Top 10 New Comics for 7/25/12

So many good comics this week I’m compelled to double down and make a top 10 week!

Batman Incorporated #3 courtesy DC Comics

Amazing Spider-Man #690 Love the new movie then grab this summer’s thriller in the comic shops. More than one Lizard is on the loose while Spidey tries to save the city from the mad Morbius. Reptiles, a vampire plus Madame Web, the Kingpin and Hobgoblin weave into the storyline as Marvel counts down to the miles 700th issue of Spidey!

Batman Inc #3 The Dark Knight is on the trail of the assassin after his son plus the New 52 return of Matches Malone! Never heard of this Gotham City mobster? He may be the key to solving the case. UPDATE: This book has been postponed due to the events in Colorado.

Manhattan Projects #5 This brilliant alternate history book challenges graphic storytelling and will challenge your mind. The mad scientists behind the think government tank look at the new future they created. Are we a better or worse word because of their breakthroughs?

Secret Avengers #29 courtesy

Secret Avengers #29 Hawkeye’s covert team may be blowing up and falling apart! A traitor, bitter rivalry and hidden romance threaten the squad. Hawkeye better get it together because the new Masters of Evil and an army of evil androids are ready to wipe them out!

Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett Is Dead #4 The mastermind behind Fett’s murder unleashes mercenaries to wipe out Boba’s child, ex-wife and family. But you can’t keep the galaxy’s most badass bounty hunter down. Revenge is going to be a blast in!

Star Wars: Darth Maul: Death Sentence #1 The red menace is back from dead with a new partner in crime. The horned Sith has a price on his head and he better hope the Jedi find him before the “others” hunting him do!

True Blood #3 Eric and Sookie on the trail of…Godric? An ancient vampire with chilling ties to Eric’s maker is deadly in Dallas. If the HBO series leaves you hungry for more…take a bite of this series!

Winter Soldier #8 Bucky vs. Black Widow! Have Marvel’s hottest couple turned against each other? Sexy, gritty, spy games heat up with old enemies coming out of cold targeting the Winter Soldier.


X-Treme X-Men #1 courtesy

Wolverine and the X-Men #14 Kitty Pryde on a date with Colossus? Are my favorite X-couple finally back together? Mutant romance goes cosmic as the Phoenix fueled Colossus woos Kitty. Plus the aftermath of last issue’s fateful clash between Gladiator and the Phoenix Five – what will this mean for the Shi’ar heir and Warbird?

X-Treme X-Men #1 Captain (Wolverine with a stache!) Howlett, Kid Nightcrawler, Emmeline Frost and Dazzler? Greg Pak sends a mutated team of teams across the multiverse but will everyone come back from the mission?

By Editor




Inside “Icons of Science Fiction” at EMP Museum

Enterprise command chair used on Star Trek, 1966-1969 Photo: Erik Skaar

  As I descended down into a new exhibition underneath Seattle’s EMP Museum I was giddy with geek anticipation. Icons of Science Fiction features some of the most inspiring artifacts of the sci-fi genre. I felt like Neo. I was a “Chosen One” receiving a sneak peek and chance to meld with the mind who created this new exhibition.

  You pass the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. I had to find the glass bearing the photo and name of Ray Bradbury to pay homage. Then prepare to be transported. The curator has designed an entry way that reminds you of an iconic experience in a sci-fi adventure. If you’re a Star Wars fans it would be going to light speed…if the hyper-drive is fixed! If you’re a Star Trek fan you’re going to warp. For the 2001: A Space Odyssey fans it’s going on a trip into void with Dave!

Icons of Science Fiction at EMP Museum, photo by

  Fans can marvel at artifacts that have never been shown publicly like Lt. Uhura’s uniform from Star Trek, Yoda’s walking cane from Star Wars, the Kryptonian spaceship from Superman starring Christopher Reeve. You can even see the Captain’s chair James T. Kirk sat in while commanding the Enterprise!

  What If? This eternal question drives the exploration of ideas behind the genre’s greatest creations. Curator Brooks Peck explains why he built the exhibition based on questions as opposed to by chronological order or sub categories.

  “One of the things science fiction does is ask these crazy strange questions. Any science fiction story can be framed as a question. Star Trek is framed as what if we could explore space and the stars. What would happen? What stories would come out of that? Or Men In Black – what if aliens came to this planet? Or Terminator – what if robots took over the world? So the exhibition asks six of these big questions and presents lots of stories, films, tv shows, novels, comics that answers those in different ways. So if you’re not like a hard-core science fiction person…you see the questions and it gets your thinking. Questions like what if we could design our children? It gets you thinking about it and I hope makes it accessible to everybody – science fiction fans and non fans alike.

