Who Will Play Ultron in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON (Strictly Theory)

Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #1 courtesy Marvel

This is just a theory:


Joss Whedon will pit Earth’s Mightiest Heroes against what some consider their greatest enemy (he gets my vote!) in 2015.


Marvel announced that the sequel to Earth’s Biggest Moneymaker will be Avengers: Age of Ultron.


Whedon said the new film will not be based on the recent Age of Ultron storyline by Brian Michael Bendis and will not follow the same comic book origins. Founding Avenger, original Ant-Man and Ultron creator Hank Pym will not appear in the sequel. (See it here on Marvel.com.)


Which ignites at least two big burning questions: Continue reading Who Will Play Ultron in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON (Strictly Theory)

A New Kind of AVENGERS

Avengers A.I. #1 courtesy Marvel
Avengers A.I. #1 courtesy Marvel

Ultron gave artificial intelligence a bad name! The villain’s creator is leading a new team of robots and cyborgs in Avengers A.I. #1 out tomorrow.


In the aftermath of Age of Ultron, Hank Pym is on the road to redemption and leading a team of Marvel’s mightiest artificial intelligences. Writer Sam Humphries explains Pym’s new role and the team’s mission with Marvel.com.


“As for the new team, it’s just a blast of excitement and nerves for Hank. Remember, Hank was there on day one of the Avengers, and he was a member of West Coast Avengers as well. I think the opportunity to assemble—sorry—a new team is like another chance to get it right, another chance to be a force for good in the world. It’s like that Continue reading A New Kind of AVENGERS

AGE OF ULTRON – Hank Pym Aftermath

Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

One of Marvel’s most classic heroes stars in Age of Ultron #10AI by Mark Waid this week.


The Marvel Universe is recovering from the final battle with Ultron and is not prepared for what’s been unleashed across the multiverse but a founding Avenger has a new purpose.


The Age of Ultron began way back when Hank Pym invented the artificial intelligence. The redemption of Hank Pym begins.


“The aftermath focuses heavily on Hank Pym,” said Brevoort at C2E2 earlier this year, “He goes through a fairly transformative experience… given that he’s dead. Age of Ultron #10 AI is a deep dive into Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON – Hank Pym Aftermath

AGE OF ULTRON Finale & Beyond

Age of Ultron #10 arrives this week! Brian Michael Bendis will be joined by an all-star team of artists (Bryan Hitch, Butch Guice, Carlos Pacheco, Alex Maleev, Brandon Peterson, David Marquez and Joe Quesada.)


Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #10 courtesy Marvel

“Everybody in the book is drawing sequences that are tailored for them.” said Marvel Executive Editor Tom Brevoort earlier this year.

The finale marks the return of Neil Gaiman to Marvel and introduction Angela (from the Image book Spawn)  to the Marvel Universe in Age of Ultron #10. Angela’s Marvel story will continue into Guardians of the Galaxy #5, co-written by Bendis and Gaiman.

The Age of Ultron really began Hank Pym creating the artificial intelligence and the founding Avenger will be central to the immediate future of the Marvel Universe.

“The aftermath focuses heavily on Hank Pym,” said Brevoort, “He goes through a fairly transformative experience… given that he’s dead. Age of Ultron #10 AI is a deep dive into the history of Hank Pym.”

Age of Ultron #10AI
Age of Ultron #10AI

As a founding Avenger Pym has had a major influence on the Marvel Universe and generations of fans and writers.

“I had a full run of Tales To Astonish. Pym was my guy,” said Rick Remender, “At the retreats, there’s no shortage of Pym ideas. There’s a lot of love for the guy.”

Hank will headline  Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON Finale & Beyond

AGE OF ULTRON Finale Preview!

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

It’s the final countdown to Age of Ultron #10! Wolverine made a brutal call to prevent the world from Ultron’s ultimate victory but it created in a horrific new reality.


In one week an all-star creative team will unveil the grand finale! We know the events of this issue will introduce Angela to the Marvel Universe and lead to a new destiny for founding Avenger, Hank Pym, but who will survive?


Marvel shared this teaser and cover by Alex Maleev:


“To save the Marvel Universe, Earth’s Mightiest made the most controversial decision of their lives resulting in a disaster unlike any they’ve seen before. But with one final shot Continue reading AGE OF ULTRON Finale Preview!

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for April 10, 2013

Batman #19 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #19 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #19 Bruce Wayne vs. Jim Gordon?

Harbinger #11 Is Bloodshot gunning for Peter Stanchek and his Renegades? How will the kids react to Project Rising Spirit’s new mission? Harbinger Wars continues this week.

Sex #2 How does a former crime fighter get his thrills when his super hero fantasies are over? Joe Casey’s shocking story of a repressed ex-hero’s submersion into a city’s twisted underbelly.

Star Wars #4 Princess Leia sets a trap for an Imperial spy in the rebel fleet. Luke Skywalker is grounded. Will the future Jedi’s flirtation with a fellow pilot become a dangerous romance? Han Solo’s escape from the Empire leads to an adventure in the dark underworld of Coruscant. Brian Wood’s new adventures set during the original trilogy continue to thrill and amaze.

Ultron #1AU  What if your father took over the world and killed a lot of superheroes. Life was already tough for Victor Mancha. Now Age of Ultron brings more daddy issues for the android son of Ultron. Kathryn Immonen focuses on the former Runaway and future star of Avengers AI. Can this tortured teen escaped his evil father’s shadow to forge his own heroic future?

By Editor

Top Comic Book Picks March 13, 2013

Batman #18 courtesy DC Comics
Batman #18 courtesy DC Comics

Age of Ultron #2 The greatest Avengers enemy has won. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are broken. Hawkeye was an absolute badass in the premiere. Can Clint rally the Captain America and the survivors to fight back?

Batman #18
Will Damian’s horrific death drive Bruce over the edge? Breakout character Harper Rowe returns. This tough teen from The Narrows saved Batman before. Can Harper save Bruce again after Robin’s Continue reading Top Comic Book Picks March 13, 2013