Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel
Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel

One of Marvel’s biggest bad guys got a cameo in the finale of The Avengers movie but he’s the star of a major comic book event this year. When Thanos was revealed and he gave that evil smirk the audience either exclaimed “who’s that?” or “oh —-!”

Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel
Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel

The big purple bad guy is one of the greatest villains ever created. Thanos wiped out Continue reading THANOS RISING Preview!

Nick Spencer on AVENGERS to INFINITY

Avengers #12 courtesy Marvel
Avengers #12 courtesy Marvel

Marvel has recruited a big gun for a big story starring the biggest team in comics. Nick Spencer (Secret Avengers, Morning Glories) will join Jonathan Hickman on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes starting with Avengers #12 this May. That issue takes the team to the Savage Land. Spencer spoke with Comics Newsarama about his co-writing assignment with the very busy Hickman and what the current stories are driving towards.

“It’s the big lead-up to Infinity. One of the coolest things about the gig is that it wasn’t just, “Come in and kill time for a few issues, and do some filler.” The lion’s share of what I’m working on is the direct lead-in and the prelude to Infinity, and setting the stage for all that, so it’s a big, important story. It wasn’t just an opportunity to be a part of the book, but to be a part of the book at a really crucial juncture.”

The roster of Hickman’s Avengers has expanded to include New Mutants Sunspot and Cannonball along with heavy hitters Continue reading Nick Spencer on AVENGERS to INFINITY

INFINITY On Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Marvel is going big for this year’s Free Comic Book Day 2013!

Thanos. Hickman. Cheung.

Thanos is the big purple bad at the end of The Avengers movie.

Jonathan Hickman (Avengers, New Avengers) is the mastermind of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Jim Cheung (Avengers vs. X-Men, Young Avengers) is the artist (one of my personal favorites) that can fill panels with big screen action.

Marvel is teasing a cosmic clash with Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men, Avengers, Inhumans, Spider-Man and more against the universe’s ultimate threat!

The entire Marvel Universe took on Continue reading INFINITY On Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day

THANOS RISING: A Bad Guy is Born!


Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel
Thanos Rising #1 courtesy Marvel

   He was the big purple bad revealed during the first ending of Marvel’s The Avengers that made some in the audience go “huh?” or “OH —-!”

  Thanos was behind Loki’s alien army in the movie but in the comic books the super villain once wiped out half the universe.  

  The comeback of Thanos continues in a brand new limited series Thanos Rising this April by Jason Aaron (Wolverine and the X-Men) and Simone Bianchi. Aaron talks with about why he wants to delve into the origin of the death worshipping God of Titan.

  “The chance to do as dark and creepy a story as I’ve ever done for Marvel. This is not a super hero story. There are no good guys swooping in to save the day here. This is the origin story of a very bad dude. A cosmic mass murderer.”

  Aaron says the story begins on the day Thanos is born and “things start to get weird right from the get-go” and as for the women who influence the Titan Aaron says “Thanos has dangerous taste in women.”

  The series will introduce new characters and classic characters like Mentor, the father of Thanos and show us how Titan “was a sci-fi paradise when Thanos was born. A place without weapons, without the idea of murder. But that all began to change…”

 For the entire interview here’s the link.

  Thanos killed half the universe in the classic story The Infinity Gauntlet. The gauntlet was seen briefly in the movie Thor. In the pages of the new New Avengers the member of the Illuminati are searching for a lost Infinity Gem. Could these upcoming comic book stories be setting the stage for what we might see in Avengers 2: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes against Thanos?

By Editor

Marvel’s Plan for The Avengers Surprise Villain

The first mid-credits extra scene in Marvel’s The Avengers revealed the evil mastermind behind Loki and his alien army. To non comic book readers it was ‘who’s that?” but to comic fans it was a moment of “oh —-!” (Fill in your own expletive of your choice there!)


Before I go on with this post – just in case you were off planet and haven’t seen The Avengers I should put up a…







The mad Titan THANOS was the big bad behind the scenes. The purple alien’s weapon the Infinity Gauntlet was scene in Odin’s vault in Thor. Marvel is prepping a Guardians of the Galaxy movie so it’s logically to assume the next phase of Marvel sequels is laying the groundwork for an Avengers/Thanos showdown. Marvel movie mastermind Kevin Feige tells MTV News there’s a reason Thanos turned to show his evil grin at the end of The Avengers.

