X-Factor Reunion Pt One

X-Factor #230 courtesy Marvel.com

  X-Factor #230 wasn’t a point one issue but I felt the urge to pick up the book after a long absence. The stunning David Yardin cover (with Wolverine) was tempting and heck I’m trying everything else with the Regenesis banner. I’m excited to encourage you to book an appointment with X-Factor Investigations. This issue is a lesson in what point one issue should be.

  This is what a ‘jumping on’ or in my case ‘jumping back on’ issue is all about – a character driven story showing just enough to provide an introduction and invitation to learn more about the agency’s diverse, fun, engaging staff.

  Emaneula Lupacchino’s art is gorgeous. She makes the characters expressive with their facial cues and body lanaguage giving you part of the story.

  X-Factor leader Jamie Madrox is dead to the team but really travelling through other dimensions. Wolverine’s guest appearance isn’t just a sales stunt but a critical part of the team’s evolution. Logan and Butterfly share a moving exchange as she grieves for Jamie, but is there for another purpose. Wolverine is recruiting X-Factor for his plan for mutantkind and brings in their newest members – Havok and Polaris – more on that reunion later.

 X-Factor #230 is “my one book you should try this week.” I just made up a new segment! I felt like I never left and I think you’ll want to get to know the enjoyable cast of X-Factor.


AVX Captain America Versus Wolverine

AVX Image by John Romita Jr courtesy Marvel.com

  Captain America Versus Wolverine! The latest Marvel teaser image shows the All American Avenger locked in battle with the Canadian X-Man/Avenger by John Romita Jr.

  Logan has ties to both teams but this sure makes you think he will choose his fellow mutants in the upcoming war ignited by the return of the Phoenix.

Top 10 for 1/11/12

Wolverine #300 cover by Adam Kubert courtesy Marvel.com

Wolverine #300 Logan travels back to Japan to face his most dangerous enemy yet. The evil hits home when a brand new Silver Samurai claims Wolverine’s daughter as his own. Jason Aaron’s final arc on Logan’s solo series begins here. Bring the pain!

The Incredible Hulk #4 It’s freaky to think that Bruce Banner’s mind may be more dangerous than the Hulk! It’s the Green Goliath versus an army of Hulked out monsters that call Bruce dad!

Batgirl #5 Batgirl is reeling from the shocking return of a ghost from her past but there’s no time for therapy because a new killer is stalking Gotham City. No man can resist the power of Gretel not even guest star Bruce Wayne.

Amazing Spider-Man #677 Spidey and Daredevil team up in what Marvel is calling the next great love triangle. Matt Murdock is on the case when Black Cat is arrested. This is part one of a cross-over in which the femme fatale gets her claws into Spider-Man and Daredevil.

Cobra Annual 2012 The Origin of Cobra G.I. Joe’s archenemy gets the spotlight! A new Cobra Commander emerges in the aftermath of the Cobra Civil War. All this classified info is ripped and revealed in a first ever all Cobra issue from legendary writer Chuck Dixon. 



X-Men Schism – 11 of 2011


X-Schism collection cover courtesy Marvel.com

One of the biggest comic events of 2011 was X-Men: Schism. New villains and one misguided mutant trigger an international incident that inflames anti-mutant hatred. When all X-Men should stand together, one decision leads to the destruction of the very foundation of the team. Jason Aaron delivered shocking new villains, a global threat to mutant existence and a Cyclops/Wolverine battle for the ages. 5 of the best artists on the industry illustrated a chapter in the tale that changed the X-Men.

There is plenty of tense action but there’s heartbreak and raw emotions. From Wolverine and Cyclops reaching the breaking point to Idie’s reaction to an impossible scenario no child should have to endure, Aaron created a story that will reverberate with the divided X-family for years to come.

Generation Hope’s Idie may be the X character that defined 2011. The young mutant was responsible for schism, death and reinvention. Idie was one of the breakout characters of 2011.

This collection out today includes X-Men: Schism 1-5, Generation Hope 10-11 and X-Men: Regenesis.

By Editor

Jason Aaron’s Final Wolverine Arc

Wolverine #300 cover by Adam Kubert courtesy Marvel.com

  A Wolverine milestone, a new villain and creative changes from Marvel today.

Wolverine #300 will be the start of Jason Aaron’s final arc on the title and takes Logan back to Japan.

  “This is a good story to go out on. It’s the biggest Wolverine story I’ve ever done. Threads I’ve set up over my entire run come to a head. There has been a power vacuum in Japan since Silver Samurai died in Wolverine #1 and now everybody is fighting for it,” said Aaron.

  Wolverine #300 will introduce a new Silver Samurai, son of the original, but Aaron says is very different from his father. The milestone issue features the return of Sabretooth. Aaron says he has plans for the new Silver Samurai beyond this arc.

Wolverine #300 interior art courtesy Marvel.com

  Victor Creed’s comeback will be explained in another story by Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi – the same team that killed Sabretooth in a previous Wolverine series run.

  Aaron said his two big Wolverine in Japan influences are the Wolverine limited series by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller and Blood Debt by Steve Skroce.

Wolverine #300 interior art courtesy Marvel.com

  Yukio (Logan’s lover and the woman who inspired Storm to get a mohawk way back around the time of Wolverine’s almost wedding to Lady Mariko) and Amiko (Logan’s adopted daughter) are confirmed to be big parts of this story. 

