WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN Grading the Teachers

Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

When a fan-favorite writer exits a popular book fans can get nervous. Jason Latour is taking over Wolverine and the X-Men from Jason Aaron who started the strange saga of Logan and the kids of the Jean Grey School.


The change comes after a major change in Wolverine – he’s lost his healing factor. Latour tells Comic Book Resources how Logan’s new status quo will impact the book:


“Up to now it’s all began and ended with Logan. It’s his strength this school is built on the back of. His reputation for being the unkillable badass has been their insurance policy. Continue reading WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN Grading the Teachers

Jason Aaron’s WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN Stories Never Told

Wolverine and the X-Men #4 cover courtesy Marvel.com
Wolverine and the X-Men #4 cover courtesy Marvel.com

Jason Aaron is leaving Wolverine and the X-Men in early 2014 but the series will be relaunched with a new creative team. Aaron is now writing Amazing X-Men – the search for Nightcrawler.


Aaron’s run with the staff and student of the Jean Grey School will be remember for quirky strange tales filled with action, teen angst, humor and a few tears.


After Bamfs, a Brood infested Kitty Pryde, Frankenstein’s Murder Circus, a field trip in the Savage Land and the Hellfire Club made of psycho brats, Aaron reveals the stories he didn’t get to tell Continue reading Jason Aaron’s WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN Stories Never Told

Mike Carey Back With X-MEN NO MORE HUMANS

X-Men: No More Mutants courtesy Marvel
X-Men: No More Mutants courtesy Marvel

Two of my favorite X-Men creators unite for a brand new tale of the Children of the Atom. Writer Mike Carey teams up with artist Salvador Larroca for X-Men: No More Humans, an original graphic novel in 2014 as revealed by USA Today.


Carey join the X-Men writing team after the Decimation, when Scarlet Witch utter the words, “No More Mutants” sending children of the atom on the fast road to extinction. The X-Men prevailed but now face a moral dilemma in this original story following the events of Battle of the Atom.  After pulling themselves from the brink how will the X-Men react when the human race vanishes – including allies like the Avengers. Continue reading Mike Carey Back With X-MEN NO MORE HUMANS

X-MEN United vs. SHIELD?

Wolverine and the X-Men #39 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #39 courtesy Marvel

A major face to face rematch between Wolverine and Cyclops!


With the bitter rivalry between the X-Men be healed when Sentinels attack?


The schism between the mutant leaders is wider than ever after the events of Battle of the Atom.


Is S.H.I.E.L.D. now their common enemy? Continue reading X-MEN United vs. SHIELD?


X-Men #183 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #183 courtesy Marvel

“X-Men Apocalypse 2016”

These words and number revealed by Bryan Singer on Twitter just set the geek world on fire!

The director is finishing up X-Men: Days of Future Past which unites the cast of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class in a film based on the classic story by Chris Claremont. Singer was a one man tease machine via Twitter sharing news and pics from the upcoming sequel which arrives in May 2014.

Today’s tweet sure appears that Fox (which controls the X-Men film franchise) is moving ahead with a follow up just two years later starring one of the greatest enemies. Continue reading X-MEN APOCALYPSE 2016

Amazing X-Men #2 Review

Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Sometimes being an X-Man is Hell…literally!


Nightcrawler’s peace in Heaven turns into a nightmare when his father sends demon pirates to steal souls. Yes, Jason Aaron is daring to use one of the worst X-villains (but was awesome in X-Men: First Class) in a tale of war in the afterlife.


This week Amazing X-Men #2 continues the otherworldly adventures on two fronts. The writer’s seeds sewn in Wolverine and the X-Men (those darn bamfs!) pay off in a big way sending Logan and Northstar to Heaven and Storm, Iceman and Firestar to Hell. Continue reading Amazing X-Men #2 Review

Quentin Comeback in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN

Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

One of the most surprising comic book comebacks continues with a new volume of Wolverine and the X-Men in 2014. Writer Jason Latour and artist Mahmud Asrar are the creative team on the second volume launching in March as revealed by IGN.


Love him, hate him or love to hate him – Quentin Quire will become “one of the biggest players of the book.” Continue reading Quentin Comeback in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN

THE WOLVERINE Classic Costume in Sequel?

courtesy 20th Century Fox
courtesy 20th Century Fox

The Wolverine is now out on Blu-Ray and dvd. Director James Mangold is meeting with Hugh Jackman about a possible sequel.


The X-Man’s classic comic book uniform hasn’t made it to the big screen yet could the yellow and blue or yellow and brown appear in a future movie?


“A lot of fans keep asking about when he’s going to wear his uniform. It’s a struggle for us in relation to question, because Logan’s personality as developed onscreen and in comics is one in which he hates publicity. The filmmakers, even on X-Men, have struggled with an outfit. Finding the rationale for a uniform when the character disdains self promotion, why he would put on some outfit that promotes himself as some kind of hero? Continue reading THE WOLVERINE Classic Costume in Sequel?