UNCANNY X-MEN #3 Preview!

Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

Have you recovered from the shocker at the end of Uncanny X-Men #1? Marvel isn’t letting up and delivered these spectacular pages from Uncanny X-Men #3! Chris Bachalo’s mutant power must be his uncanny ability to make X-Men look absolutely bad-ass!

Bachalo co-created some of the Generation X kids, the darker X-Men of the Age of Apocalypse, the “rogue” squad of X-Men led by Rogue during Mike Carey’s run and helped launch Wolverine and the X-Men with Jason Aaron.

Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

Uncanny X-Men #3 focuses on Magneto and the corruption of his powers. Can Erik prove he’s still the Master of Magnetism when it counts? Magneto led the Age of Apocalypse version of the X-Men (drawn by Bachalo) and the artist evolves Erik’s look again.

Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #3 courtesy Marvel

I really love the image of Emma Frost looking like an Avon Lady from Hell! Cyke, Erik, Emma and Magik continue Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN #3 Preview!

Uncanny X-Men Begins Again!

Uncanny X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

If you thought Uncanny X-Men and Cyclops’s Extinction Team were extinct…think again! Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo relaunch Uncanny X-Men for the Marvel Now in February 2013. It was confirmed today on Marvel.com.

It appears Cyclops may not trying to make up for his actions in Avengers vs. X-Men. The new mutant population boom has the fallen leader inspired to save his race – by any means necessary. Magneto, Emma Frost and Magik join Scott on his missions to recruit young mutants and protect them from a world that fears and hates them.

  “You will discover in the very first issue of ALL-NEW X-MEN exactly where Scott Summers’ head is at. Of all the X-Men that feel it is their job to further the legacy of Charles Xavier, no one feels it more strongly than Scott Summers.

  Scott Summers himself is not only trying to save these kids but he is trying to train them and get them ready for what he feels is coming mutant revolution These new students represent his only hope for true redemption. And his only hope to make the world the way he really thinks it should be.”

All-New X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

The new Uncanny X-Men follows after All-New X-Men, both written by Bendis. The writer reveals which is the flagship and how the books connect to Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron.

  “I feel the audience decides what is or is not a flagship title, but I will say that UNCANNY X-MEN will be the one-stop shop for these very important characters in the mutant [corner of the] Marvel Universe and the Marvel Universe proper. I’m very lucky that I get to write ALL NEW X-MEN and UNCANNY X-MEN at the same time. I can examine this fascinating part of the Marvel Universe from vastly different angles.

  I can’t think of a time where the mutant part of the Marvel Universe has been more exciting. Every character is so complex and there are so many characters interacting. Literally anything could happen,

  It is not unlike the job I had writing NEW AVENGERS and DARK AVENGERS at the same time, even though this is not DARK X-MEN.”

Bendis revealed that the new Uncanny X-Men came out of story planning for AvX.

I love this response from Bendis comparing the friends and family aspect in Earth’s Mightiest Heroes versus the Children of the Atom.

   “Absolutely. If the Avengers are a family, then UNCANNY X-MEN is a very, very, very dysfunctional family.  But these characters really do need each other. And some of them love each other. And some of them don’t.”

Avengers vs X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

Even though I love Jean I’ve said before that Emma Frost is the best thing to happen to Scott Summers. Bendis confirms that Cyke and Emma are over.

  “The romance is done. They are not together anymore romantically. It’s pretty hard to come back from what they went through in Avengers Vs. X-Men.Things were said, powers were stolen, and as we will discover in the very first issues of UNCANNY X-MEN, some things happen between them that cannot be taken back.

  And because they are Scott and Emma, this breakup is going to take a while. And it’s not going to be pretty, but fun to write.”

Magneto has been the ultimate X-Men enemy, headmaster of Xavier’s and in recent years an ally loyal to Scott. I love Bendis’s teasing answer to the question: Is Magneto reformed?

  “What you are going to see with Magneto is a very specific new chapter in his life. At the last Marvel [creative summit] we were talking about the fact that we often break our heroes but never do much to our villains. We would put the Fantastic Four through the ringer but Doctor Doom  is always Doctor Doom. I gave that conversation a lot of thought.

  What happens in the pages of UNCANNY X-MEN will establish a very bold, new chapter for Magneto.”

Bendis said he’s creating brand new mutant characters for that will be front and center with the main cast. I’m always excited for the debut of new mutants. I won’t name names but some work, some don’t.

The big question for me: Cyclops’s new headgear?

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

  All-New X-Men #1 debuts next week! Uncanny X-Men #1 hits in February!

