Old Man Logan #2 courtesy Marvel
Old Man Logan #2 courtesy Marvel

The Marvel and Ultimate Universes are ending with Brian Michael Bendis square in the middle of the cosmic chaos.

The fan-favorite writer answered questions about his Secret Wars tie-in books (Ultimate End, Old Man Logan, Guardians of Knowhere) and shared art from Uncanny X-Men #600, his final issue in a special Marvel live event.

Bendis and Mark Bagley (Ultimate Spider-Man) reunited for Ultimate End – the five part final story of the Ultimate Universe they helped create 15 years ago. Continue reading BENDIS On ULTIMATE END & OLD MAN LOGAN

Top New Comics For May 20, 2015

A-Force #1 courtesy Marvel
A-Force #1 courtesy Marvel

A-Force #1

An all-new Avengers emerges on Battleworld! A squad of female heroes from across different times assembles in this Secret Wars tie-in by writers G. Willow Wilson and Marguerite Bennett. In a bizarre new world where Doctor Doom is god with Doctor Strange and Sue Storm at his command, where do the women of A-Force stand? Can She-Hulk, Medusa, Dazzler,  Nico and a new mystery heroine save their realm, keep the peace or will they challenge Doom?


Archie vs. Predator #2

Horror follows the Riverdale gang home! They survived the Spring Break carnage in Costa Rica. Now the alien hunter is tracking Betty and Veronica! How can Jughead help them escape and catch the killer extraterrestrial. Alex De Campi’s bring the iconic monster to Riverdale in chapter two of this Dark Horse and Archie Comics. Continue reading Top New Comics For May 20, 2015


Ultimate End #1 courtesy Marvel
Ultimate End #1 courtesy Marvel

Will Miles Morales or any Ultimate heroes survive what’s coming?

Two founding fathers of Marvel’s Ultimate line reunite for its final story.

Marvel revealed Ultimate Spider-Man original team Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley will deliver Ultimate End – a five-part limited series tied to Secret Wars.

Bendis and Bagley were part of the team that launched the Ultimate Universe in 2000 with modern takes on iconic characters and where dead meant dead and Nick Fury was Samuel L. Jackson and a new hero named Miles Morales would become a new Spider-Man. Continue reading WHO SURVIVES THE ULTIMATE END?


Ultimate End #1 courtesy Marvel
Ultimate End #1 courtesy Marvel

The end of the Marvel and Ultimate Universe is coming in Secret Wars.

The cataclysmic event is the finale of Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers/New Avengers run.

It’s the end of the Ultimate Universe. Two architects of that groundbreaking line return for the finale 15 years after the birth of the line.

Marvel revealed original Ultimate Spider-Man creative team Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley will reunite for Ultimate End – a five issue tie-in series featuring the final Ultimate Universe story. Continue reading BRIAN BENDIS & MARK BAGLEY Unite for ULTIMATE END