Wasp Joins Uncanny Avengers

Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

I would love to see founding Avenger Wasp on the big screen in the next Avengers movie but it doesn’t seem likely.

Janet Van Dyne fans can celebrate the next issue of Uncanny Avengers! In one his final acts as the Avengers writer, Brian Michael Bendis brought back Janet. Turns out Wasp didn’t die in Secret Invasion but she was in the Microverse! Wasp, Wonder Man and Sunfire join the squad made of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom. I wanted to share part of Rick Remender’s thoughts on how Janet will fit into the Marvel Now and this hybrid team.

“Wasp’s time in the microverse has Continue reading Wasp Joins Uncanny Avengers

Remender on Uncanny Avengers vs Uncanny X-Force

Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #3 courtesy Marvel

Rick Remender launched Uncanny Avengers and said goodbye to Uncanny X-Force and Secret Avengers. Uncanny Avengers was the first book in the Marvel Now relaunch featuring a team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Children of the Atom. How will the events of his previous series affect those characters who are now part of the Uncanny Avengers?

“For my part, Uncanny Avengers is almost the inverse of Uncanny X-Force, but it’s a continuation in a lot of ways. You’ll be fine as a new reader to read Uncanny Avengers, because I’ll make sure and set everything up, but I’ll be frank — if you’ve read X-Force, Uncanny Avengers is going to be a much richer read for you, because when you see characters popping up from “The Dark Angel Saga” — while I’ll explain them to new readers — I can’t give the same level of depth and context as if you had read the book. One of those things is obviously dealing with Wolverine’s part in the “Dark Angel Saga,” and what happened with Warren and Evan, but also dealing with the ramifications emotionally of Wolverine’s state of mind after what happened with Daken. That’s not something I plan on leaving in the past. To me, that’s the new defining moment for what’s going to haunt Wolverine, and haunt his decisions. That’s definitely something that I’ll continue to be building on,” Remember told Comics Newsarama.

Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

Havok, Thor, Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Rogue will be joined by Sunfire, Wasp and Wonder Man in issue 5. The writer reveals why these old-school favorites made the cut.

  “I knew I wanted Sunfire. With Deadpool, I had the opportunity to write insanity on a team; and with Fantomex, I got to write that suave, sort of aloof, sarcastic dick. But with Sunfire I get to write an unmitigated, unapologetic, asshole. But a hero. A guy who’s going to put his life on the line — but a guy who’s been through hell. I really think Sunfire should have been one of the original cast members of X-Force, given all he’s been through. He’s been mind-twisted, he’s been a Horseman, he’s been a Marauder… he’s just been a mess. And it was all because he never joined the X-Men. He was always on the fringes. He was never a joiner. And he still wouldn’t be, but for the Avengers, there is a prestige to that, and that prestige to have a representative from Japan take a spot on this worldwide force for good. He’s a character who likes his honor, and his ego is definitely something that’s always in play.”

Remender has confirmed that Kang and Apocalypse will be the villains of the second arc: Ragnarok Now.

For the entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link. Thanks to the always insightful Albert Ching.

By Editor

My Favorite AVENGERS Rosters

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  This week Earth’s Mightiest Heroes relauches with a new creative team, bigger roster and new #1. As we wait for the debut of Jonathan Hickman’s upcoming Avengers roster I was inspired to share my favorite rosters:

  Young Avengers In the aftermath of Avengers Disassembled these teens tried to fill the void of the missing heroes. We learned how these kids were connected to Marvel icons, secrets were revealed and they challenged their adult heroes. Patriot, Iron Lad, Hulking, Wiccan, Stature, Hawkeye, Vision, and Speed became a dymanic team devoted to friendship and carrying on the Avengers legacy. Action, emotion, relationships – Allen Heinberg and Jim Cheung delivered in every issue from the first series to Avengers: Children’s Crusade – one of the most beautifully written and drawn series ever!

New Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

New Avengers Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman answered the call in breakout when Marvel’s biggest prison was busted. Brian Michael Bendis made the team Mightier by adding popular favorites Spidey and Logan. Spider-Woman, The Sentry, Echo, Iron Fist and Daredevil were more surprise choices. One epic led to another! Loved all the action, conspiracies and fights but I think I loved the Luke and Jessica romance, the tragedy of Robert and Lindy and the redemption of Jessica Drew most of all.


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Heroes Return In the wake of Heroes Reborn Marvel assembled legends Kurt Busiek and George Perez to return Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to greatness. The lineup was Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Hawkeye, Giant-Man, Wonder Man, Wasp, Vision and Warbird (Carol Danvers but in Ms. Marvel uniform.) Firestar, Silverclaw, Triathalon and Justice (Vance Astro) were the new members. A pitch perfect creative team at the top of their game threw the team up against Morgan Le Fay, Squadron Supreme and the ultimate enemy: Ultron!

Avengers #181 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers (Korvac+ era) This is a sentimental vote because this was the first comic book subscription I had as a kid. Can you imagine a young geek buying the issue where Michael Korvac blasted the entire team? The massive team was shortened (in part by government liaison Henry Gyrich) to Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Wasp, Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Beast, Ms. Marvel, Wonder Man and Jocasta. Jim Shooter, David Micheline, Roger Stern, George Perez and John Byrne were among the creators during this mighty era.

What was your favorite roster?

By Editor

A Fan’s Avengers Sequel Dreams

Avengers Origins: Ant-Man & The Wasp courtesy Marvel.com

  Marvel’s The Avengers exceeded all expectations! The ending left us with the promise of cosmic level villain and storyline. More on that ending here – careful there be spoilers!

  I would love to see Earth’s Mightiest Heroes take on Ultron because that would also mean the introduction of Henry Pym and Janet Van Dyne (aka Ant-Man & the Wasp!) (I can’t be root for Firefly reunion with Nathan Fillion and Summer Glau in those roles)

  Ultron is a criminally insane sentient robot obsessed with the eradication of humanity. Dr. Henry Pym used his own brain patterns in experiments to create a sentient artificial intelligence. The robot gained Pym’s intelligence and his mental instability but without any human conscience.

Avengers #22 courtesy Marvel.com

  Ultron created the Vision to infiltrate and destroy the Avengers but he betrayed his maker and became an Avenger (and husband of the Scarlet Witch.) Janet was Henry’s girlfriend and eventually became known as the Wasp. Ultron created a robot bride Jocasta modeled after Jan. Jocasta turned on her maker too.

Maybe that’s too many new Avengers and too many robots but what a villain! This cover is from the excellent Kurt Busiek and George Perez Avengers era.

 That’s just a geek dream. After Joss Whedon’s direction and Marvel Films production of The Avengers I’d even be excited about Egghead as the villain in the sequel!

By Editor

What do you hope to see in a sequel? Leave a comment or join us on Facebook.

A Geek Can Dream…Ms. Marvel & Wasp Casting Call

As I poured through my sources for news and inspiration I had casting visions.

2012 will see comic book and movie stars shine in Seattle for Emerald City Comicon this Spring and The Avengers assembled on the big screen this Summer.

I’m already thinking of a sequel featuring more favorite Avengers and I had casting ideas inspired by ECCC’s media guests.

Katee Sackoff as Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel. Katee’s portrayal of Kara “Starbuck” Thrace proves she could play the tough Air Force officer/CIA agent turned Kree ignited superheroine.

Summer Glau’s turn as River Song (I meant Tam, thanks for a follower for the correction) in Firefly and Serenity showed how she could play the vulnerable yet powerful Wasp. The Avengers director Joss Whedon knows what Glau can deliver based on their previous experience together. She just needs the short cut and Janet Van Dyne’s glam.

If you have the Wasp you must include Hank Pym. Could Tom Felton play the genius scientist with multiple super hero identities and a dark side?

Of all the possible Avengers in possible Avengers sequels I think these ones I would want to see on the big screen.

A geek can dream…

By Editor