Wolverine and the X-Men #24 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #24 courtesy Marvel

X-Men books will always be packed with action and fights but it’s the relationships that keep us coming back. Jason Aaron has written a passionate love letter to X-fans of all ages in Wolverine and the X-Men #16 filled with hot hookups, sweet dates and mutant romance.


Storm is adjusting to life as a newly single woman and life back at the school when she turns to Wolverine to work through some issues and ask for favors. The flirtation and fruition of Logan and Ororo is beautifully written and drawn.


Kitty and Bobby finally have a first date after a year of flirting that takes that goes from awkward to unexpected. Teen Jean Grey of the past shares some “bonding time” with a surprise member of the modern age of mutant kids. The final romantic thread of this tale revolves around Idie and Broo with a monstrous cliffhanger.


This issue is a perfect crossroads of previous stories in this book and the first arc of All-New X-Men and sets up Storm’s new status quo in Uncanny X-Force. The beauty and brilliance of Jason Aaron is that you can pick issue this up and enjoy immensely but if you really know your old and current X-Men history it makes it all the more moving.

Continue reading Date Night in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN

Jason Aaron on X-MEN Villain’s Resurrection

courtesy Marvel Comics
courtesy Marvel Comics

  In Wolverine and the X-Men #23 Jason Aaron resurrected Azazel. The first storyline (The Draco) that introduced the demonic villain was controversial at the time and Azazel went to limbo (not the Magik kind either.) The character popped up in the X-Men: First Class movie. Aaron tells Comic Book Resources why he brought Nightcrawler’s father back into comics.

  “The reasons to bring him back are many-fold, as we’ll see over the course of the next two to three arcs. I didn’t really worry about the fact that the original storyline he appeared in was very divisive. I don’t think there are any bad characters. It’s more how you write that character and what you do with them.

  I’ve had plans for Azazel for a long time and his return means we’ll start to see the explanation of why there are Bamfs in the Jean Grey School. That, of course, goes back to our very first issue. This is all stuff that’s been in the works for a very long time and will come to a head later in the year in what will probably be the biggest arc we’ve ever done with “Wolverine & the X-Men.”

  In The Draco story it was revealed that Azazel and Mystique were the parents of Nightcrawler. Mystique will be a major villain in All-New X-Men with an agenda involving the original five X-Men. Imagine Raven’s reaction when she learns Azazel is back? Could this lead to Mystique working with the X-Men? With Azazel’s return could this signal the resurrection of the real Kurt Wagner?

By Editor


Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

Madness takes Manhattan! Manipulated mutant hate erupts! Only a select unit of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom can stop the wrath of the reborn Red Skull!

Was Uncanny Avengers #3 worth the wait?


Red Skull is using the brain of Professor X to incite mutant hate. The villain’s strange S-Men help fan the flames of hatred and violence as everyday citizens turn on each other and one iconic hero’s will is tested. Havok and Captain America clash. Wolverine’s reaction upon learning of the Red Skull’s heinous act is classic. Rick Remender and John Cassaday pack this chapter with big character moments and an epic twist as an Avenger turns.

By Editor

X-MEN Wolverine and Storm Kiss

Wolverine and the X-Men #24 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #24 courtesy Marvel

Will they or won’t they? Wolverine and Storm share a passionate kiss on the cover of this week’s Wolverine and the X-Men #24. The story by Jason Aaron is billed as “date night” but could Logan and Ororo really become the new mutant super couple?

Storm is still heartbroken over her marriage to the Black Panther being “annulled” by her own husband – Wakandan law gives him the right plus he’s the King.

This isn’t the first time Logan and Ororo shared a kiss. Way back in Uncanny X-Men Annual #11 by Chris Claremont and Alan Davis the mutants faced off against Horde. This was 1987 during when Ororo still had her mohawk. The kiss was during a clash with a villain who tempted each X-Man with a vision of life they secretly wanted.

Wolverine has always has an admiration and respect for Ororo but love? Logan’s feelings for the late Jean have resurfaced since the teen Jean Grey arrived from the past in All-New X-Men.

In this series Jason Aaron has developed the relationship between Kitty Pryde and Iceman. I approve (and that’s coming from a longtime Kitty/Colossus fanatic.) (See Date Night in Wolverine and the X-Men. )

As we’ve seen from previews Storm will be sporting her Mohawk again in the new Uncanny X-Force and X-Men titles. This “kiss” issue may be a big tease or the impetus for Ororo to change her look and attitude again. Stay tuned X-fans.

By Editor

Comic Book Picks for January 16, 2013

Batman #16 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #16 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #16 Bruce is about to confront the Joker in this critical Death of the Family chapter. The Joker’s plan is finally revealed inside Arkham Asylum. Is Batman ready the showdown? Are you ready to see what the Joker has waiting inside?

