Wolverine’s Prime Cuts!

The Wolverine courtesy Marvel
The Wolverine courtesy Marvel

THE WOLVERINE is almost here! Hugh Jackman reprises his role as the fan-favorite X-Man in a new film directed by James Mangold. The movie is based on the Chris Claremont story of Logan’s journey to Japan where he fell in love with Lady Mariko, clashed with Clan Yashida and… killed a lot of ninjas!

In honor of Wolverine’s next big screen appearance here are some amazing stories fans should try out to get the story of the X-Man past and future!

Here are my picks for Wolverine Prime Cuts to satisfy your Logan fix before the big movie: Continue reading Wolverine’s Prime Cuts!

Hugh Jackman Thanks Wolverine Creator

The cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past at SDCC courtesy @BryanSinger via Twitter
The cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past at SDCC courtesy @BryanSinger via Twitter

The HUGE cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past stormed San Diego Comic Con thanks to Fox. (See photo courtesy Bryan Singer via Twitter.)


Hugh Jackman had the best moment sure to make fanboys cheer or gush when he singled out comic book legend Len Wein.


“From this man’s ear, heart and hand came my career,” Jackman said of the co-creator of Wolverine. Continue reading Hugh Jackman Thanks Wolverine Creator

Mister Sinister in Wolverine ORIGIN II

Origin II
courtesy Marvel Comics

Origin II will reveal more Wolverine’s past in a new limited series by Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert. Marvel made the announcement at San Diego Comic Con this past weekend.


Origin revealed Wolverine’s childhood, real age and real name (James Howlett) and his connection to arch-enemy Sabretooth.


Writer Kieron Gillen promises this new series exposes more background of one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies: Mister Sinister.


“This is a good example of what I mean by [the series] being self-contained,” Gillen tells Marvel.com. “Nathaniel Essex has the sort of background that keeps Wikipedia editors at work forever. His appearance in ORIGIN II entirely fits into his personal chronology, but for those who don’t know anything about him will treat him as he appears, as in, a disgraced London scientist moving into increasingly unethical areas, discovering a strange new species for the first time. One of the working titles for Origin II was ‘Origin of the Species.’ Read into that as you will. Continue reading Mister Sinister in Wolverine ORIGIN II

AMAZING X-MEN Search For Nightcrawler

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

What’s one more X-Men book…especially if it means the beloved Fuzzy Elf returns from the dead?


At San Diego Comic Con Marvel announced a brand new X-book coming this November with an elite team searching for what many call the heart and soul of the X-Men.


Amazing X-Men by Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness will star Wolverine, Northstar, Iceman, Storm, Beast and wait for it…Firestar? Continue reading AMAZING X-MEN Search For Nightcrawler

Marvel SDCC X-MEN Panel Hits

Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

Here’s a rapid fire rundown of the big announcements from Marvel’s X-Men panel at San Diego Comic Con:


RETURN OF NIGHTCRAWLER! Yes, I’m excited about this!

Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness launch Amazing X-Men this November. Wolverine, Storm, Iceman, Beast, Northstar and Firestar go in search of the real Kurt Wagner.

“We’ve planning this and keeping it a secret for a long time. You’re finally going to get the story of the Bamfs.” said X-Men Editor Nick Lowe.

“We want Nightcrawler back, but it better be a damn good resurrection story. We take stuff like that very seriously.” responded Bendis to a fan question. Continue reading Marvel SDCC X-MEN Panel Hits


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Uncanny Avengers have faced Red Skull, Apocalypse, Kang and the Apocalypse Twins but the Unity team’s ultimate destruction could be from each other.


Artist Steve McNiven (Civil War) joins Rick Remender with Uncanny Avengers #14 for the finale of what’s been building since the team formed in the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men. Wolverine’s actions in Uncanny X-Force by Remender are back to haunt him and his friendship with Captain America.


“They’ve allowed personal differences and petty rivalries, all of the things we humans allow to create conflict amongst us, to fester,” Remender tells Marvel.com about the next act. Continue reading Steve McNiven Joins UNCANNY AVENGERS

Wolverine Back From the Wild in ORIGIN II

Origin II
courtesy Marvel Comics

Origin II explores more of the tortured past of the young man who would grow up to be the X-Man known as Wolverine. On the heels of Marvel’s surprise announcement at SDCC, writer Kieron Gillen (Uncanny X-Men, Iron Man, Young Avengers) talks about where his story will pick up 10 years after the events of Origin.


“The last we saw of James was disappearing into the woods with wolves at the end of Origin,” Gillen tells Marvel.com. “That’s where he’s been ever since. He runs with a family pack, and has completely removed himself from human civilization. He’s found a kind of peace. He’s found a kind of family. The first scene is him, with the pack, hunting. The opening is really raw; I talk about the period novel feel a lot, but I have a sort of ‘Jack London with modern research’ approach to the wolves. Hell, the whole structure does owe a little to ‘White Fang.’ Continue reading Wolverine Back From the Wild in ORIGIN II

Best Of Marvel Cup O’Joe

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Big announcements and teasers at Marvel’s Cup O’Joe Panel at SDCC! Here are my favorite highlights:


Wolverine: Origin II by Kieron Gillen and Adam Kubert! Marvel goes back into Wolverine’s untold past in a new limited series coming this Fall.


Inhuman – the previously announced 2014 series by Matt Fraction. I’m thrilled to see this family rise to the forefront of the Marvel Universe.

Inhuman: the next huge franchise for the Marvel Universe with a new kind of super hero,” said X-Men Editor Nick Lowe. Continue reading Best Of Marvel Cup O’Joe