THE SUPERGIRLS Return Bigger & Better

With the explosion of breakout new female heroes, huge changes for fan favorites, and major icons heading from page to screen, there’s never been a better time to soar with a new expanded version of The Supergirls: Fashion, Feminism, Fantasy and the History of Comic Book Heroines by Mike Madrid.

The rapidly changing intersection of comic book heroes, fashion and pop culture is captured with Madrid’s knowledge and passion for his subjects. Code-names and styles change, new characters rise but Madrid remains the coolest Professor of comics history with a pulse on the past, present and where these heroes are flying next. Continue reading THE SUPERGIRLS Return Bigger & Better

Wonder Woman Casting Reaction by THE SUPERGIRLS Author

Wonder Woman #1 Courtesy DC Comics
Wonder Woman #1 Courtesy DC Comics

With news that Wonder Woman will be part of the Man of Steel sequel with Batman I reached out to the author who literally wrote the book on super heroines. Mike Madrid chronicled the history of women in comics in The Supergirls with a huge section devoted to the most famous woman in comics.


With such a long history, devoted fan following, iconic television series and numerous attempts at films and new television shows, the Amazon Princess finally hits the big screen. I asked Madrid about the casting choice.


“Like all Wonder Woman fans, I have my own idea of how I see the heroine. Continue reading Wonder Woman Casting Reaction by THE SUPERGIRLS Author