Astonishing X-Men #62 Review: Hot for Iceman!

Astonishing X-Men #63 courtesy Marvel
Astonishing X-Men #63 courtesy Marvel

Dark Iceman?

The many loves of Bobby Drake are reunited in a funny, heartbreaking issue with a hints of darkness in Astonishing X-Men #62. I had forgotten about all these women from Iceman’s past but this is not just a soap opera issue. Marjorie Liu takes Dangerous Liaisons and mutates it as Bobby’s past loves unite to his horror and the delight of some of his teammates.

Bobby is already shaken from the events of X-Tinction and the sudden reunion of loves may shake the onetime joke of the X-Men into a powerful threat! The women who pushed Bobby to reach his potential as an omega level mutant may be the only one who can save him from madness or Continue reading Astonishing X-Men #62 Review: Hot for Iceman!

UNCANNY AVENGERS Hotter Than Sunfire!

Uncanny Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #7 courtesy Marvel

The events of Uncanny Avengers #8 are as explosive as the nuclear cover starring Sunfire! Let’s not call this review as here’s why you should pick up this issue and keep reading Rick Remender’s latest arc:

Sunfire! The forgotten X-Man and former Horseman of Apocalypse is back! Sunfire steals the show from Thor in an incredible rescue mission. Shiro and the Odinson later come face to face with…

The Apocalypse Twins! How badass are these new super villains?

SPOILER (if you missed last month’s issue stop reading!)


They slaughtered Continue reading UNCANNY AVENGERS Hotter Than Sunfire!

Marvel’s Next Big Things: THOR, IRON MAN, ULTIMATES

Thor: God of Thunder #13 courtesy Marvel
Thor: God of Thunder #13 courtesy Marvel

Marvel’s Next Big Thing at C2E2 unleashed lots of news from all corners of their universe!

Thor (Chris Hemsworth) faces Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) and the Dark Elves on the big screen in Thor: The Dark World this November. Jason Aaron and Ron Garney brings Malekith back to the comics in Thor: God of Thunder #13 in a new arc: The Accursed.

Iron Man #9 (out this Wednesday) begins The Secret Origin of Tony Stark. Writer Kieron Gillen says “this is by far the biggest thing I’ve done in the Marvel Universe.” This big period piece story will introduce the Stark Seven.

In Rick Remender’s Captain America will see the resolution of the Cap vs Arnim Zola Continue reading Marvel’s Next Big Things: THOR, IRON MAN, ULTIMATES

THOR The Dark World Trailer!

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

The first trailer for Thor: The Dark World has been revealed! The Thunder God (Chris Hemsworth) and Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) reunited. More Lady Sif. Odin’s ominous warnings. A first look at Christopher Eccleston as Malekith! Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor has given the golden Asgardian fantasy Continue reading THOR The Dark World Trailer!

Love and War in THOR: The Dark World


Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel
Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel

New interviews with the man who wields the hammer and the man who wields the power in the Marvel cinematic universe plus new images from Thor: The Dark World.

In the sequel the Thunder God (Chris Hemsworth) reconnects with Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) and will battle the Dark Elves led by Malekith (Christopher Eccleston.) USA Today scored these two new pictures from the film plus an update from Marvel Studios Kevin Feige and Hemsworth.

Thor and Jane seem happy in this first photo. The scientist was not part of The Avengers but it seems the Odinson found a way to reunite with his great love from Midgard but expect romantic rumblings:

“Thor still has lot of explaining to do, and a lot of making up,” Hemsworth said. “Even demigods end up in the doghouse, mate. So none of us is safe.”

“So while Thor was a fish out of water on Earth in the first two films, this time Jane is very much a fish out of water in Asgard,” Feige said.

“We were worried about coming across as hokey or whatever,” Hemsworth said. “If there is anyone who can pull off a fantastical world like Asgard with a great amount of integrity, it is Alan Taylor, as we’ve seen in Game of Thrones.”

“It’s superhero action, but it’s the familiar territory of a love triangle where the parents think your girlfriend is wrong for you,” Feige said. “That’s how the best of these movies work.”

Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel
Thor: The Dark World courtesy Marvel

Loki (Tom Hiddleston) Lady Sif and the Warriors Three (with Zachary Levi taking over for one of them) are all back for the sequel that will rock the Nine Realms this November!

Thanks to Spinoff Online.

By Editor



Uncanny Avengers #8 Preview

Uncanny Avengers #8 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #8 courtesy Marvel

Artist Daniel Acuna joined writer Rick Remender for a brand new arc in Uncanny Avengers this week. Ragnarok Now began with a clash between Thor and Apocalypse (sporting a new look by Acuna) in the 11th century. The Thunder God may have beaten the evil mutant but Continue reading Uncanny Avengers #8 Preview


Thor: God of Thunder #7 courtesy Marvel
Thor: God of Thunder #7 courtesy Marvel

How do you follow up a story about a serial killer of Immortals?

Drop a Godbomb!

Jason Aaron kicked off his Thor: God of Thunder series with the Avenger battling Gorr, the God Butcher in three time periods: Young Thor fighting and drinking with his Vikings, Thor in a present day alien world and King Thor, the last of the Asgardians in a final battle. This week in Thor: God of Thunder #7 the Godbomb arc detonates:

“As we’ll see, Gorr has his own world in the future, and he has legions of Continue reading GODBOMB Begins in THOR!

HULK Goes to Asgard!

Indestructible Hulk #6 courtesy Marvel
Indestructible Hulk #6 courtesy Marvel

Your comic book store may be shaking this week! Two titanic talents team up for a clash of titans in Asgard! Legendary Thor writer/artist Walter Simonson joins Mark Waid in this week’s Indestructible Hulk #6 guest starring Thor.

In Marvel’s The Avengers Hulk famously sneaked in a sucker punch on the Odinson. Expect a rematch between the Green Goliath and God of Thunder in this upcoming Indestructible Hulk arc.

Mark Waid told how the first arc leads into the second and Banner’s mission:

“Bruce Banner learned a lot about his new crew of assistants; as he points out, their common denominator is that they all have a big secret in their lives—a “hidden self,” if you will –and the secret one of them is harboring is what makes the mission to Jotunheim, land of the Frost Giants, a priority for Bruce.

Indestructible Hulk #6 courtesy Marvel
Indestructible Hulk #6 courtesy Marvel

On the face of it, Banner claims that he’s taking his crew to Jotunheim in search of a specific element that exists only at Frost Giant temperatures. But Bruce has a hidden Continue reading HULK Goes to Asgard!