DOCTOR WHO Spring Titan Comics Previews

Doctor Who: The Twelfth #6 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Twelfth #6 courtesy Titan Comics

The Doctors are in…with new adventures and new members joining the creative team on Titan Comics three comics starring the three most recent Time Lords.

Here’s a look at the Doctor Who comics scheduled for 2015.

Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor #6 by Robbie Morrison and new artist Brian Williamson (Torchwood).
Molly’s father was killed in a terrible accident. UNIT scientist John Foster suffered the same fate. Continue reading DOCTOR WHO Spring Titan Comics Previews


Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics

The Eleventh Doctor returns in search of a runaway dog…but this is Doctor Who so this isn’t your usual pet reunion story.


As we wait for the arrival of the Twelfth Doctor’s first full length television adventure, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 gives us a new comic book adventure starring the previous Time Lord played by Matt Smith.


Into our cold, bleak, ordinary lives the Eleventh Doctor bursts in with a colorful, strange, loud entrance. Alice is a sad library assistant in London feeling empty and gray after a family tragedy. Continue reading DOCTOR WHO: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR #1 Advance Review

New DOCTOR WHO Comics Trailers

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics

The first full length episode starring the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) arrives next month. It’s a new era for the 50 year old television series but fans don’t have say goodbye to the Tenth (David Tennant) and Eleventh (Matt Smith.)


Titan Comics launches two new Doctor Who comic books continuing the adventures of the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors.


Here are trailers and official descriptions of each premiere issues from Titan: Continue reading New DOCTOR WHO Comics Trailers

DOCTOR WHO Celebration at EMP Museum

photo by
photo by

A fan filled celebration of an adventure in time and space! Hundreds of Whovians packed the EMP Museum in Seattle for the Doctor Who Celebration. The iconic science fiction television series is celebrating its 50th Anniversary.


The BBC’s global broadcast of The Day of the Doctor 50th Anniversary special hit the U.S. West Coast around lunchtime so Pacific Northwest Whovians had plenty of time to get their best scarf, bow-tie, fez or stone makeup and journey to the pop culture showcase in Seattle. Continue reading DOCTOR WHO Celebration at EMP Museum

Next DOCTOR WHO Revealed

courtesy BBC and Facebook/DoctorWho
courtesy BBC and Facebook/DoctorWho

The BBC revealed the 12th Doctor Who:

Peter Capaldi was unveiled in a live worldwide special on the BBC.


The actor has been a lifelong fan. Capaldi confessed he was working in Prague and missed “the call” that he’d got the job. Capaldi was seen in the David Tennant episode The Fires of Pompeii episode. The special revealed Capaldi wrote a fan letter when he was 15.


Ironically Capaldi is playing a W.H.O. Doctor in World War Z in theaters now. Continue reading Next DOCTOR WHO Revealed

New DOCTOR WHO Promo Posters!

The legendary Dame Diana Rigg, Neil Gaiman and the return of the Cybermen are among the reasons to cheer for upcoming episodes of Doctor Who! BBC America shared these feature film style promotional posters for three new episodes!

courtesy BBC America
courtesy BBC America

The Doctor and Clara take a Journey to the Center of the Tardis. If I recall producers haven’t taken us into unknown parts of the Tardis since the Tom Baker and Louise Jameson (Leela) era.

courtesy BBC America
courtesy BBC America

Dame Diana Rigg (Emma Peel of The Avengers, Mrs. James Bond of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and now Game Of Thrones) Continue reading New DOCTOR WHO Promo Posters!

Matt Smith Leaving DOCTOR WHO?

Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America
Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

Is it almost time for another regeneration? With 3 seasons and some specials Matt Smith might be leaving the Tardis with the same track record as David Tennant.

Here’s what The Sun is reporting:

Matt Smith’s contract is up this November and he doesn’t want to renew.

The 2013 Christmas Special Continue reading Matt Smith Leaving DOCTOR WHO?

Doctor Who Shows Captain Picard The Future

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #5 courtesy IDW Publishing

Warning: This review contains spoilers!

The unholy alliance of the Borg and Cybermen has shattered. The Federation’s greatest enemies are asking the Enterprise for help?

Can Doctor Who convince Captain Jean-Luc Picard to make the right decision that will save the Federation and entires universes?

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who Assimilation 2 #5 is a break in the action of the crossover but still every bit as enjoyable of previous chapters. You could call this a “show my yours and I’ll show you mine” chapter.

Guinan convinces Captain Picard to reveal his experience with the Borg taking us back to the classic “Best of Both Worlds” episodes giving the Time Lord context of why Picard refuses to aid the Borg. The Doctor presses on trying to convince the Captain of the greater evil.

The Doctor fails. It’s up to Amy Pond and it’s a great moment that you could just picture Karen Gillan saying on television.  Soon Captain Picard is saying the classic line “it’s bigger on the inside. How it this possible?”

A trip in the Tardis shows Picard the future of the Federation and leads to a course correction.

I commend the writers for capturing the essences of each character from each franchise. Rory, Deanna Troi and Dr. Crusher share moments that make this crossover work. The Borg and Cybermen are battling each other. This issue was a battle of wills between Captain Picard and Doctor Who. The stage is set for an incredible alien encounter for the Doctor and an epic battle with universes at stake.

By Editor