Savage Wolverine by Frank Cho

Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

  X-Man. Avenger. Headmaster. If you think Wolverine has been domesticated by his role as teacher think again. Frank Cho will let Logan unleash his savage side in a brand new Marvel Now series premiering this January. 

  Cho will write and draw Savage Wolverine. Logan will team up with Shanna the She-Devil for an adventure in The Savage Land. Cho told how he took over Wolverine’s solo title.

 “Axel Alonso called me up after AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0 was launched, and asked me if I wanted to work on Wolverine, which is a no-brainer since Wolverine is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. I asked who the writer was, and Axel replied, “You are.” I was speechless. Axel reminded me that he originally hired me as a writer-artist and [was] very excited [for] what I would come with. So I told him I’ll get back to him in couple weeks and see if I had a “Wolverine story” in me, one that I would like to tell. 

  I pondered and went through my story files to see if any of my story ideas would fit the Wolverine character. I’m a chronic scribbler and I’ve been scribbling story ideas for years. At that point, I was talking with my X-Men editor, Nick Lowe, about writing and drawing an Emma Frost, Black Cat and Spider-Woman team-up story.

  So I came up with a cool Indiana Jones/Cthulhu type story that I’ve been toying around with, modified it and turned it into a Wolverine story. Axel loved the story and told me to start working.”

 Cho says the story takes place in a forbidden area of the Savage Land. Wolverine and company will unleash an ancient God and Logan gets to cut loose

 “Oh, it’s gets pretty bloody and savage—in a good way,” Cho teases.

Shanna the She-Devil #1 courtesy Marvel

  You can look in a Frank Cho sketchbook or body of work and see his love of gorgeous jungle girls and monsters. Cho worked on a Shanna limited series before and says to expect the same tough She-Devil.

 “I didn’t deviate too far from my original take of Shanna from nine years ago. Shanna is still abrasive, scrappy and confident. She knows how to take care of herself. Since Indiana Jones was my main inspiration for this story, I naturally envisioned Shanna as Marion Ravenwood to Wolverine’s Indiana Jones.”

 Cho says no Ka-Zar in this series but expect lots of dinosaurs!

 For more from Cho here’s the link.

Now about that Spider-Woman, Emma Frost, Black Cat team-up…Marvel, please make that happen!


Wolverine in the Marvel Now?

Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

The Wolverine solo book is ending this December but don’t bet on a Logan solo title being left out of the Marvel NOW reboot. Who will take over Wolverine? The teaser for Savage by Frank Cho supports the fan theory that Cho will steer Logan’s solo adventures in 2013.

Remember back when Wolverine starred in the Marvel Comics Presents book which gave us the classic Weapon X by Barry Windsor-Smith. Back in the day there was excellent one shots like The Jungle Adventure by Mike Mignola and Blood Lust by Alan Davis.

Logan is already starring in multiple X-Men and Avengers books in the Marvel Now so why not a Wolverine book with arcs in the past, present and future with rotating all-star creative teams?

Origin #6 courtesy Marvel

These ideas pop into my mind:

Paul Jenkins (Origin) with a tale of James Howlett in Alberta.

Mike Carey (X-Men Legacy) takes Logan to hell with Doctor Strange.

Jeff Parker (Hulk, Dark Avengers) with Logan as a mercenary in Wakanda

Paul Cornell (Excalibur) with a Logan on assignment with MI-13 and Spitfire in WWII.

John Byrne (Alpha Flight, Wolverine) crafting a long-lost Patch story in Madripoor.

Mike Mignola (Hellboy) returning to The Jungle Adventure one-shot of Logan versus Apocalypse in the Savage Land and the child he left behind.

Chris Claremont and Frank Miller returning the era of the Wolverine in Japan adventure in time for Hugh Jackman’s next film The Wolverine, based on that story.

I’m sure we’ll soon see plans for a new ongoing Wolverine solo book but a geek can dream of a more anthology book with the best of the best writing stories of Logan being the best there is!

By Editor

Frank Cho Goes SAVAGE for Marvel Now

courtesy Marvel

The rumors of a brand new Wolverine series by Frank Cho are sure to claw their way to the top of the buzz generated by this new Marvel Now teaser courtesy

The word SAVAGE is ripped through by 3 claws. It’s easy to assume Wolverine will star in the January debuting series but just for fun let’s play name that character who it could also be:

Tigra, Frank Cho draws gorgeous women and her tenure at Avengers Academy is over.

X-23, Logan’s daughter is graduating from Avengers Academy but will appear in Avengers Arena.

Sabretooth, Logan’s arch-enemy is back in multiple X-books.

Daken, turned up as leader of a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in Final Execution arc of Uncanny X-Force.

Shanna the She-Devil? Could Cho be taking on the warrior queen of The Savage Land? If you’ve seen the Frank Cho sketchbook you know he can really craft an amazing Shanna.

Hellcat. Ok it’s a longest of long shots but I love Patsy Walker.

Then again, who knew SURVIVE would be Avengers Arena or WANTED would be Cable and the X-Force. Marvel NOW has had some surprise reveals.

