Dark Knight Rises: Return of the Ra’s Confirmed?

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Poster from thedarkknightrises.com. Courtesy: Warner Brothers Entertainment

  Is a big mystery of Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film almost cracked? Liam Neeson tells ShowBizSpy he was on set for The Dark Knight Rises but that’s all he can say.

 “I can tell you nothing about Dark Knight Rises, seriously,” says Neeson.

“I was on set for maybe an hour-and-a-half and the director didn’t tell me anything of what it’s about.

“So, I’m being very honest when I say I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

  Batman will face Bane and Catwoman in the final film but fans have speculated that Ra’s Al Ghul aka Henri Ducard would reappear too. Liam Neeson played Bruce Wayne’s mentor turned enemy in Batman Begins. Neeson is credited in the cast and actor Josh Pence is credited a young Ra’s Al Ghul in The Dark Knight Rises

Tales of the Demon cover courtesy Amazon

  Let me be geeky here:

It’s assumed the roles would be flashbacks but as Batman comic books fans know- Ra’s can resurrect himself in his Lazarus pits. I still think that Marion Cotillard is really playing Ra’s daughter Talia and she’s the puppetmaster behind Bane.



Don’t Call It the Batwing!

  Batman is chasing Bane in a flying machine in the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises. It’s been referred to as the Batwing but today Wireless Goodness is reporting that it’s being officially called “The Bat.”

  The news developed after a FCC filing by Hot Wheels on their upcoming toy version. The source claims this image is from the instruction manual from the vehicle that will be on store shelves later this year.

"The Bat" image for upcoming Batman toy tie-in? Courtesy Wireless Goodness

Thanks to Superherohype after Wireless Goodness


Dark Knight Rises Covers EW


courtesy Entertainment Weekly

This image gave me a geeky chill! Christian Bale as Batman on the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly! The feature will include a new Christopher Nolan interview. The online tease features what some Batfans might consider at spoiler so just in case….




– Nolan tells EW that the last chapter of his cinematic saga explores the ramifications of The Dark Knight’s chilling climax, in which Batman and super-cop Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) hatch a conspiracy to cover up the sins of Gotham City’s so-called “white knight,” the late Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart). Nolan also discusses the potential political subtext of Rises.

I posted earlier that I was curious about why Bane was holding a photo of Harvey Dent in the Empire Magazine story…maybe we’ll receive a new clue to that puzzle this week.

Catwoman’s Claws in The Dark Knight Rises


Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Image Courtesy Screen Rant

  Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman will have a nasty secret hidden in her costume according to an upcoming interview in L.A. Times Hero Complex.

  “I love the costume… I love the costume because everything has a purpose, nothing is in place for fantasy’s sake, and that’s the case with everything in Christopher Nolan’s Gotham City.” Hathaway says.

  The publisher describes Catwoman’s boots with “…stiletto heels that, on closer inspection, turn out to have serrated edges capable of leaving nasty claw marks in a fight.”

  Earlier Hathaway talked about how her portrayal of Catwoman will not be influenced by previous Catwomen but based on Nolan’s Gotham.

Catwoman: The Dark End of the Street courtesy DC Comics

  This latest on-screen version of Catwoman looks similar to the comic counterpart from Ed Brubaker’s run on the title – minus the hair.

Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Image Courtesy Screen Rant

  Anne Hathaway joins a famous sorority of actresses who have made Catwoman come to life. The actress is talking with the Los Angeles Times Hero Complex about her Catwoman and the connection to Bane.

  Hathaway wants fans to know her portrayal of Selina Kyle will be unique and based on the situation she finds herself in The Dark Knight Rises:

  “What’s come before doesn’t limit or even affect this new version. It doesn’t affect me because each Catwoman – and this is true in the comics as well – she is defined by the context of the Gotham City created around her. Catwoman is so influenced by Gotham and whoever is creating Gotham at the time… You have to live in whatever the reality of the world is and whatever Gotham is.

“Gotham City is full of grace. You look at Heath’s performance as the Joker, there was a lot of madness there but there was also a grace and he had a code there. There’s a lot of belief and codes of behavior in Gotham and my character has one, too. A lot of the way she moves and interacts with people is informed by her worldview. Chris has given us all such complex, defined, sophisticated worldviews that it’s just a matter of doing your homework and getting underneath the character’s skin.”

Courtesy The Daily Blam

Will Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman purr or roar? After The Dark Knight Rises her performance may claw up to the top of my Catwoman’s Greatest Cuts.

Thanks to the Daily Blam for the Hero Complex interview.


Robin in The Dark Knight Rises?

  I admit I am just seeing this because I was away doing the family thing in rural NC last week but I wanted to share anyway. Speculation that Joseph Gordon Levitt might be Dick Grayson is not a new theory but ComicBookMovie found what might be a clever Easter egg or major hint from director Christopher Nolan in the new trailer.

During the football scene featuring the Gotham Rogues – the R in the ROGUES fan made sign is the same style as the R in the Robin Comic book – compare both here.

Earlier I speculated (and hoped) that Joseph Gordon Levitt may be playing Grayson but in his Nightwing identity. The actor is listed as playing police office John Blake in the cast list. Speculation that Bane will break or kill Batman in the final film is rampant. What if the “breaking” happens mid film and inspires others to take over for the Dark Knight meaning we might see many cameos from the Batman family supporting cast like Grayson, Tim Drake or Jason Todd?

Batman’s Villain Problem

I eagerly awaited The Dark Knight Rises IMAX prologue and new trailer. They looked stunning but the only critique was not being able to understand what Bane was saying.

The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

  Batfans are speaking out and Warner Brothers appears to be listening. According to Heat Vision of The Hollywood Reporter the studio is asking Christopher Nolan to alter the sound so audiences can better understand the main villain more clearly. The director responded that he will alter the sound slightly.

  Bane wears a mask because he’s inhaling a drug that gives him super strength. In the comics the drug is called Venom.

  Opinion – While I admit it was difficult to understand Bane in the prologue and trailer – there’s no question about the physical presence of Tom Hardy. Even in a mask, the actor exudes menace. Batfans- have faith in Nolan.

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer

  Warner Brothers released the official The Dark Knight Rises trailer featuring spectactular action from Bane and a seductive moments starring Anne Hathaway – not in Catwoman costume.