Neo's coat worn by Keanu Reeves from The Matrix Reloaded, 2003 Photo: Brady Harvey

 What If You Were the Chosen One? This section highlights the idea of the savior who inspires change. Paul Muad’Dib was the prophesied messiah of Frank Herbert’s Dune series. You can see the jacket worn by Neo (Keanu Reeves) of The Matrix. I was fascinated and little freaked to see the Anakin Skywalker lifecast from Star Wars: Return of The Jedi. It takes you back to that moment when Luke lifts the Vader mask so Anakin can look on his son with his own eyes. You can see a costume Starbuck (Katee Sackhoff) wore on a key Battlestar Galactica episode that reinforced her role as a messiah for the human race.

Krypton spaceship filming miniature used in Superman: The Movie, 1978 Photo: Erik Skaar

 What If I Had Superpowers?  This section features Alan Moore’s classic Watchmen, Christopher Reeve’s costume from Superman IV and the miniature starship from his first Superman film that carried the young alien from Krypton to Smallville.

Curator Brooks Peck with a weapon from "Men in Black" at Icons of Science Fiction at EMP Museum, photo by

  What If We Fought A War With Aliens? From Will Smith’s impossibly huge gun in Men in Black, to the warrior headgear from the original Stargate film to the saucer from Ed Wood’s Plan 9 From Outer Space – this section is filled with weapons and gear to make you feel “absolute bad asses” like the Colonial Marines in Aliens. In fact you can see the helmet worn by Michael Biehn in the James Cameron sequel!


T-800 skull used in Terminator 2: Judgement Day, 1991 Photo: Brady Harvey

  What If We Were Enslaved By Our Machines? Who can forget the Terminator skull once the Ar-NULD visage from burned off? A robot skull from T2: Judgement Day is part of this section. What might be THE artifact of the exhibition is the centerpiece of this section: a Dalek from Doctor Who.

  “I think the Dalek is fantastic because…it’s a Dalek, right? And since Doctor Who is created in England it’s rare that objects make it make it over to the United States for us to see much less something this big and heavy and crazy like a Dalek. This Dalek in particular is special because it’s an Imperial Dalek which were the first Daleks we actually saw on camera climbing stairs and levitating,” declares Peck.

Imperial Dalek from the Doctor Who episode "Remembrance of the Daleks" in 1998 Photo: Erik Skaar

  This rare artifact is from the Remembrance of the Daleks episode from 1988 and Peck adds they call it “the glam-rock Dalek.”

 What If We Could Design Our Own Children? The teddy bear from the Steven Spielberg directed AI, Commander Data’s uniform Star Trek: The Next Generation, the work of local author Octavia Butler highlight this section that asks a question that may be answered in a future that’s closer that we may think.

Icons of Science Fiction at EMP Museum, photo by

  EMP Museum always deliver more than just inspiring visuals. This exhibition makes you a Ridley Scott, George Lucas or Steven Spielberg! The Create Your Own Special Effects Shot puts your friend on a green screen while you choose the fantasy backdrop and which iconic characters you want to interact with on-screen. You can fly like a superhero in the sky or run from Imperial Stormtroopers on an alien moon.

  There is a space age looking control board that gives you an interactive exploration of sci-fi sources and influences on design and modern art. You can touch your way across the genres.

 Brooks Peck and his team have collected from across genres and scored some amazing artifacts. I was curious to know what was the hardest artifact in the exhibit to procure?

  “There was one on my wish list that I couldn’t secure so that would probably be the hardest. We have on display one of Darth Vader’s light sabres from Episodes Five and Six. We wanted to compliment that with an Anakin Skywalker light sabre from the prequel. They’re very rare to find out and about…but we found a collector in England who had one and we had a plan. One of our curators was going to England anyway and was going to bring it back. Turns out though it was a fighting sabre used to film a combat scenes so it had this long carbon fiber plate so we thought we’d just transport this little handle but actually it was this four-foot long thing that couldn’t come apart so we couldn’t bring it from England. So we wanted to show that. Maybe someday but not now.”

 “Maybe someday” is what we often think after seeing a sci-fi film or reading a novel. The search the search for what’s possible, what’s in our future drives science fiction and fantasy fans. Like machine gaining sentience or an alien life form this exhibition is designed to evolve and grow. I am thrilled to be here for the birth of Icons of Science Fiction. Geek Tested…and approved for all.