By Editor

Astonishing X-Men: A Fight to the Death? A Villain Revealed!

Astonishing X-Men #54 courtesy Marvel

Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver a big revelation, big fights and set the stage for a huge showdown in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #54.

Susan Hatchi appears to be a greedy corporate type that’s oozing evil. She could have easily fit right in with the old school Hellfire Club. Hatchi has forced New Mutant Karma to attack her teammates, blew up Wolverine at Northstar’s wedding and left the rest of the team in a hellhole.

Hatchi reveals her connection to Karma and gives the team an impossible mission with deadly consequences if they fail – all to prove a point.

I give Liu huge kudos for using Wolverine in just the right dose and giving other characters equal time. Cecilia Reyes never wanted to be an X-Man but she’s caught up in an adventure with them again. With the team in a deathtrap, Reyes pushes her power to new levels while pondering if her past choices have been wrong.

While Logan is recovering Liu shows that Remy has just as many underworld connections. Hatchi’s orders take the team to Madripoor and Gambit makes a move on Logan’s ex Tyger Tiger in a move to accomplish their mission.

Tension has been building between Iceman and Northstar. Liu continues to explore what it’s like for a hero to have a loved one always in the line of fire. Jean-Paul’s husband and all of New York City is in jeopardy. Bobby and Jean-Paul’s conflict leads to a huge fight and shocking cliffhanger – has an X-Man accidently killed an X-Man?

If you want a thrilling adventure not tied to AvX and a chance to see other mutants in action then this is a great X-Men book. I’m enjoying Liu and Perkins run and I’m excited for the showdown in Madripoor next issue.

By Editor

Doop – The Untold Story! Why the X-Men Need Him!

Wolverine and the X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

Everything you wanted to know about Doop but were afraid to ask! It’s actually more like everything Doop does that makes you scared he’s around0 kids. Mike and Laura Allred reunite with the lovable mystery (man, thing, it?) that co-created with Peter Milligan back in X-Force/X-Statix.

Doop is now working (mostly sleeping on the job) for Logan at the Jean Grey School. In this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #17 the Allreds join writer Jason Aaron for Doop- the untold story. Now we know why Logan recruited the green ball and why he’s asleep a lot. One of the most obscure characters in comics receives a hilarious, colorful back story. What’s even better is the other outrageous and forgotten character who makes a surprise appearance in Doop’s tale. We see just how crucial a role Doop has been playing all this time and the sacrifices (sexual and otherwise) the great green one has made to protect the future of mutantkind.

This Doop-centric story isn’t just comic relief. This issue forwards the elements of this amazing series and reinforces what I love about the eclectic cast. Aaron continues to perfectly mix action, drama and humor. This is an offbeat and welcome break from the doom of AvX. Wolverine may be the only character who can understand Doop’s language but the green guy speaks volumes on the pages of this issue – maybe the funniest of the year.

By Editor


Wolverine and Doop by Allred

Wolverine and the X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  There are many reasons to love Jason Aaron’s Wolverine and the X-Men: Kitty & Iceman’s growing attraction, Kid Gladiator, Bamfs, Broo, Beast in full wacky professor mode, Logan’s tempter tested by Kid Omega, Toad’s crush on Husk and then there’s Doop!

  Mike and Laura Allred crafted the cover for this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #17 featuring Logan and Doop ready for action! The staff and students of the Jean Grey School try to soldier on despite the world burning in the grip of the Phoenix. One student may not survive this AvX tie-in.

  Allred co-created Doop with Peter Milligan back in an X-Force reboot which became X-Statix. Doop is now on staff at the Jean Grey School. Just one of the many characters Jason Aaron has on an amazing and eclectic palette of characters on the tite.

Thanks to

Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine! First Official Photo

Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  Hugh Jackman has the acting muscle and definitely packed on the physical muscle to once again play the fan favorite X-Man!

  Agent M of shared via Twitter the first official photo of Hugh Jackman as Logan in The Wolverine. Based on the classic story by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, the upcoming film will share Logan’s adventures in Japan in which he fights the Silver Samurai, Ninjas and the Yakuza. Logan will fall in love with Lady Mariko – the true love of his life.

  The Wolverine is filming in Australia and will claw into theaters in 2013.

By Editor

The End for Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine and Captain America & ?

Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

  The Marvel NOW relaunch continues with the end of long running titles only to be relaunched later.

  The Marvel December solicitations include Amazing Spider-Man #700. The milestone issue will be the final issue.

  Wolverine #317 and Captain America and Black Widow #640 (which I think is the original numbering for the Captain America series but who can tell at this point?)

  Wolverine is joining Uncanny Avengers, All-New X-Men and his Wolverine and X-Men book will continues. Black Widow will be part of Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers relaunch. Captain America will be part of Uncanny Avengers, Avengers and a brand new solo book by Rick Remender.

 No word yet on a new book or creative team for Spidey. For me the biggest Marvel NOW surprise is two new X-Force books (Cable & X-Force, Uncanny X-Force) that don’t include Logan.

By Editor