Warbird’s Reveal to Wolverine


Astonishing X-Men #50 by Mike Perkins, courtesy Marvel

Warbird is not a mutant but she’s a welcome addition to the X-Men family. Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo introduced the Shiar warrior women in Wolverine and the X-Men #1. Warbird is the bodyguard to Kid Gladiator, a student at Logan’s school.

 This “Kid” is the arrogant son of the Shiar Emperor. You know him as Gladiator, former leader of the Imperial Guard under Lilandra.

Warbird’s real name is Ava’Dara Naganandini. She’s an elite warrior sworn to protect the ruling family of the Shiar Empire. Warbird was assigned to protect Kid Gladiator and she’s fought with Wolverine and the teachers of the Jean Grey School of Higher Learning.

 Marjorie Liu is using Warbird on her team in Astonishing X-Men too. The first time Liu and Mike Perkins showed in that series she was holding a severed head and the last issue she announced she wanted to engage in “mating rituals” with Iceman after a battle with the Marauders.

 Warbird has super strength and exceptional fighting abilities. A fan asked Liu about the warrior woman’s other abilities in the latest X-Position on Comic Book Resources.

“She reveals a startling ability to Wolverine in issue #50” Liu responded and get my mind swirling.  Wolverine knows how to pick ’em. Will Logan engage in “rituals” with the Shiar?

  Liu transformed a ruthless killer into a character you could sympathize with during her X-23 run. I’m excited to see what Liu will do with this new character that’s already made a killer impression.

By Editor

Top 5 Picks for 5/9/11

Batman #9 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #9 The Night of the Owls crossover continues with a battle in the Batcave. Bruce’s last safe haven is invaded by the Talons. How will he save Alfred from a strike force of the undead assassins. What has Alfred’s family kept from the Waynes. Gotham City’s darkest family secrets are revealed in a back story.

Fatale #5 This mystery noir series with twists of supernatural horror has creeped with a slow burn until last issue’s violent shocker. Josephine may be immortal but her latest lover may not survive. Are they being chase by mobsters or monsters? Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips latest collaboration will deliver a bloody showdown as the first arc races to the finish.

New Avengers #26 Answers to one of the biggest and mind tingling mysteries begins here. How is Danny Rand connected to the Phoenix Force? Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato reveal the secret history of the firebird in a book of the dead Iron Fists. This is a crucial tie-in to Avengers vs. X-Men.

Trio #1 The legendary John Byrne is back with a brand new superhero series. The world calls them Rock, Paper, Scissors. I’m hoping this will capture the spirit of Byrne’s classic Fantastic Four run.

Uncanny X-Force #25 The Final Execution begins here with new villains after Wolverine’s covert team. Rick Remender has teased a team of enemies born from Omega Red and shopping mall for assassins in the sky. I suspect this will be another violent, game changing epic like The Dark Angel Saga – definitely watch this series.

Avengers vs. X-Men Round 3 Wrap


Avengers vs X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel.com

Steve Rogers is ruled by his sense of responsibility. Scott Summers is ruled by passion for his cause. Logan is driven by both. The lone wolf mutant is on his own again and maybe the only hero willing to do the unheroic acts to save the world.

 Avengers vs. X-Men #3 is packed with plots within plots. We learn the aftermath of a supernatural showdown I really hope we see in AvX Vs or another tie-in book. I’m not giving this away because you can see it on the cover and you should have seen it coming – but there’s a brutal battle of wills, claws, and a shield between Cap and Wolverine.

  Round 3 supports my devotion to the mutants. I still suspect Cyclops’ actions aren’t entirely his own (the Void is still locked in his brain) but I want him to win maybe because he’s leading a hopeless cause against overwhelming odds. Cap is fighting for the Earth. Cyclops is fighting for a future. Like Scott, I have to believe that there’s a reason the Phoenix keeps coming back to the mutants.

Avengers vs X-Men “Let’s Talk Mutant to Mutant”

I’me enjoying Avengers vs X-Men but I think I’m liking the tie-in issues even more.



Spoiler Ahead


If you have NOT Avengers vs X-Men #3 then you may NOT want to keep reading.




Here it comes…


Wolverine and the X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  In Wolverine and the X-Men #10 Cyclops arrives at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning after escaping near capture by the Avengers on Utopia. Scott “just wants to talk.” Cyclops makes a plea for Logan to join him against the Avengers but was that really his endgame?

