X-MEN Apocalypse 2016 – What Might Be!

X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #182 courtesy Marvel

With one tweet X-Men director Bryan Singer signals the mutant Apocalypse!
X-Men Apocalypse 2016


X-Men: Days of Future Past hits in May 2014 and it looks like Fox is charging ahead with a new film starring the Children of the Atom against one of their most powerful enemies.


Apocalypse (created by legendary writer Louise Simonson and artist Walt Simonson) is an immortal mutant with multiple powers. The “First Mutant” named En Sabah Nur has been manipulating his race since the days of ancient Egypt Continue reading X-MEN Apocalypse 2016 – What Might Be!


Cable and X-Force #18 courtesy Marvel
Cable and X-Force #18 courtesy Marvel

X-Force vs. X-Force! The New Year kicks off with a bang as the two teams go to war. Marvel announced Vendetta at New York Comic Con and now we know new details of the fight between Cable’s crew and Psylocke’s squad battling all through January.


The bad blood and old scores will be settled in Vendetta coming to UNCANNY X-FORCE and CABLE & X-FORCE from the creative teams of Sam Humphries and Harvey Tolibao and Dennis Hopeless and Angel Unzueta. Continue reading X-FORCE vs. X-FORCE in VENDETTA