Surprise Return in Uncanny Avengers!

Uncanny Avengers #4
Uncanny Avengers #4

The 90’s are definitely back with a vengeance!

Marvel’s newest dream team may have defeated the Red Skull in this week’s Uncanny Avengers #4. but Rick Remender delivered a huge surprise in the final page!

Before I continue here’s a



If you have not read Uncanny Avengers #4 yet then stop reading now.


Here it comes.



A reborn Red Skull stole the brain of Professor X and used it as the ultimate mind control weapon to trigger a wave of anti-mutant violence. Captain America, Wolverine, Thor, Rogue, Havok and Scarlet Witch saved the day but then Rick Remender cut into the future with team members on the run from… Continue reading Surprise Return in Uncanny Avengers!