Uncanny X-Force: Deadpool’s Final Execution?

Uncanny X-Force #31 courtesy Marvel

Treachery among killers. Rick Remender is counting down to his final issue and series finale of Uncanny X-Force. The series that opened with the killing of a child who would become Apocalypse has never lots its edge. This time it’s personal.

Evan is one of the most tragic figures in the X-world today. Fantomex and Wolverine thought this clone could have an innocent childhood and not rise to become the evil Apocalypse. The boy has been kidnapped by a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, learned the truth of his origin and is being pushed into his dark destiny.

Daken, Sabretooth, Mystique, Blob, Skinless Man and the Shadow King think they’ve killed X-Force and can harness the unleashed Apocalypse. This chapter is a harrowing story of treachery among killers. As always Mystique has her own agenda and has her own endgame planned out. Sabretooth appears to be learning from Raven. Shadow King is priming Evan to be Apocalypse. Victor is manipulating Daken by twisting his daddy issues.

The biggest manipulation comes from Betsy. I’ve loved how Remender has written Psylocke and she has two huge moments in this issue. Uncanny X-Force #31 ends with what could be a final execution as one of Logan’s teammates goes rogue. The covert team’s final mission mirrors the one that started the series.

All the agendas of these heroes and villains could lead to drastic twists into a new direction. That’s why I’ve always said Remender is fearless writer. Anything could happen in his book.

By Editor

Remender Exits Uncanny X-Force

Uncanny X-Force: The Apocalypse Solution cover courtesy Marvel.com

Rick Remender on Uncanny X-Force may be hailed as one of the most dangerously ambitious epics of fearless writing, senses-shattering and violent storytelling in Marvel history.

Remender tells Comic Book Resources he’s leaving the title with December’s Uncanny X-Force #35. The last chapter of Final Execution will be the series finale.

  “There were a lot of different factors involved. It was a very tough decision to make and it came down to a conversation I had about it with Kieron Gillen about how long I would stay past this. He said, “Know when to get off the stage.” That’s something that we maybe overlook.

I’m now doing “Uncanny Avengers” and “Captain America” and I realized that in order for me to do those and not want to blow my brains out, I might have to walk away from “Venom,” “Secret Avengers” and “Uncanny X-Force.” That was a bummer because I put so much into building them and getting the trains out of the station. I love all the characters, but that’s just the reality. With “X-Force,” I feel like this final story, which I’m very excited and have been building towards for a while now, pretty much wraps up everything we’ve been doing. It says everything I wanted to say about a kill squad while also really digging into the X-Universe that I loved so much as a kid growing up. So it really did come down to the fact that it was time to get off the stage.

Uncanny X-Force #31 courtesy Marvel

Hopefully, I’ll be able to stick a nice landing with “Final Execution” and people will really enjoy it, so the series will never have that part where it tapered and stopped being as good. That’s the upshot. You do your best work — and we all have — and then you wrap things up and walk away from it.”

In this week’s Uncanny X-Force #31 what’s left of Wolverine’s unit takes the fight to the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.


Remender is moving on to Uncanny Avengers and Captain America. Marvel has teased Sam Humphries and Ron Garney on a Marvel NOW book with the teaser KILLERS – a perfect description of Wolverine’s black ops squad.  The series may be coming to an end but it’s a good bet the X-Force concept will live to kill again.

By Editor


Uncanny X-Force Face the Omega Clan


Uncanny X-Force #25 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

Uncanny X-Force #25 kicks off a new adventure for Wolverine’s covert team. In Final Execution the mutants will once again face the consequences of their actions. Veteran artist Mike McKone joins Rick Remender for the arc. Marvel.com shared preview art and a new interview revealing the new enemies for Logan’s crew.


Uncanny X-Force #25 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

McKone draws the Omega Clan based on Omega Red and makes Remender’s new concept come alive on the page. 

Uncanny X-Force #25 courtesy Marvel.com

  “The main location in the issue is a really fun idea of Rick’s,” he says. “It’s a huge, floating mall, hidden in a cloud, where assassins can be bought and traded. It’s a great example, I think, of why this series has struck such a chord with readers: huge playful ideas, writ on a giant canvas with truly wonderful characterization. I hope I can do it again.”

 For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

Omega Red was created by Jim Lee and John Byrne in 1992. The mutant has super strength, healing factor and a power to unleash pheromones that could kill. Red had surgically implanted metal tentacles and was allegedly the KGB’s attempt to create a Russian super soldier like Captain America. The villain became a major Wolverine foe through the 90’s.

Uncanny X-Force Final Execution


Uncanny X-Force #25 courtesy Marvel.com

  Rick Remender and Mike McKone preview the upcoming Uncanny X-Force story Final Execution on Marvel.com. Editor Nick Lowe said it was not just an arc but a “MEGA” arc. Is this the next Dark Angel Saga?

  “We changed one big element of the Dark Angel Saga, and this story grows out of that. So it’s actually kind of a double mega arc, because this is an extension of the Dark Angel Saga in some ways. It’s nine issues and a continuation of what we’ve been doing in some ways,” said Remender.

 The story introduces a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants who grow out of the Dark Angel Saga.

 “This is the toughest Brotherhood of Evil Mutants ever. When you see who’s in it, you’ll see just what the stakes are for X-Force.”  

