Storm Vs Valkyrie (This Ain’t AvX)

Fear Itself The Fearless #9 courtesy Marvel

  Valkyrie Vs Storm! Fear Itself: The Fearless #9 featured a blistering battle between the X-Men’s Weather Goddess and the Warrior Woman of Asgard. This is one of the smartest written sequence with Ororo I’ve read in a long time. The power, passion and devotion of these women’s causes is felt in every panel.  

  We learn Valkyrie’s hidden reason for her mission to collect the Hammers. Doctor Strange and Captain America confront her with the truth when Sin’s forces strike. If Valkyrie is the haunted angel then Sin is the devil. I can’t wait to see these opposite forces finally clash.

  I really love this book. As a longtime fan of Valkyrie – it’s great to see her in the spotlight and taking on the Marvel universe.

Valkyrie Versus Avengers, Storm, the Marvel Universe!

Fear Itself The Fearless #12 by Art Adams courtesy Marvel and Comic Book Resources Exclusive First

  I’ve been raving about Fear Itself: The Fearless. The action packed series stars Valkyrie in a race with Sin to recover mystical hammers. The Norse warrior woman defied the Avengers in search to recover the Asgardian artifacts. The legendary Art Adams provides stunning covers for the limited series.

I was thrilled to see two preview images in this week’s Axel in Charge column on Comic Book Resources. Valkyrie is ready to strike on the cover to the final issue and another image shows Storm and Danielle Moonstar (back in her Valkyrie form) confronting Val with a hammer ready to strike.

When a fan asked about Art Adams upcoming work with Marvel, Editor in Chief Axel Alonso responded:

Fear Itself The Fearless preview cover courtesy Marvel

  “Fingers crossed we can find time for him to draw a story in “AvX: Versus.” I mean, how cool would that be?

Seriously cool! Adams starts creating covers for Secret Avengers, also featuring Valkyrie, next month.

Here’s one of my favorite Art Adams X-Men stories from the late 80’s featuring Mojo, Longshot and the X-babies.

Are You Feeling The Fearless?

Fear Itself: The Fearless #7 courtesy

  I am loving Fear Itself: The Fearless and the latest chapter only pumped up my enthusiasm for this series. Valkyrie has gone rogue with the Avengers in pursuit. The Asgardian warrior woman is racing around the world against the evil forces of Sin to recover the mystical weapons in the aftermath of Fear Itself.

  This series is a showcase for one of the most underrated characters in the Marvel Universe. The writers show Valkyrie in action against her own teammates, pivotal moments from her life in Asgard as Odin’s shieldmaiden and emotional moments on Earth during the Fear Itself crisis. I’m thrilled to see this character get the spotlight she deserves.

Fear Itself: The Fearless #8 courtesy

  Cullen Bun is scripting from a story developed by Matt Fraction, Chris Yost and himself. Paul Pelletier and Mark Bagley provide the art while Arthur Adams continues to deliver one awesome cover after another of action and monsters.

  This issue features the Avengers in what looks like a flashback from the X-Men Inferno epic, a bloody showdown between Wolverine and Crossbones, a huge betrayal and new alliance of evil.

  I just can’t wait for what I hope is a Valkyrie/Sin throwdown. Teasers say Valkyrie will raid the X-Men’s home base next. You can browse all the issues so far at this link.


Raising Hellcat!

It’s time for Hellcat to prowl again!

The Defenders are back in action and on front line of the Marvel Universe. A new series debuted this week by Matt Fraction and Terry Dodson. Doctor Strange recruited Red She Hulk, Namor, Iron Fist and Silver Surfer for this latest incarnation of the ‘non-team’ team to face the supernatural threats unleashed by the events of Fear Itself storyline.

Ed Brubaker brought ex-Defender Valkyrie back for his Secret Avengers run. The Norse warrior woman is now starring in The Fearless racing against Sin and her own teammates to recover the mystical hammers summoned to Earth by The Serpent during Fear Itself

  This Defenders comeback is making me long for the return of their sexy former teammate, Hellcat.

  Patsy Walker was a child actress/model and star of a comic book within a comic book. She dreamed of being a real superhero. A chance meeting with Beast led to her becoming a costumed hero. Patsy joined the Avengers, the Defenders, went to Hell and married a devilish husband, Son of Satan. Pasty was last seen as part of the limited series Marvel Divas.

  I always love her adventures with Valkyrie. The sexy cat and steely warrior woman were a great female duo during their Defenders run and I’m hoping Hellcat gets to use one of her nine lives in a new series or make an appearance in the new Defenders or The Fearless series. Now that the Defenders are back “in” it’s time to raise a little Hellcat!

  Check out her bio for more on the history of Patsy Walker.

By Editor