Top 5 Comic Book Picks October 30, 2013

Damian, Son of Batman #1 courtesy DC Comics
Damian, Son of Batman #1 courtesy DC Comics

Damian: Son of Batman #1  What if Damian Wayne lived to become the Dark Knight of Gotham City? Andy Kubert takes us back to the future world he created with Grant Morrison in Batman #666 for a four-part epic in which Damian lives again.


Infinity #5 The triumphant Avengers return from space to find Earth invaded by Thanos and Inhumanity spread across the planet. Can the heroes defeat the Mad God and his Black Order and how will they handle the new epidemic of strange new beings? Plus, how will all the aliens races of Marvel Universe react to living in an Avengers Universe now?


Nightwing Annual #2 The most anticipated of all this week’s DC Comics Annuals. Robin and Batgirl grew up fast as costumed crimefighters but Richard is on new quest, Barbara is no longer in the Bat family – what’s left for one of the greatest couples in comics? Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks October 30, 2013

INFINITY Finale Preview!

Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel

It all comes down to this all-star, game-changing issue!


Here’s a first look inside Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel.


Artist Jim Cheung joins writer Jonathan Hickman for the final chapter.


Earth isn’t the only “Avengers World” anymore! Alien races are united in an Avengers Universe! Only with their combined might can Earth’s Mightiest Heroes make their final stand against the Builders. Continue reading INFINITY Finale Preview!

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for October 9, 2013

Infinity #4 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #4 courtesy Marvel

Batman #24 The Dark Knight hunts the Red Hood Gang in this double-sized issue by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. Who is the mysterious leader of the gang terrorizing Gotham City and do they impact Bruce’s Zero Year.


Infinity #4 How is Jonathan Hickman going to follow up the explosive last issue? Attilan invasion – the aftermath! How will the Inhumans and the Earth react to Black Bolt’s shocking gambit to stop Thanos? And in deep space worlds falls and Thor turns into a universal God of War! Continue reading Top 5 Comic Book Picks for October 9, 2013

NOVA vs.Thanos?

Nova #8 courtesy Marvel
Nova #8 courtesy Marvel

Sam Alexander may be the Marvel’s newest hero but he’s the target of the biggest icon of evil in the cosmos! The youngest member of the Nova Corps will encounter Thanos in this week’s  Infinity tie-in issue.


The Mad Titan has invaded Earth…while the Avengers are across the galaxy!


Writer Zeb Wells and artist Paco Medina are setting Sam on a collision course with the big bad: Continue reading NOVA vs.Thanos?

Marvel INFINITY At the Half!

Infinity #3 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #3 courtesy Marvel

I can’t believe we’re only at the halfway point!


New Avengers #10 and Infinity #3 of 6 will hit your senses like a blast of cosmic energy!


In space the Builders have broken the alliance of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and alien empires.


On Earth the Black Order is ransacking Earth searching for Thanos’ greatest secret. Continue reading Marvel INFINITY At the Half!

Mighty Avengers #1 Review

Mighty Avengers courtesy Marvel
Mighty Avengers courtesy Marvel

Luke Cage is back in business in Mighty Avengers #1. The hero turned family man quit the Avengers to focus on being a good father and husband. Luke is training Avengers Academy graduates in a new Heroes for Hire. It’s great to see Cage mentoring the new Power Man and White Tiger as they take on smugglers. While on a job the Heroes for Hire encounter the Superior Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Monica Rambeau (formerly known as Captain Marvel and Photon) is stopping crime in style and may be the only person who knows the identity of the new Ronin.


Writer Al Ewing spins each story thread of the New York City heroes coming together while exploring the sinister dynamic between Thanos and his Black Order. We get insight into the competition between the Mad God’s evil enforcers as Proxima Midnight makes Thanos an offer he can’t refuse. Continue reading Mighty Avengers #1 Review

Tribute in INFINITY #2

Infinity #2 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #2 courtesy Marvel

INFINITY #2 hits this week!


If you got a copy of Marvel’s Infinity Free Comic Book Day preview book or saw Infinity #1 you saw what happens when a tribute is paid to Thanos: death…a lot of death.


Infinity #2 by Jonathan Hickman and Dustin Weaver picks up the action. Adam Kubert’s cover shows Captain America leading the interstellar forces against Thanos!


But the teaser includes an ominous line: Continue reading Tribute in INFINITY #2