  Jason Aaron weaves several compelling stories about identity in this issue. Cyclops asking Logan to decide if he’s really an X-Man, Warren’s belief that he’s really an Angel or something else, and Genesis coping with who he hopes to be versus what we fear he could become…Apocalypse.

 From issue #1 this book has been a pure joy to read because of the great mix of action and humor. Aaron and Chris Bachalo pack plenty of action but this an issue that delves into the hearts and minds of these characters.

  The action will definitely kick in next issue as Gladiator is headed to Earth to get his son out of Logan’s school and off the planet before the Phoenix arrives. And the Emperor has ordered his Shiar Death Commandos to eradicate Hope and anyone standing in their way.

By Editor


Avengers vs X-Men Round 2

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel.com

  Avengers vs X-Men #2 kept the action going and starting shredding friendships. Cyclops took the first shot and in round 2 fired his second attack via a new spin on the fastball special! Captain America unleashes his army of Avengers (including Wolverine) to take Utopia.

  The issue is action packed with lots of fights and I want to see more. At first the idea of AvX Vs (the book of all fighting) seemed like marketing but now I can’t wait. I see how it makes story sense. The fights erupt but the main story must move forward so if you want to see more of the battles (Namor, Thing, Luke Cage is one I particular can’t wait to see) you can cheer on your favorite in Vs.

  While it’s amazing to see these clashes it’s hard to watch because of the friendships and relationships being battered – that’s a compliment to the writers and particular Jason Aaron, scripter of round 2. Cyclops and Captain America’s verbal exchange as they pound each other is perfect as they try to convince the other to stand down. 

  A surprise player enters the battleground while one key character’s simple drawing is an omen of the destruction and despair ahead. Wolverine is a man torn between friends and once again forced to do what no other hero can but with a potentially frightening outcome Logan didn’t expect.

  AVX is living up to the hype.

“The Wolverine” Sets Shoot Date Down Under

Wolverine #304 courtesy Marvel

  X-Man Logan’s next 80 million dollar movie adventure in Japan will shoot in star Hugh Jackman’s native country. Fox’s The Wolverine will start shooting in August in Sydney said the New South Wales Deputy Premier according to The Hollywood Reporter.

 “I couldn’t be more excited to return to Australia to film the next chapter in the Wolverine saga, thanks to the significant support from the federal and NSW governments,” Jackman said. “It will be great to work with the highly talented crew and to provide employment opportunities to so many people across all levels of the industry. Not to mention, [wife] Deb and I will get to spend some time with the family back in Australia.”

  The film has been said to be based on the first Wolverine limited series by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. Logan is currently wrapping up an adventure in Japan in his solo comic book series by Jason Aaron.

  James Mangold is directing. Let the casting speculation begin for the Silver Samurai, Lady Mariko, Yukio and maybe the Viper!

By Editor


Top 5 Picks for 4/18/12


Avengers vs. X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel.com

Avengers vs. X-Men #2 Captain America wants custody of Hope. Cyclops blasted Steve off the island. The Avengers storm Utopia.

Batman #8 Bruce Wayne is battered. The Court of Owls will strike at the heart of Gotham City. This is the prelude to Night of the Owls when the Talons attack Batman’s friends and allies.  A new back story begins chronicling the secret history of Gotham City, The Court of Owls and the Wayne family.

Manhattan Projects #2 A horrific tale of altered history. Creating the nuclear bomb was just a cover for the mad science writer Jonathan Hickman is formulating in this series. This chapter delves into the hidden history of fall of Germany in World War II.

Rachel Rising #7 Rachel can see the impending death of others but her ability is a blessing and a curse. A supernatural thriller by award-winning creator Terry Moore.

Wolverine and the X-Men #9 What happened when Captain America went to the Jean Grey School? How did Steve convince Logan to come with him to Utopia? But will Wolverine remain on the Avengers side? Will the students and teachers follow their headmaster?


Sabretooth Reborn


Wolverine #310 courtesy Marvel.com

Sabretooth is back! At the Marvel Cup of Joe panel at C2E2 it was announced Jeph Loeb and Simone Bianchi will reunite for Sabretooth Reborn picking up where they left off in Evolution. The team take over Logan’s solo title with Wolverine #310 this July. Cloak & Dagger will be part of the arc.


Wolverine #311 courtesy Marvel

Logan beheaded his archrival with the muramasai blade, which negates their healing factor. Sabretooth turned up in Jason Aaron’s final Wolverine arc and in Wolverine and the X-Men, where Victor Creed is working for the new Hellfire Club.

  To see the entire panel transcription here’s the Marvel.com link. By Editor