DEADPOOL For Virgins

Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

As you may have picked up from the movie trailer, Deadpool is unstoppable.

After a supporting role in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds is back leading a spinoff that’s true to the ultra-violent, darkly hilarious anti-hero that’s been shooting and hacking his way through 25 years of adventures in Marvel Comics.

Who is Deadpool?

In the tradition of our for Virgins series, here’s what you need to know about the man in black and red if you’re read one, hundreds or no comics. Continue reading DEADPOOL For Virgins


Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

This November Deadpool fans are giving thanks for a brand new series starring the Merc With the Mouth. Wade Wilson is more popular than ever in a new book by returning writer Gerry Duggan who also put Deadpool in the latest volume of Uncanny Avengers.

Yes, Deadpool is an Avenger!

But who is the woman in silver blue and white hair? Continue reading DEADPOOL’S MYSTERY WOMAN


Deadpool #45 courtesy Marvel a Nerdist exclusive first
Deadpool #45 courtesy Marvel a Nerdist exclusive first

Marvel is killing off Deadpool?

The Merc With a Mouth is enjoying an incredible ride: he got married in 2014, a solo movie is green lighted for 2016 and the hero is starring in multiple series.

But popularity didn’t stop the Death of Wolverine did it?

Marvel revealed Deadpool will die and Deadpool #250 will be the final issue as revealed exclusively on

Current writer Gerry Duggan will be joined by a team of co-writers for the final adventure of Wade Wilson. Continue reading DEATH OF DEADPOOL

X-MEN Characters In DEADPOOL Movie? For Your Consideration

Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

With the announcement of a Deadpool solo movie in 2016 – let the speculation begin!

Will Ryan Reynolds reprise his role as Wade Wilson and continue the story from X-Men Origins: Wolverine or will Fox completely reboot the anti-hero’s story. Remember, X-Men: Days of Future Past reset the timeline.

Who else should be in a Deadpool movie?

X-Force? Deadpool was introduced in New Mutants which became the first version of the pro-active mutant squad led by Cable. Deadpool wasn’t on the team but he was part of the underground world Continue reading X-MEN Characters In DEADPOOL Movie? For Your Consideration

DEADPOOL Movie For 2016

Deadpool #22 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool #22 courtesy Marvel

The Merc With a Mouth is going back to the movies.


Twentieth Century Fox and Marvel announced a release date for a Deadpool solo movie according to The Hollywood Reporter. The X-Men spinoff is scheduled for February 12, 2016 and will be directed by Tim Miller.


No word on if Ryan Reynolds will reprise his role as Wade Wilson. Reynolds played the mutant mercenary in X-Men: Origins: Wolverine and Scott Adkins played the character after his Weapon X engineered transformation into Deadpool.  This announcement comes after test footage leaked online. The footage starring Reynolds was shot years ago. Continue reading DEADPOOL Movie For 2016


Night of the Living Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel
Night of the Living Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

Oh the horror!


Think Deadpool couldn’t get any darker?


This week the Merc With a Mouth gets a taste of the zombie apocalypse in Night of the Living Deadpool #1 by writer Cullen Bunn.


The final chapter of Bunn’s Deadpool Killology out but Cullen Bunn is just getting started with Wade Wilson. Here’s a taste of what you’ll devour in Night of the Living Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel. Continue reading NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEADPOOL Rises

DEADPOOL Final Kill Preview

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 courtesy Marvel
Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 courtesy Marvel

Cullen Bunn is Marvel’s go-to writer for outrageous action stories packed with humor (Deadpool, Fearless Defenders.) Cullen is preparing the grand finale to his Deadpool Killology.


The Merc With a Mouth has racked up a massive body count in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool Killustrated and the final chapter of Deadpool Kills Deadpool is coming soon. Bunn talks with about the bloody, funny race to finish as Wade kills his way through an army of doppelgangers. Continue reading DEADPOOL Final Kill Preview