THANOS Shocker

Thanos by Jeff Dekal courtesy Marvel
Thanos by Jeff Dekal courtesy Marvel

Thanos…as you’re never seen him before?

Some of Marvel’s biggest bad guys are not the forces of ultimate evil they used to be.

Doctor Doom is trying to follow Tony Stark’s legacy in Infamous Iron Man.

Now the Mad God of Titan is under siege but not in the way you might expect.

Thanos #1 arrived with a thunderous crash like the Mad God’s boots landing on a doomed planet. Jeff Lemire (Extraordinary X-Men, Old Man Logan) and Mike Deodato team up for a big new chapter in the life of the cosmic menace.

Picking up after the villain’s escape from Earth after Civil War II, the first issue saw the return of other alien characters, a look at an infamous sector of space and set up a shocking new status quo for the classic villain. Continue reading THANOS Shocker


Agents of SHIELD by Gabrielle Dell'Otto courtesy Marvel
Agents of SHIELD by Gabrielle Dell’Otto courtesy Marvel

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns after a literally earthshaking cliffhanger:

Agent Skye and Raina are Inhumans.

Skye is actually Daisy Johnson (better known to comics readers as Quake.)

In comics Daisy’s powers are due to her father’s experiments. Kyle MacLachlan plays the scientist known as Cal aka Calvin Zabo, the twisted scientist who becomes the monstrous Mister Hyde.

Producers decided to make Daisy’s powers due to her Inhuman DNA as a way to introduce the race in the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe. Continue reading INHUMANS for AGENTS OF SHIELD

INFINITY #6 Review

Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel

INFINITY #6 arrives like a cosmic level Hulk smashing right into your senses, reshaping the entire Marvel Universe and showing why Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are the greatest champions of any universe.


Jonathan Hickman takes multiple massive storylines, a staggering cast of heroes and villains with big themes and weaves them into an ambitious epic that works on every level. Artists Jim Cheung and Dustin Weaver are at the top of game taking Hickman’s action-packed and universe expanding script and making spectacular scenes on every page.


The Avengers saved the universe from the Builders but come home to find their world under the grip of Thanos. Captain America proves he a master strategist with a bold plan to bust the alien blockade and take down the Black Order. Continue reading INFINITY #6 Review

INFINITY Finale Preview!

Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel
Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel

It all comes down to this all-star, game-changing issue!


Here’s a first look inside Infinity #6 courtesy Marvel.


Artist Jim Cheung joins writer Jonathan Hickman for the final chapter.


Earth isn’t the only “Avengers World” anymore! Alien races are united in an Avengers Universe! Only with their combined might can Earth’s Mightiest Heroes make their final stand against the Builders. Continue reading INFINITY Finale Preview!