Romance With Wolverine and the X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #25 courtesy Marvel

I was so excited by the preview art and upcoming stories in Wolverine and the X-Men that I had to divide it up in two posts. Jason Aaron mixes action and humor but let’s talk about love at the Jean Grey School.

Kitty Pryde and Bobby Drake? Quentin Quire and Idie? Toad and Husk? Jason Aaron took unlikely couples and started spinning some sweet, and often hilarious romances. And I was a devout Kitty/Colossus fan! Aaron acknowledges the Kitty/Colossus fan base.

“I know some of the hardcore X-Men fans want Kitty and Colossus, but to me, one of the big themes of Wolverine & The X-Men is change, these characters growing up. It’s a book about family, about moving from childhood into adulthood, and Kitty and Iceman fit that perfectly to me. Once they were both the X-Men kids and now they’re basically Professor X. They’re bonding over that. They’re not necessarily head over heels in love, but there’s something there they want to explore.” – Jason Aaron

Here’s what Aaron revealed about upcoming issues and how it might affect other budding sweethearts at the Jean Grey School.

Will Toad be heartbroken because “the core of issue #19 is that Husk has left the school so they’re hiring a new teacher. ”

“Even though Husk has left the main cast, her story is not over. She’ll pop up in a crazy location,” Aaron shared, ” And even though she’ll be out of the book, you can follow her on Twitter. A Twitter mini-series focusing on Husk, unfolding in real time!”


Wolverine and the X-Men #21 courtesy Marvel

Storm will become a teacher at the school. There is an upcoming cover in which Logan and Ororo kiss! Is this the latest power couple on campus?

“I’m a huge Storm fan, so when I knew the Utopia team was breaking up, I wanted to bring her in,” said Aaron, “I love having strong women in the book, so she joins Kitty and Rachel.”

Bobby has reached a new level of using his mutant power and confidence! Did you him kissing Kitty Pryde!

“We’ve been building for a while to Iceman and Kitty going on their first date, so we’ll see that,” teased Aaron, “There’s something going on with Logan and Storm as well. They have a long history.”

It’s not just the staff of the Jean Grey School hooking up! The tragic Idie may bring out the softer side of snarky Kid Omega. Aaron teased the romantic forecast among the students:

“There’s a lot of stuff to come with Idie and Quentin, not all romantic in nature. There’s lots to come with Genesis, our Kid Apocalypse. Rick Remender have talked a lot about him. We’ve been shaping that story for a couple of years and have stuff planned as far as 2014. There will also be a surprising relationship with one of the kids.”

Editor Nick Lowe said to expect Pixie to appear at the school. She won’t have a big role in the book but “will have a place in the Marvel Now.”

For the entire interview and new art here’s link. Here’s my first post about the Wolverine and the X-Men preview including stories in Savage land, Logan’s brother and the fate of Broo and more.

Update: Want to relive the many love and adventures of this cast? Here’s the link to the Wolverine and the X-Men Omnibus.

By Editor

Wolverine’s Brother, Jean Grey and More X-Men Plans

Wolverine and the X-Men #4 cover courtesy

  Wolverine and the X-Men became my favorite post-Schim X-book. Jason Aaron was pitch perfect balancing action with dark humor, romance, teen angst and ultimately a shocking tragedy.

It’s back to school time. Writer Jason Aaron and Editor Nick Lowe share their lesson plan for the students and staff of the Jean Grey School. One character that experienced huge growth was the arrogant heir to the Shi’ar throne. Kubark learned to love his human classmates and was humbled when his father was brutally beaten Continue reading Wolverine’s Brother, Jean Grey and More X-Men Plans

Death of An Astonishing X-Man?

Astonishing X-Men #55 courtesy Marvel

Iceman melted. The attack of a fake X-Men. Wolverine back in his “Patch” get-up. New York City under threat of attack. It’s a showdown in Madripoor. Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins deliver an action packed but often frantic chapter of this team’s war with Susan Hatchi in this week’s Astonishing X-Men #55.

We know Hatchi’s connection to Karma. Mike Perkins draws a beautifully haunting flashback showing Hatching’s hate for Shan and lays the seed for her endgame. I love how Liu has skillfully created plot within plots. Hatchi’s manipulations and vicious attacks on the team have led to this fateful encounter that may finally free or damn Karma.

My one fault with this issue in this is how the loss of a teammate is nearly forgotten. Only Warbird lashes out but then it’s over. I realize the action is fast and furious as they try to prevent Hatchi’s deadly scheme but I think the death of an X-Man by another would have been weighing heavier on the team.

I love Phil Noto’s cover demonstrating how Hatchi has turned the X-Men into her own personal weapons in a family feud.

By Editor


Top 5 Comic Book Picks 10/24/12

Astonishing X-Men #55 courtesy Marvel

Astonishing X-Men #55 The villainess who blew up Logan, mindwarped the team and enslaved Karma has given the X-Men a mission impossible in Madripoor! Innocent people are caught in the crossfire of Hatchitech weapons around the globe. Will the team sacrifice Karma to stop Hatchi?