 Icons of Science Fiction opens June 9th. You can also still enjoy the Can’t Look Away: The Lure of Horror and Avatar: The Exhibition.

 By Editor

Stay tuned for more posts: What does a Sci Fi Museum curator think of Prometheus, Doctor Who and why did certain comic books make the cut while others didn’t?

Top 5 Picks 4/25/12

AvX: Vs #1 courtesy

AVX: VS #1 Iron Man against Magneto! Thing slugs it out with Namor! The biggest brawls that erupted in Avengers Vs. X-Men explode into this series with all fighting, all action.

Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1 This premier issue is devoted to young gun James Vega written by the lead writer of Mass Effect 3.

New Avengers #25 It was tease that made me say “say what!” How does Marvel’s martial arts master tie to the most destructive force in the cosmos?  Iron Fist discovers his connection to the Phoenix in this tie-in to AvX. What does it mean for Hope the mutant messiah?

Popeye #1 Yes, Popeye the sailor man is back with his first original  story in 30 years! A new take on the classic character.

Star Wars: Blood Ties: Boba Fett Is Dead #1 The galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunter is dead. Words spreads across the sectors faster than the Millennium Falcon on light speed! But then the crew that killed him starts getting taken out!


Emerald City Comicon: This Geek’s Odyssey Day 2

Stormtroopers keep the crowd in line at ECCC,

  My second day at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle was packed with geek fun, great moments and exclusives. Any tiredness from day one was suddenly gone as we got the signal to enter the hall after an hour plus wait packed among hundreds of fans.


Robert Kirkman get a thank you gift from a fan at ECCC,

  I immediately raced to the Image/Skybound booth for a chance at getting a ticket to get an autograph from Robert Kirkman, the creator and Executive Producer of The Walking Dead.  His story is a geek dream come true. A few cons ago you waited a little while to get his autograph. Now he’s got a hit television series, successful imprint producing hit after hit series, has several con panels dedicated to his work, and you need a ticket for an autograph. Ask any of Kirkman’s fans and you’ll agree he’s earned all his success.


Multiple lines for several media stars at ECCC,


Edward James Olmos from his panel at ECCC,, photo by Cliff Olmstead

I descended into lower level where eager geeks lined up for autographs and photo opportunities with their favorite sci-fi celebrities from television and movies (for a fee.) Edward James Olmos was my number one. The veteran actor of Blade Runner and Admiral William Adama on Battlestar Galactica had a rugged but regal presence. I chose the cast photo and he signed along with writing the quote “Roll the Hard Six…So Say We All…” Admiral Adama. I’m rarely speechless but I finally expressed my love of his performance and the episodes he directed. A handshake, smile and exchange back and I think I was floating, glowing and certainly grinning as I walked away and down the exit line. Fellow Galactica followers still in line smiled back at me knowing their upcoming moment with the Admiral could be just as satisfying.


A young trooper at ECCC,

  The 501st is a Northwest group of Star Wars fans who dress up like the iconic characters and take fan photos for donations. After years of trying to meet up with him I finally saw Chewbacca! I’ve always wanted a photo with the coolest Wookie in the galaxy. Luckily this Chewbacca was visiting from the Oregon branch of the 501st.  A big win on my geek checklist!


Chewie Rules! at ECCC,

  Terry and Rachel Dodson (X-Men, Defenders) Clay Mann (X-Men Legacy) Chris Burnham (Batman Inc) Brian Wood (X-Men, Northlanders) Matt Whitlock and Shane Houghton (Peanuts) Joe Eisma (Morning Glories) were the creators on my quest for autographs and exclusive prints.

  A big thank you to DC Comics who gave away so many free issues, posters, buttons and swag. Once again, I had great timing with Dustin Nguyen (Batman, Batman Beyond) offering free sketches for a brief time. I had Chris Burnham sketch Batgirl the day before so I kept it in the Bat family. I was thrilled with Nguyen’s sketch of the Huntress.

Iron Fist raises his hands for a question at a panel at ECCC,

  Marvel definitely offered their fans access to top talent: Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Rick Remender, Dan Slott were among the writers answering fan questions and giving teases about the future of Avengers, X-Men and Spider-Man in multiple panels.


Marvel favorites at ECCC,

  Saturday is always the busiest day with a variety of panels and the most cosplay since the big costume competition is that night. From popular choices like Avengers, Batman, Superman to rare surprises like Dazzler (from the disco era) and the worlds of Star Wars, Trek, and Firefly. Saturday was a star packed, panel filled and costumed crazy day at Emerald City Comicon. The fun doesn’t slow on Sunday with more photo ops, signings and more.

