Will “Chronicle” Director Feel Spider-Man’s Venom?

Venom courtesy Marvel.com

  When Chronicle hit the big screen buzz was building that director Josh Trank would take over a reboot of Fantastic Four for Fox. Now comes word that Sony is recruiting the director for a Spider-Man spinoff starring Venom according to the Los Angeles Times.

  The story would focus on Spidey villain played Topher Grace in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3.  The project has been spinning for 5 years. No word if this Venom will based on Eddie Brock, Mac Gargan or Flash Thompson versions.

Thanks to Dark Horizons.

Updated: John Carter Cast Set for Sequels

Poster for Disney's John Carter

(Update: Following up on the post below)

  Taylor Kitsch told /Film he won’t do John Carter 2 unless Director Andrew Stanton is involved. He told them what he would look forward to if a sequel happened:

 “It’s such an origin story for JC, this one, and you’re always trying to ground yourself, in the first weeks of any film, of the tone, the character, of all that stuff. But now we have it. This sequel, we’re landing and we’re going full tilt. So that’s what I’m excited to do. You guys will know where John is so there’s no explaining the back story anymore. And I know where Stanton’s going with it and it’s pretty great.”


Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins in Disney's John Carter

(Previous Post)

I’m eagerly awaiting Disney’s John Carter next month. Willem Dafoe plays the Martian warrior Tars Tarkas and tells The Playlist he and other actors are signed on for sequels.

 “If it succeeds, there are potentially two or three of them and I know Andrew’s signed on, Taylor [Kitsch]’s signed on, Lynn [Collins’] signed on. So if it happens, I know it’s the same people and there’s only the hope that we can go deeper.”

  For those new to the story Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan) created a fantastic series of books featuring an Earth man transported to Mars. No little green men here. The various warrior tribes of the red planet call it Barsoom. Tars Tarkas a leader of the Tharks, big green warrior men.

  Disney’s John Carter marks a union of two Marvel movie universes. Taylor Kitsch was Gambit and Lynn Collins was Silverfox in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Dafoe was Norman Osborn/Green Goblin in Spider Man. Thanks for Comic Book Resources.


AVX Vs. #2 Slugfest

Vs. #2 courtesy Marvel

  Salvador Larroca is one of my favorite creators. The Spanish artist’s style has evolved over several X-Men titles, Invincible Iron Man and does any recall the short lived but beautiful New Universal?

 Marvel gave Comic Book Resources several AVX preview covers. This is one of my favorites. Spidey faced a Cyttorak powered foe before in the classic Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut. Looks like Peter Parker will have to fight Colossal Juggernaut now that the X-Man can summon the power of the Cyttorak.

  Captain America and Gambit are clashing on the cover too. It’s tough to root for one over the other: the boy scout against the bad boy. Gambit’s luck may have run out on this fight.

 AVX: VS. #2 is by Kieron Gillen with art by Larroca and Steve McNiven.

Spider-Man New’s Suit Revealed!


Amazing Spider-Man #682 courtesy Marvel via Comic Book Resources



  Marvel revealed Peter Parker’s new suit in the final teaser image for The Ends of the Earth. Dan Slott’s latest epic pits Spidey against Doctor Octopus and his Sinister Six starting with Amazing Spider-Man #682.

  The solicitation says “Earth’s Mightiest” will join Spidey in his fight. I wonder if this new costume is Stark Tech and what special features it’s packing?

  What do you think?

  Here’s the post with the previous images showing the Six, possible victims of Doc Ock’s vengeful act and Peter Parker suiting up.


Spider-Man, Punisher, Daredevil Feel the Omega Effect II

Avenging Spider-Man #6 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

  Legendary writer Mark Waid is talking about the previously announced The Omega Effect storyline bringing Avenging Spider-Man, Punisher and Daredevil together in April.