Batman Incorporated #4 Move over Batman and Robin, here comes Wingman and Redbird?! What is the Dark Knight’s connection to these new crusaders? Talia Al Ghul escalates her plot to Damian.

Captain America #19 The end of an era. Ed Brubaker’s final issue of the hero he revitalized. Artist Steve Epting returns for Brubaker’s final Steve Rogers story.

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #6 Can the Doctor convince Captain Picard to join forces with the Federation’s greatest enemy? Will the Time Lord shatter his new alliance with the Enterprise crew in order to defeat the Cybermen?

Wolverine MAX #1 Logan unleashed in a brand new, more mature readers only book by crime novelist Jason Starr. Is Wolverine the pawn or target of a terrorist plot in Tokyo. The X-Man gets to cut loose!

By Editor


Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  Famke Janssen will reprise her role as Jean Grey in The Wolverine. The actress has filmed her cameo role according to We’ve Got This Covered. Hugh Jackman returns as the fan favorite X-Man in this new solo film based on Logan’s adventures in Japan where he will fall in love with the Lady Mariko – daughter  of a crime lord.

  Jean Grey was his teammate and great unrequited love of his life in the X-Men movies. Wolverine was forced to kill her to stop the wrath of Dark Phoenix. No word on how Janssen’s cameo will play in the film.

  The X-Men: First Class sequel will be Days of Future Past based on the classic story – Days of Future Past and The Wolverine are by Chris Claremont. In that story Rachel Summers (daughter of Scott and Jean) sends Kitty Pryde back in time to prevent an assassination and the dark future in which mutants are killed or imprisoned.

  Could The Wolverine and Days of Future Past be setting the stage for a reunion or reboot of the X-Men (modern day) film franchise?

By Editor

X-Men 2013: New Mutants, Dead Mutants?

Uncanny X-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

New characters, new books and endings pack the January Marvel solicitations out. Here are some of the X-related highlights that might inspire some fan frenziness and frustration.

  Uncanny X-Force #1 Sam Humphries and Ron Garney relaunch the covert team concept with Psylocke in command, Storm sporting a mohawk, Spiral and Puck and new character named Cluster? Any relation to Fantomex aka Charlie Cluster Seven I wonder? Could the X-team be pulling a genetic twist (in the tradition of Loki and Miss Sinister) and giving us a female Fantomex?

  X-Men Legacy #4, #5 In previous issues of this new book by Simon Spurrier Professor X’s son will go to Japan in search of new mutant twins. In this month’s preview two new villains out to destroy Legion: one is in his mind, one is hiding within the X-Men? Could this be an entity like Malice and a new shapeshifter?

  Wolverine and the X-Men #23 The fight with the murder circus continues and the “circus claims its victims!” Does this mean another student of the Jean Grey School will die?

  X-Men #40 is “the end of an era.” Does this mean an end to this title? The tension and distrust has been building and the “security team’s” insecurity may be their undoing.

Thanks to Comic Book Resources.

Top 5 Comic Books Picks for 10/17/12

AvX: Consequences #2 courtesy Marvel

AvX: Consequences #2 Cyclops was right about the Phoenix’s return. Yet the former X-Men leader sits in prison. Wolverine shows up for a visit- it ain’t a friendly one. The aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men continues here.

Batwoman #13 Wonder Woman. Batwoman. Medusa.

Cyberforce #1 Marc Silvestri’s superteam is back as part of Top Cow’s 20th Anniversary. A modern reimagining with creator Silvestri co-writing, art director and cover artist starring Velocity as the lead.

Hawkeye #3 Clint Barton takes Kate Bishop under his wing. This is one of the unique superhero book out there showing you life when an Avenger isn’t on duty.

Marvel Now! Point One It’s a big book with lots of stories that will set the stage and leave clues about the big revamp of the Marvel Universe.

By Editor

The “Other” Avengers vs. X-Men Death

Wolverine and the X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

  Lights appeared all over the world as a result of the events in Avengers vs. X-Men #12. This week a light went out in Wolverine and the X-Men #18. The death of an icon earlier in the series deserved all the media attention and fan frenzy it received. I want to take a moment to remember the young mutant who was brutally killed this week. This death was more heartbreaking and had more of an impact on me. It hurt to see that final panel.

 This week’s issue shows life for the students and staff of the Jean Grey School as they wait for the outcome of the final battle with Dark Phoenix Cyclops. Jason Aaron and Jorge Molina are pitch perfect with action scenes, humor, teen drama at the school dance – with Lockheed as dj – and kids’ reaction to that final moment of AvX.

 Aaron brings several storylines at the school to a head amid the impact of the AvX event. You feel importance of AvX in this issue. You can sense the kids’ fear and hope over the outcome and their future. It’s been a year of thrills, laughs, friendships built and tested. Then Jason Aaron delivered a sucker punch to the gut with a shocking death that hurt but will propel the series and kids forward.

By Editor