relaunched The Flash into the New 52. Continue reading Top Comics For June 11, 2014


Wolverine #8 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine #8 courtesy Marvel

The final adventure of a fan-favorite X-Man begins this week.


Three Months To Die begins in Wolverine #8 by Paul Cornell. Then Death of Wolverine by Charles Soule follows.


When Cornell took over Logan’s solo book he took away the X-Man’s healing power in Killable then in Rogue Logan Wolverine has left the Jean Grey School and works for a low-life criminal. Turns out it was all part of an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. operation giving Logan a shot at Sabretooth. Continue reading WOLVERINE: THREE MONTHS TO DIE Begins



Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel

Amazing X-Men #8 is the beginning of a new arc by a new creative team that will take some fans into the past.


This week Craig Kyle and Chris Yost kicked off World War Wendigo. When the leader of Alpha Flight goes missing, Logan goes to Canada to help Heather Hudson find James. The suspenseful issue ends with not one but an outbreak of the man-eating monsters. Can X-Men and Alpha Flight stop the beasts?


Amazing X-Men #8 is the first of a five part arc by Kyle, Yost and Ed McGuinness that feels new but nostalgic and reminds me of one the first times a comic book actually scared me! Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN INSPIRES UNCANNY Flashback


Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel

Gruesome murders.

Happy reunions.

Sharp toothed monsters

Even sharper humor.


Craig Kyle and Chris Yost kick off their return to the mutant mythos with an exciting first issue. The team who created X-23 are back at the mansion with a chapter filled with action, suspense and humor in Amazing X-Men #8.


What I loved most is the team’s ability Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN #8 Review

Top Comics For June 4, 2014

Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #8 courtesy Marvel

Amazing X-Men #8 Colossus returns! Alpha Flight guest stars! A whole bunch of man-eating monsters! Chris Yost and Craig Kyle (New X-Men, X-Force) are the new creative team as World War Wendigo begins! Logan goes North, monster outbreak explodes in Canada.


Batman Eternal #9 The Dark Knight is Gotham’s Most Wanted as a gang war rocks the city with Jim Gordon in prison. Why does Batman head for Hong Kong for an unholy alliance to save Gotham? Continue reading Top Comics For June 4, 2014