14 Comic Characters to Watch in 2014

Here’s the complete list of our 14 comic book characters to watch in 2014 revised with new images and more details on the heroes and villains I think will make an impact this year at comic book shops and the box office:




Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel
Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel

1. Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier


I sighed when Bucky’s solo series ended last year but Captain America’s sidekick turned deadly enemy turned ally will have a huge 2014.

On the big screen Sebastian Stan reprises his role as Bucky in Captain America: The Winter Soldier coming April 4. The Star-Spangled Avenger’s sequel is based on my all-time favorite Cap stories by Ed Brubaker.

Bucky co-stars in the All-New Invaders by James Robinson. The World War II heroes reunite against the Kree in the upcoming book. The Winter Soldier: The Bitter March by Rick Remender is a Nick Fury retro story set back when Bucky was the brainwashed assassin. Continue reading 14 Comic Characters to Watch in 2014

Jason Aaron on ORIGINAL SIN

Original Sin courtesy Marvel
Original Sin courtesy Marvel

Original Sin is the big event of 2014. It’s a murder mystery with cosmic level consequences written by superstar Jason Aaron.

Murder on the moon!

The Watcher is dead.

Uatu’s home is destroyed.

His collection of alien technology, artifacts and secrets are stolen.

Marvel’s biggest heroes split up to solve the case but the killing of the ancient alien is just the beginning. Continue reading Jason Aaron on ORIGINAL SIN

NOVA Training Day!

Nova #3 courtesy Marvel
Nova #3 courtesy Marvel

It’s Training Day in space for Marvel’s new kid on the block!  Gamora and Rocket Raccoon recruited and trained Sam Alexander for his new role as a member of the Nova Corps but is the rookie hero ready for this week’s HUGE guest star? Continue reading NOVA Training Day!