By Editor

New UNCANNY X-MEN Confirmed?

Uncanny X-Men #1 by Chris Bachalo courtesy Marvel and Chris Bachalo Illustation

  Last week’s tease:

Uncanny. Bendis. Bachalo.

  But could it really mean a third volume of Uncanny X-Men?

  Artist Chris Bachalo confirmed the relaunch on his personal blog according to Comic Book Resources.

  The artist writes:

  “Launches are tough as there’s a lot of ground to cover to get things rolling,” Bachalo said. “Characters are re-imagined, writing styles adjusted to, locations established. It’s a tough learning curve that typically takes a few issues to figure out and grow comfortable with. We’re still very early into the creative part so hard for me to comment on exactly what to expect. The daring part is that the tone of the book — feels like, its early — will be a little darker. Characters powers have been ‘adjusted’ as a result of the Phoenix Five fallout and I was asked to redesign costumes for the entire cast. Everyone. Plus, as of today, there are two “new” mutants. It’s a big jump that I’m sure will turn a few off but, we’re betting on, that most will welcome and enjoy. One thing that you can count on is that Brian will always give you something worth reading. He never fails to be interesting. Launch is two issues in February.”

  The preview art showing Cyke’s new costume does match the one on earlier the Marvel Now! teaser art by Joe Quesada. The shot shows a new helmet on Magneto and the lovely Miss Emma Frost.

  I have loved Chris Bachalo’s work since his co-creation of Generation X and Age of Apocalypse. Bachalo has rejoined the X-Men family so many times but each time he brings exciting new takes to Marvel’s mutants. Bachalo is near the top of my wish list of “I MUST MEET” at a con!

 Uncanny X-Men arrives in February 2013.

By Editor

Uncanny X-Men Endings and Beginnings

Uncanny X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel

Kieron Gillen has been keeping secrets all along via three manipulative members of the diverse cast of Uncanny X-Men: Volume 2. Gillen delivers a satifying ending to the Uncanny X-Men series for a second time. The writer masterfully gives us six characters in 3 powerful revelations. Cyclops is imprisoned in a SHIELD facility when Kate Kildare, his superhero PR specialist, pays a visit. Gillen delivers an Ace he’s been holding since the series relaunched and it’s a helluva reveal. Kate’s real identity is a shocker and could lead to a whole new adventure for Scott and perhaps his greatest enemy.

Unit may be my favorite creation (he first appeared in S.W.O.R.D.) of Gillen’s run – I have already pleaded with the writer to use the android against Tony Stark in his upcoming Marvel Now relaunch of Iron Man. Unit and Danger’s final confrontation is beautiful and cruel. Those last panels of Unit are a perfectly chilling sendoff of the creature Gillen called aptly called a hybrid of C3PO and Hannibal Lecter.

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

Gillen managed to make the most bizarre brother/sister dynamic in comics even more tragic and strange during this Extinction team era. Illyana confronts a brooding Colossus on the ravaged Phoenix farms in Siberia. Magik takes Peter to Limbo for one last act and revelation that leaves him free of the Cyttorak and vowing to kill her. Illyana’s last line is cold and demonstrates the little snowflake has long been burned away. Colossus will turn up again in Cable and X-Force but I would love to see where Gillen would have taken Peter next.

Uncanny X-Men preview art courtesy Marvel.com

Uncanny X-Men #20 could have packed in Storm, Psylocke, Magneto and Hope but their fates will be featured in other X-books. I was satisfied with the three big reveals. The only missing? Where was Emma Frost?

By Editor

Action, Insight and the X-Men’s Hannibal Lecter

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Kieron Gillen is on a wicked roll with Uncanny X-Men #11. UNIT was established in the previous issues as a powerful new threat to the mutants. I call him the X-Men’s version of Ultron. Gillen calls him a cross of “C3PO and Hannibal Lecter” and that’s perfect description given the eerie moment in the latest issue.

  UNIT may be caged under Utopia but he’s still a real menace. There’s a scene between Hope and the alien/machine that reminds me of Hannibal and Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs when his finger touched hers.

  The issue moves before and between the events of AvX #1 and #2. While this issue is packed with action, Gillen takes us inside the minds of these X-Men. Colossus and Red Hulk’s battle underwater continues and it’s a brutal beating on both sides. Peter has an epic war inside his mind and soul. This fight begins as a trying to defeat an Avengers but turns into a battle for what’s left of Peter’s humanity. There’s even an “oh —-” moment when the Red Hulk looks scared. The journey of the Colossal Juggernaut continues to be one of the most intriguing element of Gillen’s X-run.

Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  I really enjoyed getting inside the mind of the arrogant and awesome Namor. I’ve loved the Atlantean being part of the X-Men world but we learn why he’s chosen to stand with the mutants and insight into the Cyclops

 I think Gillen possesses a real grasp of each X-Man’s “voice.” This power packed issue really adds a vital new element to the AvX conflict.

The Next Great X-Villain Is Here

Uncanny X-Men #10 courtesy Marvel

  Kieron Gillen is firing on all wicked cylinders with Uncanny X-Men #10. AvX is taking over for a while but I can’t wait to see what happens next with the devious plot threads he launched with this issue.

  Unit is an alien computer-like creation that’s cold and clinical. He’s a chilling hybrid of C3PO and Hannibal Lecter – that’s Gillen’s description and it’s spot on! I say he could be the X-Men’s Ultron. 

  Unit stages a prison break unleashing alien criminal across Earth and uniting the X-Men and Avengers one last time before AvX. But Unit’s real objective is the mutant messiah.

  Scott’s Extinction team of most powerful mutants is skillfully taken apart with cold precision by Unit. The monster’s endgame is an audience with Hope with the promise (or is it a lure) of learning about the Phoenix.

  Watch for two big confrontations for Cyclops in this event filled issue. Due to Scott’s actions Steve Rogers sees a different side of the mutant – planting the seeds for how each leader may strategize against each other in AvX. Abigail Brand of S.W.O.R.D. and Cyke have a testy moment where they share dark secrets and the beginning of  darker covenant.

  Oh and I if you love Emma Frost and Colossus – there are some surprises for them in this issue too that will reverberate into future stories.

And I freakin’ love Adam Kubert’s cover – it’s a perfect representation for what Gillen does to the team and this book.

By Editor

ECCC Report: Colossus and Kitty Pryde in AvX #5

Colossus and Kitty Pryde together again at Emerald City Comicon, ComicsBlend.com

  Colossus and Kitty Pryde are my favorite mutant couple so I was charmed and impressed by this couple at Emerald City Comicon.     During the Marvel: Pint O’ C.B. Panel, the costumed X-fans approached the microphone to ask the panel about Marvel’s most on again and off again mutant couple.  The young man asked with a Russian accent, “vat’s going to happen wiv Peterrrr and Kitty?

  Writer Matt Fraction responded, “You are going to love Avengers Vs. X-Men #5.”

  Moderator and Marvel Talent Scout/Editor C.B. Cebulski asked, “Hey Kitty, have you told Colossus about Iceman?” which triggered laughs from the panel and audience.

Colossus and Kitty question the Marvel panel at ECCC, ComicsBlend.com

  Just in case you’re not caught up with the X-books, Kitty broke up with Peter after he assumed the power of the Juggernaut. Kitty moved back east with Wolverine to reopen the Jean Grey School in Wolverine and the X-Men. Iceman recently made a move and planted a big frosty kiss on Kitty.

New Uncanny X-Men Built For AVX

Uncanny X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel.com

  The geek world shuddered when Marvel ditched Uncanny X-Men’s numbering and relaunched with a brand new one after the Schism event. If you’ve been reading Kieron Gillen’s new Uncanny you know why – it’s a very different book because of Cyclops’ mission – to create an Extinction team to maintain peace and protect mutants through a show of power. Captain America demonstrates his own show of force when he arrives on Utopia in Avengers Vs. X-Men #1.

 “I’ll be entirely candid here: my entire run has been conceived in order to build towards AvX. I knew that was coming, and I wanted to do everything I could to increase its importance for it. You get people saying how they hate their favorite books derailed for a crossover, and I wanted to avoid that. AvX is the logical endpoint of huge chunks of what I’m doing. I sort of call the process “Steering into a crossover.” I’ve done it with most of my Marvel work — in that if you know something enormous is on the horizon, your story best veer in its direction otherwise it ends up feeling false when you do a story which does tie in. If you’re writing a shared universe book, you want it to help the book rather than hurt it. ” Gillen told Comics Newsarama in their exclusive interview.


Uncanny X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  “So, yes, it’s no accident that final arc is a team-up to defeat a string of world-level threats. It’s about seeing them together one final time before it all goes bad. It’s also about delineating the fundamental difference between the two groups. And part of me is always trying to at assume some people are only reading my book. I even try to assume that people have only read my book ever, so may not even be aware who the Avengers are. In that case, if they’re going to go to war shortly, I want to introduce them into the narrative before it happens.”

 For Gillen’s entire interview here’s the Comics Newsarama link.