  Stay tuned for most posts including a gallery of costumed craziness!


Emerald City Comicon Day 1 Costume Parade

My fellow Matt Fraction fan in line with me at ECCC,

  Fans descend on Seattle for Emerald City Comicon. I chose my picture to be of my fellow Matt Fraction fan who waited along with me!

AVX? Kid Deadpool makes peace between Captain America and Dark Phoenix!
Mercedes Lam of Garrison Titan at ECCC,


Kevin and Mercedes Lam, Star Wars fans in love & in Garrison Titan at ECCC,

 Garrison Titan and the 501st are Star Wars who gave fans great photo ops with their favorite characters while raising money for charity.

Bested by the Empire at ECCC,


Freddy's back at ECCC,


Rogue at ECCC,


Deadpool strikes a pose at ECCC,


? at ECCC,


at ECCC, ComicsBlend.comBlack Widow & Catwoman & Me at ECCC,

Superman flexes at ECCC,


Robin, Poison Ivy and Catwoman at ECCC,


at ECCC,


Futurama Fun at ECCC,




Top 5 Picks for 2/22/12

Batman: Dark Knight #6 courtesy Marvel



Batman: Dark Knight #6 Bane will challenge Batman in The Dark Knight Rises on the big screen. This week Batman must find the mastermind behind the toxin in Gotham City’s most notorious supercriminals and confront the evil force that once broke his back – Bane.

Star Wars: Jedi: Volume 1: Dark Side  An early adventure of the Jedi Master who trained Obi Wan. Young Qui-Gon Jinn is sent to investigate an assassination and prevent civil war on his homeworld. A mission that will bring Qui-Gon close to the dark side and affect the Jedi Order.


Wolverine and the X-Men #6 courtesy

Wolverine and the X-Men #6 It’s Gambling 101 when Logan and Quentin hit an outer space casino hope to win big and save the Jean Grey School. It’s Casino Royale meets Star Wars as the mutant odd couple go ‘all in’ to save Logan’s dream.

I, Vampire #6 The Queen of Blood’s army overruns Gotham City. Batman must ally with Andrew to fight off the vampire infestation.

All Star Western #7 Jonah Hex vs a giant bat! If that’s not enough to suck you in Jonah and Amadeus Arkham (as in the Asylum from the Bat books) team up to escape a deathtrap and save Gotham’s children. These tales of the past uncover some of Gotham City’s darkest legend including Court of Owls. 


The Beginning of STAR WARS?

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi courtesy Dark Horse Comics

Did you feel the Force in 3D this weekend? Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was back in theaters. Fans will soon have the chance to experience all the films again in 3D.

If you want to go way back then head to the comic book shop this week for Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi #1. Writer John Ostrander and artist Jan Duursema who created the Star Wars: Legacy series reteam to for this new Dark Horse Comics series.

This is how the publisher describes the series:

“On the planet Tython, in the center of the galaxy, an order of warrior monks strives to maintain peace and to balance the mysterious power known as the Force. But a stranger is coming–one who will destroy both peace and balance, and open the galaxy to exploration and conquest. This is where it all begins!” Continue reading The Beginning of STAR WARS?

Top 5 Picks 2/15/12

Batman #6 courtesy DC Comics

Batman #6

Batman is broken and bleeding in the Court of Owls’ psychedelic deathtrap underneath Gotham City. Did their relentless assassin Talon really gut the Dark Knight? After last issue’s Black Swan style mind tripping issue – I believe anything is possible!

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi #1

Before Obi-Wan, before Yoda – on a distant planet an order of warrior monks strive to learn the secrets of the Force but a stranger is coming to claim this power for his own. The creative team behind Star Wars Legacy reveals the mythic origin of the Jedi Knights.

The Misadventures of Adam West #1

The actor who played Batman in the camp-tastic tv show has his own outrageous comic. Magic and imagination send Adam West across time, space and alternative dimensions to fight crime.

The Winter Soldier #2 courtesy Marvel

The Winter Soldier #2

Bucky and Black Widow are Marvel’s hottest couple and coolest spies. The former Captain America must stop an army of stone cold super assassins and this may lead to an impossible mission: prevent the killing of Doctor Doom! Who has the balls to try to take out Marvel’s ultimate villain?

Army of Darkness #1

Based on the cult classic Sam Raimi film – A new chapter begins for the Army of Darkness saga. “Ash” played by Bruce Campbell in the movies is joined by a new female ally in his war against the Deadites that takes them to ancient Egypt. Bring your chainsaw and join the fun.

By Editor