I bought Batwing #9 only because it was part of the Night of the Owls crossover. Don’t just me unworthy, even a geek with a blog has a comic book budget. I was impressed with this new hero and enjoyed Judd Winick and Marcus To’s tie-in to the crossover.
Spinning out of Batman, The Court of Owls have unleashed their Talons on targets all over Gotham City. Bruce Wayne’s trusted ally Lucius Fox has been judged unworthy. Batwing must stop the death sentence during a Batman Incorporated event.
The script was tight and action packed but gives you insight into David – and I was immediately engaged. It’s too obvious and cliche to say he reminds me of working man’s Black Panther because they’re both from Africa but I also see the some of Hawkeye’s personality in David. This was my first Batwing issue and the first of many more.
The just released Batman #8 and Nightwing #8 are preludes to Night of the Owls crossover kicking off next month and across the Batman family of books. The Court of Owls unleash their army of Talons on Bruce Wayne, his allies and Gotham City.
James Tynion IV will co-write a back story in the titles exploring Gotham City’s history with the Court of Owls and secrets of Bruce Wayne’s ancestors. The up and coming writer talked with DC about the project.
“I could see the epic size and shape of the story as it began last September. I was devouring every issue waiting to see what might happen next. When Scott offered me the chance to help him build the mythology of the Court with the backups, and help launch “Night of the Owls,” how could I have ever said no? The Court and their Talons are my favorite additions to the Bat-Mythos in ages, with each of those awesome assassins offering a glimpse of Gotham’s history. We’re launching “Night of the Owls” this week in BATMAN #8, and using the back-up to lead right from the action of the feature into the other Bat-family titles with “The Call.” And with “The Fall of the House of Wayne,” Scott and I are exploring the pre-Alfred years at stately Wayne Manor, with some incredible art by Rafael Albuquerque. I can’t wait for everyone to check it out.”
I’ll be devouring the preludes tonight and I’m eagerly awaiting the crossover – especially all the Talons designed by the mighty Greg Capullo!
Night of the Owls begins this week with Batman #8 and Nightwing #8. The Court of Owls and their army of enforcers, the Talons, launch a full-scale assault on Gotham City and the Batman family.
Batman writer Scott Snyder previews the battle for Gotham’s soul and massive crossover.
“Night of the Owls is here, and it’s about time.”
“I think that’s what a lot us on team Batman have been feeling these last few days. Because for us, this is the moment – the moment we’ve been excitedly working on and building towards for months. This is it, and now it’s really here! This is the night when the Court of Owls makes its move, sending close to 60 Talons out into the skies of Gotham, each with a deadly mission designed to help bring the city to its knees. Of course, the missions will also bring the Talons crashing into conflict with almost every member of the Bat-family, and even though this whole story takes place on one single night, for many of Gotham’s heroes, these clashes will have terrifying consequences that linger long after Gotham’s fate is decided.
Batman #5 courtesy DC Comics
“Night of the Owls is here, and it’s about time.”
“There’s another reason that phrase sticks with me, though. And that’s because the story itself is about time, about history. For one thing, with every Talon having come from a different era of Gotham’s past, they’ll be plenty of glimpses literally and figuratively into Gotham’s history, with a lot of shocking secrets from the past being revealed. Basically, the story is about Gotham’s dark past being brought to bear against the heroes of the present – about the evil from decades, even centuries of corruption emerging from the shadows to crush the spirit of the city – and the Bat-family – once and for all, in one single night, now.”
This Geek’s Opinion: The Court of Owls story is one of the most gripping stories I’ve read. As much as I enjoy Batman’s Rogues Gallery, it’s a credit to Snyder and artist Greg Capullo that they’ve taken an enemy (in this case, it’s an organization, an idea of evil) and made them so impactful. Greg Capullo deserves huge accolades for his incredible, haunting art. The Owl masked Council members and the Talon are so simple yet terrifying. And Batman #5 alone is a stunning achievement in storytelling. Capullo has designed an intricate army of Talons from various eras.