  Adam Kubert, Ron Garney and Steven Sanders are the artists working on the landmark issue divided into 3 parts.

  Jason Aaron’s final Wolverine arc begins in January. Aaron will stay on Wolverine and the X-Men. For the entire presser click this link on Marvel.com.

  For movie fans – the next Wolverine movie is said to be based on the Claremont/Miller Wolverine in Japan story with the original Silver Samurai as the villain.

Wolverine #300 wrap cover art by Geoff Darrow courtesy Marvel.com

The End for X-23 and Daken

X-23 #21 cover preview courtesy Marvel.com

  Marvel’s March previews mark the end for Wolverine’s children. X-23 #21 is the series finale for Laura Kinney but she will live on. Logan’s cloned daughter is joining Avengers Academy. Marvel revealed X-23 writer Marjorie Liu is taking over Astonishing X-Men with #48 in March.






Daken: Dark Wolverine #22 cover preview courtesy Marvel.com

  Daken: Dark Wolverine ends with issues # 22 and #23 as “Daken’s terminal disease is in its final stages.” 

  This is the final confrontation between Wolverine and his son. There no plans for Daken to appear in another series. These issues come with a parents advisory 


Astonishing Changes for Astonishing X-Men!

Astonishing X-Men #48 cover courtesy Marvel.com

  Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins are the next creative team on Astonishing X-Men starting with issue #48. Marvel announced the changes today in their Next Big Thing presser. This will be Liu’s first official team book. The lineup is Wolverine, Warbird, Northstar, Gambit, Iceman, Cecelia Reyes and Karma.

“We’ve got Northstar moving back to New York and he’s going to be living with his boyfriend, Kyle,” Liu said. “Another side of it, we’ve got characters like Cecelia and Gambit circling each other and [Gambit] moving into his own apartment in Westchester.”

 Liu’s first issue will settle in the team and introduce the villains, the Marauders. Liu has added the Vanisher and Chimera to the Marauders, but did not comment on the rest of the current team line-up. The Marauders were last seen in Messiah Complex. Chimera was part of the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants. Vanisher was a uwilling member of X-Force. The Marauders have always worked for Mister Sinister but Liu confirmed Sinister will not be part of this storyline. No word on who is pulling the strings on this incarnation of the mutant mercenaries.

I’m excited to see Northstar back with the X-Men. You may have read my post on why Jean Paul should join Logan’s school. Seeing Cecilia and Karma on board is a thrill too. Warbird is a Shiar bodyguard to Kid Gladiator who just joined the Jean Grey School in Wolverine and the X-Men.

I’m a huge fan of Liu’s previous work on NYX: No Way Home, X-23 and Daken: Dark Wolverine and I’m eager to read what she will do with a larger cast in a new corner of the X-Men universe.

Which Side Will Beast Choose: Avengers Versus X-Men?


The evolving looks of Beast on Secret Avengers #13 courtesy Marvel.com

Oh My Stars and Garters!” which side will Beast take in Avengers Versus X-Men? Marvel’s hairy hero shares a history with both teams. Hank McCoy is a brilliant scientist but he often goes with his heart over his head when it comes to a fateful decision.

  Hank is one of Professor X’s original X-Men. After leaving Xavier’s Hank worked for the Brand Corporation where an experiment turned him into the blue hairy beast he is now. The Avengers recruited Hank where he made lifelong friendships with Captain America, Iron Man and other iconic Avengers. Hank always came to help the X-Men in their time of need like the Dark Phoenix Saga but always returned to the Avengers.

  Because of government intervention of the Avengers, Beast leaves, briefly joins the Defenders along with original X-Men Angel and Iceman. When Jean Grey is found alive, all 5 original X-Men reunite to form X-Factor for a long run of adventures.

Beast leaves Utopia from Uncanny X-Men courtesy Marvel.com

  All 5 rejoin the X-Men for many years. Beast used his brains and brawn to help protect the mutant race while facing several ethical dilemmas. Shortly after establishing Utopia, Hank became disillusioned with Cyclops leadership and vision for the X-Men.

  Captain America recruited Hank for the Secret Avengers but when Wolverine decides to split the X-Men, Hank answers his call for help. Hank rebuilds the old Westchester school now named after Jean Grey.

  Wolverine and Storm are members of both X-Men and Avengers. Beast is back with the Logan’s X-Men but could he go against Captain America and his old friends in the Avengers?

  As the Phoenix targets Earth looking for a host, I expect Hank push himself to find a scientific solution even if it means exploring unethical options. Hank has been tested so many times: trying to find a cure for the Legacy Virus knowing that a mutant would have to die in order to save millions or reaching out criminal geniuses like Doctor Doom and Mr. Sinister in order to save the mutant race from extinction after M-Day.

New X-Men #117 courtesy Marvel.com

  I think Beast will try to be the peacemaker. Hank is a natural bridge between the teams. A shocking decision related to the impending return of the Phoenix is what triggers the war. Cyclops is willing to make more drastic decisions and sacrifices than Captain America. Hank’s disillusionment with Scott has only grown so I would expect him to side with the Avengers. I expect Marvel’s most brilliant yet thoughtful scientist hero to be tested to his limit in AVX.