DOCTOR WHO Celebration at EMP Museum

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A fan filled celebration of an adventure in time and space! Hundreds of Whovians packed the EMP Museum in Seattle for the Doctor Who Celebration. The iconic science fiction television series is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.


The BBC’s global broadcast of The Day of the Doctor 50th Anniversary special hit the U.S. West Coast around lunchtime so Pacific Northwest Whovians had plenty of time to get their best scarf, bow-tie, fez or stone makeup and journey to the pop culture showcase in Seattle. Continue reading DOCTOR WHO Celebration at EMP Museum

Doctor Who: David, Rose, Martha and Donna

David Tennant as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose in Doctor Who Series Two courtesy BBC One
David Tennant as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose in Doctor Who Series Two courtesy BBC One

The new Doctor Who evolution blasted off with David Tennant taking over the role. Steely yet cheeky. Tennant’s Time Lord could be a powerhouse menace against any invader who dared to threaten Earth or tear our hearts out as he crumbled over the loss of a loved one (like a companion or genetically created daughter.)

In Season Two Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) continued her journeys with the Doctor until the heartbreaking goodbye after a Dalek/Cybermen conflict in Doomsday.  Dr. Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) would pine away for the Doctor for one season before Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) matched wits with Tennant for the final season. Tennant and Tate were an amazing team with perfect comic timing – essential for a Time Lord!

One of my favorite Doctor and Rose adventures was Continue reading Doctor Who: David, Rose, Martha and Donna

Doctor Who Says Goodbye to Amy Pond & Rory

courtesy SFX and BBC

Goodbye Amy & Rory. The married companions left Doctor Who in The Angels Take Manhattan. Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill will be missed. All the previous episodes of this season have been hinting and building to the moment but it was still a bittersweet shock.

This episode was Steven Moffat at the top of his game – twisted, creepy, chilling, moving and uncompromising – we all knew it wasn’t going to be all sewn up with a completely happy ending. Matt Smith and Alex Kingston were perfection. Thank you Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill for giving us Amy and Rory.

By Editor

Doctor Who Vows to Protect Seattle Girl From Weeping Angels!


Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

  A 6-year-old girl from Seattle now has a Time Lord watching over her! Sydney Telling was in her dad’s arms at a Doctor Who forum at San Diego Comic Con when asked Matt Smith, “Are you scared of the Weeping Angels?”

  The actor replied by asking Sydney if she was scared of the creepy aliens and she responded with a shy shaking of her head ‘yes.’

  “But don’t worry because I’m here to fight them off,” Smith added and inspired cheers from the crowd.

  Take a look:

  A sweet life imitating television moment! During Matt Smith’s first season of Doctor Who he meet his future traveling companion Amy Pond when she was a frightened but curious little girl.

The upcoming season will be the final one for companions Amy and Rory and those scary Weeping Angels will be back! The Doctor will protect Sydney and all of us!

By Editor