Most fans suffer from event-fatigue but we still buy the crossover anyway. I’m anticipating and eagerly excited for every chapter of Night of the Owls.
The Night of the Owls is set to begin this month as the Court of Owls unleash an army of Talons on Batman, his allies and Gotham City. DC Comics is already teasing the final chapter with the July solicits for the the Batman family of titles.
Batman #11 courtesy DC Comics
This is cover of Batman #11 which DC calls the “stunning conclusion to the Court of Owls epic.”
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have created a modern classic. It’s unlike any Batman story I’ve ever experienced. Issue #5 alone was a breakthrough in comic book storytelling. I can’t wait for this crossover.
Meeting Capullo at Emerald City Comicon recently was one of my top highlights. I got to ask him about the process of creating looks for so many Talons from different eras. Every Capullo cover is a haunting pop art masterpiece and this latest cover is a perfect addition to his gallery.
Night of the Owls screeches into comic book shops next. The Council of Owls unleash their army of Talons on Gotham City. The event will slash across all the Batman family titles. DC revealed the cover to Detective Comics #9 by Tony Daniel as Batman battles three Talons.
Batman #7 reaches a powerhouse conclusion to the Court of Owls story arc and sets the dramatic stage for the next phase of the war between Bat and Owl. Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo really have made this title Batman beyond. This book so much more than a superhero book. It feels like a psychedelic offering from Vertigo.
After barely escaping with his sanity and life, Bruce unlocks the shadowy society’s most secret weapon and it shatters the foundation of everything he knows and we love about his greatest ally.
Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion deliver impact with every panel. From the horrific imagery of predator devouring prey to represent the real battle to the ragged Batman struggling to get to safety to the simple but effectively creepy owl masks, these artists making you sense every chill and shock Bruce encounters.
Batman has been to a literal hell and back. The Court of Owls is just getting started. One of Bruce’s strongest bonds has been shattered and now the Talons are coming to rip apart something else Bruce holds sacred.
The Night of the Owls event affects the Batman family of books as the secret society unleashes an army of assassins knows as Talons on Gotham City’s heroes. Talons from different eras will attack different members of the Bat-family. The Source revealed three new designs a century apart.
Scott Snyder’s American Vampire collaborator Rafael Albuquerque created the 1980’s version of the Court’s Talon appearing in the back-up stories in Batman.
“I’ve tried to bring a clerical look,” he said. “Ceremonial, but also, something an assassin could use. Needless to say that I’ve followed what Greg awesomely did on the original Talon design, but also tried to do something different, with more leather than metal, and a cloak, to resemble almost a religious look to him.”
Talon design courtesy DC Comics
Jason Todd, Arsenal and Starfire will face a slick almost reptilian version of the eternal assassin.
“Our Talon is from the 1980s, so I think it reflects a very modern look,” said Bobbie Chase, Red Hood and the Outlaws series editor. “Our character is also an acrobat, and Kenneth [Rocafort] did a great, dynamic job with the design.”
The Talons were back in the 1880’s along with Jonah Hex. Here’s the design for the henchman appearing in All-Star Western.
“I first went to Racinet’s history of western costume. Then I looked a little harder at Ospery’s armies of the Napoleonic wars,” teased All Star Western artist Moritat, tongue firmly in cheek. “After several sketches I leaned toward Prussian cavalry, specifically Borstell’s Pomeranian brigade.”
Do you have a favorite Talon look yet? Night of the Owls begins this May.
Batgirl will face the wrath of the Court of Owls when Night of the Owls crosses into all the Batman family of books.
Greg Capullo reveals his latest Talon design on The Source. This is an enforcer from the 1940’s that will clash with Batgirl and as you can see by the design – this is the first female Talon.
“Scott’s (Snyder) direction was she was an African-American female,” said Capullo. “I freely admit that the design of the breastplate was inspired by the fact that she had breasts.”