James Robinson and Leonard Kirk on New FANTASTIC FOUR

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel
Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

A new beginning for Marvel’s First Family. After a year+ in space searching for a cure to a condition that could kill them, Reed, Sue, Johnny, Ben and kids are heading back to Manhattan.


Marvel revealed James Robinson and Leonard Kirk will be the new creative team on a new Fantastic Four #1 as part of the All-New Marvel Now on USA Today.


“What I hope to do is tie in their past without making it too referential and (touch on) how the past can affect the future,” Robinson told USA Today. “While I’m not reinventing the book, I’m certainly adding a side to it we maybe haven’t seen for a while.” Continue reading James Robinson and Leonard Kirk on New FANTASTIC FOUR


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

The speculation has begun! Fox is rebooting Fantastic Four with director Josh Trank (Chronicle) with Mark Millar and Matthew Vaughn producing. Who will play Marvel’s First Family?

Allison Williams of HBO’s Girls is on the short list to play Susan Storm (Invisible Woman) according to Deadline.

The Fantastic Four reboot is scheduled for release in March, 2015.

Jessica Alba played the heroine in the previous films.

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Will Age of Ultron Twist Marvel’s History?

Age of Ultron #8 courtesy Marvel
Age of Ultron #8 courtesy Marvel

Wolverine and Susan Storm Richards of the Fantastic Four make a desperate decision to stop the death and destruction caused by Hank Pym’s greatest invention and greatest mistake – Ultron.

Marvel shared this preview of Age of Ultron #8 by artist Brandon Peterson. Logan and Susan appear to be facing off against Iron Man. The other image shows someone (that doesn’t look like Tony Stark) in the Iron Man armor but tapped into a matrix or network (perhaps inside Ultron) tapping into memories of Marvel’s greatest moments.

Do you see Continue reading Will Age of Ultron Twist Marvel’s History?