Infinity Gauntlet #4 courtesy


“Clearly, there’s a purpose to us putting him in the end of that movie. We do have plans for him,” said Feige. “I wouldn’t say we ever feel the need to rush anything one way or the other. We succeeded in Phase One because we stuck to our guns and stuck to the plan. That plan took place over many, many years and it ultimately paid off. I see Phase Two unfolding in the same way of us taking our time, us doing what’s right for each individual movie, while folding in elements that will not only build up to the culmination of Phase Two, but even Phase Three.”


Thanos made his comeback in the pages of Avengers Assemble and is fascinating non-comic book readers making him a perfect enemy for a future movie.


“Suddenly, you have a million people who had never heard of an Infinity Gauntlet or a Mad Titan learning those terms,” says Feige. “I love that. I love when the experience goes beyond the movie theater and encourages people to look deeper into our universe.”

Thanos returns in Avengers Assemble #3 courtesy Marvel


Can you imagine Jim Starlin’s epic The Infinity Gauntlet (when Thanos wipes out half the universe as an act of love for Death) on the big screen!?


Of course that might mean the big screen debut of Adam Warlock, Captain Marvel and maybe (if the Fantastic Four movie rights go back to Marvel) a scene with Reed Richards and Tony Stark brainstorming some ingenious way to beat him and maybe the Silver Surfer!


Feige also said the role would likely be recast. My first impulse is Vin Diesel but I would also cast the Fast & Furious star as Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy.


Marvel’s The Avengers is out on blu-ray and dvd September 25th.


By Editor

Top 5 Comic Book Picks for 9/19/12

Avengers #30 courtesy Marvel

Avengers #30 Love in war. AvX may be an epic with huge battles and ramifications but it’s also about heart and relationships. This tie-in focuses on the romance of Hawkeye and Spider-Woman. Can two emotionally damaged heroes like Clint and Jessica make it work in the damaged world shaken by the Phoenix.

Nightwing #0 The New 52 origin of Dick Grayson revealed. From orphan to sidekick to his own superhero identity.

Spider-Men #5 How will Peter Parker return to his own world? How will it end between Peter and Miles Morales? The story that brought together Spider-Men of two worlds comes to a shocking end.

True Blood #5 The secret history of the villain that terrified Bon Temps and his connection to Eric Northman’s maker – Godric.

Thanos: The Final Threat #1 He’s the cosmic villain behind the war in Marvel’s The Avengers movie and Avengers Assemble series. Experience Thanos at his evil best in this masterpiece by Jim Starlin. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must stop Thanos from using the Infinity Gems to seize power and satisfy his mistress, Death. This includes the classic Avengers Annual #7 and Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2.

THOR 2 Major Villain

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel

  Expect a heavy hitter to hammer down on Chris Hemsworth in THOR 2 but it will not be the big purple bad at the end of The Avengers. I won’t reveal the ending just in case you’re not among the billions that have seen Earth’s Mightiest Movie.

  Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige tells Empire “But there will be a major new villain. A major, major new antagonist.”

  Who will it be? Mads Mikkelsen (Casino Royale)is (rumored, in talks, final negotiations – all depending on which site you read) up for a role in Thor 2. Here are my thoughts on which villain he might play.

By Editor

The Avengers Mystery Villain – SPOILER ALERT












  The clues were there – even in Thor – but Marvel’s The Avengers delivered a cosmic shock finale revealing that Thanos was the master of the Chitauri in the movie. But the Mad God of Titan was the mystery villain behind the new Zodiac as revealed in Avengers Assemble #3.

Thanos returns in Avengers Assemble #3 courtesy Marvel

 It’s a one, two punch and major comeback for the big purple bad ass that once wiped out half the universe.  Today Avengers Editor Tom Brevoort said these appearances are just the beginning for the Death-worshipping alien.

“Since we designed AVENGERS ASSEMBLE to be a nice, easy entry point for people coming out of the film, for all that it still exists within our current Marvel Universe, it was a bit of a no-brainer to have Thanos be the villains behind our first storyline,” shares Marvel Senior VP – Executive Editor Tom Brevoort on “More than simply bringing him back, this storyline will be setting him up for bigger things that are just off on the horizon—it’s the first step towards something we’ve been working on behind the scenes for a while now.”

“He’s a villain of such power and stature that he can give the Avengers a fight all by himself,” he notes. “There’s no such thing as a small Thanos story—he operates on an intergalactic scale. And he’s a fascinating, nuanced character, with passions and neuroses all his own that make him stand apart as an individual, and not just a cookie-cutter moustache-twirler.”

In case you missed it here’s my take on the return of Thanos and what it means for the future of Marvel movies including Avengers 2.

Avengers Assemble #4 is out June 13th.

By Editor