 “The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants has a huge plan that stems from the earlier issues of Uncanny X-Force. Archangel’s fall was really the smaller consequence from killing the child Apocalypse. This is the big consequence.”

“This is going to be the ugliest, most down and dirty thing I’ve ever written.”

 “I tried to envision something I thought Mike could really excel at here. Issue #25 introduces a new take on a classic X-Men villain and I can’t wait to see Mike draw them. They’re the Omega Clan, three new characters built from the remains of Omega Red.”

“Any place that manufactures humans into weapons is going to piss off a couple members of X-Force. I always want a personal reason for why these characters take on these missions,” said Remender about White Skies where corporations can shop for villains.

 “Final Execution is Wolverine’s spotlight arc. He goes through a crazy thing here. I think the fear with him is that he’s in so many books that his growth can become stagnant. He ends this story in a very different place.”

For the entire chat session here’s the Marvel.com Next Big Thing link.

Age of Apocalypse #1 Preview

courtesy Marvel.com

  Marvel twisted their X-universe into the Age of Apocalypse in the 90’s. Charles Xavier never existed. Apocalypse ruled North America. Magneto was the leader of rebel heroes. Wolverine and Jean Grey were lovers.

courtesy Marvel.com

  Rick Remender took his Uncanny X-Force into that dimension for The Dark Angel Saga. In the aftermath, Dave Lapham is taking survivors of that dimension’s mutant-human war to an even more twisted level. Age of Apocalypse #1 is a new ongoing by Lapham with artist Roberto De La Torre.

  Weapon X is leads the war to eliminate humanity. The X-Terminated may be the only hope.


courtesy Marvel.com

“This new Age of Apocalypse book does the impossible – it revolutionizes an old concept without a reboot,” explains Senior Editor Nick Lowe. “If you’ve been reading Uncanny X-Force, you know where this is coming from and you’re already in. If you’re an Age of Apocalypse junkie, this builds on the alternate universe’s mythology is fascinating and troubling ways. And if you aren’t either and just want a ground-breaking, easy-entry book that will challenge everything you know about the X-Men, there hasn’t been a better jumping on point.”

courtesy Marvel.com

 The new series debuts in March with covers by Humberto Ramos.


Top 5 for 1/4/12

Wolverine and The X-Men: Alpha and Omega #1 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #1

Logan’s X-Men survived the attack on the new mutant school but can they defeat an enemy within? Kid Omega challenges Wolverine for dominance of the school and a fan favorite mutants is caught in the crossfire. Writer Brian Wood returns to Marvel for this clash of the mutants. Logan may be the best there is when it comes to a physical brawl but how will he defeat an omega level telepath?

Uncanny X-Force 19.1

Spinning out of the Dark Angel Saga Finale, The Age of Apocalypse version of X-Men make a last stand against Weapon X and meet this dimension’s new heroes, the X-Terminated. Rick Remember sets the bloody stage for a new ongoing Age of Apocalyple #1 debuting later this year.


Fatale #1 cover courtesy Image Comics

Fatale #1

The modern masters of crime comics introduce a new blend of horror and noir. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips throw what looks likes some Lovecraftian terror into the story of a woman on the run, a mobster that may be a demon, and the men caught in their endless struggle.

Avengers: X-Sanction #2

Cable’s mission to wipe out the Avengers ontinues. Last issue left with Nathan holding a gun to Captain America’s head now Iron Man is Cable’s target. Can the Iron Avenger fare any better against the mutant super soldier gone rogue?

Peanuts #1

“You’re in a new monthly comic book, Charlie Brown!” Snoopy and the whole gang in new original stories and never before seen stories from the Sunday strips.


Uncanny X-Force Dark Angel Saga: 11 for 2011

Uncanny X-Force 17 from Marvel.com. Cover Art by Esad Ribic

  The Dark Angel Saga is one of the most violent and compelling stories of 2011. Rick Remender took Wolverine’s covert team into the Age of Apocalypse in order to save Angel’s soul.

 After years of struggle with the evil Archangel inside him, Warren was about to become the next embodiment of Apocalypse. I recounted the The Seeds of the Dark Angel Saga and how the once golden boy of the original X-Man had transformed into the cold, calm executor of Apocalypse’s vision.

  One of the best aspects of Remender’s run this year is his redefining of Psylocke. You felt Betsy and Warren’s love deteriorate with heartbreaking moments and punches in the gut. Like Mike Carey’s portrayal of Rogue on his X-Men: Legacy, I think Rick Remender will be known for his writing of Psylocke.

If you missed the single issues The Dark Angel Saga is collected in two volumes


The Dark Angel Saga Ends

Uncanny X-Force #18 cover courtesy Marvel.com

  As I write this I have my bagged copy of Uncanny X-Force #18, the conclusion to the Dark Angel Saga. I’m about to rip and read what could be the final fate of Warren Worthington. The Regenesis previews give you an idea of what might happen to the covert mutant squad but with Rick Remender’s writing, the thrill is in how we get there.

  In case you missed it, here’s my post on The Seeds of the Dark Angel Saga. I think all of these storylines are foundation pieces for this violent epic that be enjoyed all on their own. Warren’s journey from golden boy to villain’s pawn to ultimate evil will be long remembered in X-history.