  Waid teams with Greg Rucka in a story involving a hunt to possess the Omega Drive. Marvel’s big crime families want it because they could be destroyed by what’s inside. Waid writes Daredevil. Rucka writes Punisher. Together they write Avenging Spider-Man #6 kicking off the action.

  “We’ve basically, you know, along with editor Steve Wacker, sort of game plotted the three issues; and then the two of us, Greg and I together, sat down and outlined the thing, back and forth sort of outlining all three issues. And then when it came to the first issue of the cross-over in AVENGING SPIDER-MAN, we just thought it’d be fair and fun to split the workload where it was “you take this scene, I’ll take that scene.” We’ll throw it back and forth and we’ll work together to just bring it all together,” Waid told Marvel.com.

Avenging Spider-Man #6 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

   Spidey, Matt and Frank don’t mix so how will these different heroes find common ground.

   “They really don’t get along, especially these days. Because Spider-Man in his own book [AMAZING SPIDER-MAN], which really is so well-written by Dan Slott, has made a very important vow that when he’s around, nobody dies. And that’s really hard to pull off with a character like Punisher around. And then Daredevil’s whole new “I’m going to smile when I do this, when I punch your lights out” attitude is sort of chafing Frank Castle the wrong way. So what brings them together is the Omega Drive.


  It’s that artifact that Daredevil has captured that has key information on it on all of the mega-crime families in the Marvel Universe and they’re all after it.”

 “..By the time we get to the crossover, the crime families are tired of trying to strike some sort of a treaty between themselves and they just decide that, you know what? It’s every man for himself. We’re all going to come after it and we don’t care that it’s going to create this gang war and that’s going to tear the world in half. We just won’t care. And Daredevil, Spider-Man, and Punisher, they all want it for a different reason. Daredevil will want to hang onto it because it’s his insurance, because as long as he’s got it, they can’t do anything to him, and they can’t do anything to his friends and co-workers. Spider-Man wants it because it’s just the right thing to do. You’ve got that information you should use it. And Punisher wants it for that same reason too, which is that he wants to use it, but he wants to use it in a much more “blood in the streets” way then Spider-Man would ever be happy with.”

Avenging Spider-Man #6 preview art courtesy Marvel.com

 Two legendary writers at the top of their game, top artists and three heroes clashing in a story that would rock Marvel’s underworld – I’m in.

 For the entire interview and more of Marco Checcetto’s preview art here’s the Marvel.com link.

Here’s the link to see more quotes and art from The Omega Effect announcement.

Spider-Man The Ends of the Earth Triple Tease!

courtesy Marvel.com

3 teasers. 1 for the villains – the new Sinister Six. 1 for the victims. 1 for the hero – Spider-Man

courtesy Marvel.com

  The Ends of the Earth is the next big epic from Dan Slott beginning with Amazing Spider-Man #682. Peter Parker and his Avenging Friends face Doctor Octopus and his new Sinister Six. In this final image – it appears Spidey is working a new suit – at least it’s not Spider-Armor! Thanks to comics newsarama for collecting ’em all. They have a great breakdown for each teaser too.

Courtesy Marvel.com

Not to get ahead of myself – but hey, they teased it! I’m still curious about the Spider-Men teaser revealed earlier this week!

courtesy Marvel.com



courtesy Marvel.com

  Marvel started spinning a web of intrigue sure to get fans guessing! This minimalist image with the message Spider-Men, June 2012.

Here’s what we know:

  Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Spidey’s The Ends of the Earth storyline ends in March. Spider-Man will fight with the Avengers in Avengers Versus X-Men – or will he switch sides? Peter is also a member of the Future Foundation. Clone Ben Reilly is in a new series The Scarlet Spider. Peter Parker is dead in the Ultimate Universe but Miles Morales wears the suit and stars in the title.

AvX image courtesy Marvel.com

   What if Marvel is spinning an army of Spider-Men in multiple locations like Batman Incorporated? I was inspired by this photo of Broadway’s Spider-Man for that theory.