New Avengers #2 Marvel’s biggest brains gather to plan for the death of the Earth and everything? Black Panther assembles Namor, Reed Richards, Iron Man, Black Bolt and Doctor Strange but have the new Illuminati already given up?

Saga #9 The sci-fi space opera switches focus from the bounty hunter whose been track the star-crossed lovers of the series. The Will make have his own romantic hands full with an alien temptress.

Savage Wolverine #1 Logan. Shanna the She-Devil. The Savage Land. Frank Cho. That should be a ’nuff said but in just in case: Dinosaurs. SHIELD. Shanna by Cho!

X-Factor #250 Lords of Hell battle to control Earth. Will the heroes of X-Factor Investigations sacrifice themselves to stop the Hell On Earth war?

By Editor

Shanna “Matches Wolverine’s Savagery”

Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel
Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

In this week’s Savage Wolverine #1 the X-Men journeys to the Savage Land in a brand new series by writer/artist Frank Cho. The creator tells once he knew the setting he knew Shanna the She-Devil had to be in the book.

  “Once I decided on the Savage Land setting, everything clicked into place. I needed a female lead that can keep up with Wolverine and match his savagery. And Shanna fit that bill.

The writer/artist explains why Shanna is the perfect co-lead for this story.

  “It was easy. I made Shanna a complete badass just like Wolverine. I also “enhance” the character and have her “bond” to the Savage Land. I’m not going to give anything away but Shanna gets a complete and total upgrade in issue #4 by an unlikely Marvel character.”

  Savage Wolverine #1 is out this week. Logan takes the kids from The Jean Grey School on a field trip to the Savage Land in Wolverine and the X-Men #25. A new Wolverine series by Paul Cornell and Alan Davis hits later this year.

By Editor

Hugh Jackman as THE WOLVERINE in Japan

The Wolverine courtesy Marvel
The Wolverine courtesy Marvel

Congratulations to Hugh Jackman for winning a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Comedy/Musical for his role in Les Miserables but it’s this role that has fans excited.

In this photo from Hugh Jackman is ready to fight in a scene from The Wolverine. Jackman is ripped and looks like he’s ready to fight a squad of ninjas! The new film is based on the classic story of Logan in Japan by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller.

The Wolverine is let loose July 26.

By Editor

Frank Cho Unleashes SAVAGE WOLVERINE

Savage Wolverine #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Man. Avenger. Headmaster?

If you think Wolverine has been domesticated by his role as teacher at the Jean Grey School think again. Frank Cho will let Logan unleash his wild side in this week’s Savage Wolverine #1.

In the new Marvel Now series Logan teams up with Shanna the She-Devil for an adventure in The Savage Land. Cho told how he took over Wolverine’s solo title.

  “Axel Alonso called me up after AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0 was launched, and asked me if I wanted to work on Wolverine, which is a no-brainer since Wolverine is one of my favorite characters in the Marvel Universe. I asked who the writer was, and Axel replied, “You are.” I was speechless. Axel reminded me that he originally hired me as a writer-artist and [was] very excited [for] what I would come with. So I told him I’ll get back to him in couple weeks and see if I had a “Wolverine story” in me, one that I would like to tell.

I pondered and went through my story files to see if any of my story ideas would fit the Wolverine character. I’m a chronic scribbler and I’ve been scribbling story ideas for years. At that point, I was talking with my X-Men editor, Nick Lowe, about writing and drawing an Emma Frost, Black Cat and Spider-Woman team-up story.

  So I came up with a cool Indiana Jones/Cthulhu type story that I’ve been toying around with, modified it and turned it into a Wolverine story. Axel loved the story and told me to start working.”

Cho says the story takes place in a forbidden area of the Savage Land. Wolverine and company will unleash an ancient God and Logan gets to cut loose

“Oh, it’s gets pretty bloody and savage—in a good way,” Cho teases.

Shanna the She-Devil #1 courtesy Marvel

You can look in a Frank Cho sketchbook or body of work and see his love of gorgeous jungle girls and monsters. Cho worked on a Shanna limited series before and says to expect the same tough She-Devil.

“I didn’t deviate too far from my original take of Shanna from nine years ago. Shanna is still abrasive, scrappy and confident. She knows how to take care of herself. Since Indiana Jones was my main inspiration for this story, I naturally envisioned Shanna as Marion Ravenwood to Wolverine’s Indiana Jones.”

Cho says no Ka-Zar in this series but expect lots of dinosaurs!

For more from Cho here’s the link.

Now about that Spider-Woman, Emma Frost, Black Cat team-up…Marvel, please make that happen!

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