X-MEN Trask Industries Viral Video

Uncanny X-Men #141 courtesy Marvel.com

2014 will be open season on mutants!

X-Men of past and future will join forces in a new film based on a classic comic book story. The mutants will the face the Sentinels in X-Men: Days of Future Past next year.


A new viral video hit the web called Trask Industries: Your Future showcasing the company’s commitment to the human race. Bolivar Trask is the creator of the mutant hunting robots called the Sentinels.


Keep watching the clever company promotional video to see how the classic enemies will look in the Bryan Singer directed sequel.


If Trask Industries has its way there will not be any mutants in the future. Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) is playing Trask. Continue reading X-MEN Trask Industries Viral Video

X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST History in the Remaking

courtesy @Bryan Singer viaTwitter
courtesy @Bryan Singer viaTwitter

The Cuban Missile Crisis was interweaved with the struggle for mutant rights in X-Men: First Class. The Cold War and spread of Communism will be part of the drama of X-Men Days of Future Past. Director Bryan Singer revealed two photos via Twitter from the set of the upcoming sequel that help set for tone for the setting – 1973.

The first picture shows an actor playing President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office with the caption “Pivotal meeting” and the second includes “GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!”

courtesy @Bryan Singer viaTwitter
courtesy @Bryan Singer viaTwitter

The “Pivotal meeting” could be real history or comic book history  – this could be the meeting in which the U.S. government initiates Project Wideawake and begins the creation of the Sentinels – mutant hunting robots!

X-Men Days of Future Past will take place in 1974 and in the near future and arrives in 2014.

By Editor

UNCANNY X-MEN Emma Frost, Sentinels and the Traitor!

Uncanny X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Emma Frost is showcased on the cover of this week’s Uncanny X-Men #2. Writer Brian Michael Bendis teases what’s next for the former White Queen in his upcoming Uncanny X-Men.

“The Emma Frost thing is very interesting. This is the most controversial character amongst all X-fans. This is really fascinating. Avengers fans never did this to me, but every X-Men fan does. When they want to show me something about a character, they come at me with a visual aid. They cut out a panel or a page and either e-mail it to me or post it on my Twitter. It’s like they’re a lawyer with evidence. You would think that Daredevil fans would Continue reading UNCANNY X-MEN Emma Frost, Sentinels and the Traitor!


Uncanny X-Men #141 courtesy Marvel.com

Director Bryan Singer keeps delivering Uncanny casting news! Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Anna Paquin, Shawn Ashmore and Ellen Page are reprising their roles in X-Men: Days of Future Past.


Stars from the original three films will join stars of X-Men: First Class  including Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence.


The film will be based on the classic storyline in which mutants from the future try to change the past.


My geeky brain starting thinking of what else would make this sequel even more Astonishing X-fans! Here are 8 wishes:


X1 Hugh Jackman leading the real Last Stand! In the classic Days of Future Past storyline Logan leads the underground resistance in a future North America ruled by Sentinels. Magneto, Storm, Colossus and Kitty Pryde (now Kate Rasputin) are the only surviving X-Men. The heroes eventually break out of their concentration camp and join Logan on a suicide raid on Sentinel headquarters. Hugh Jackman is set to return so he could play the aging Logan on his last mission.

Uncanny X-Men #466 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny X-Men #466 courtesy Marvel

X2  Rachel Summers! The daughter of Scott and Jean is the key to the story. Rachel is telepathic and telekinetic like her mother and uses her psionic powers to send Kate’s mind into the present day body of a younger Kitty Pryde who must convince the X-Men to prevent an assassination that will lead to this dark future. Bryce Dallas Howard (yes I know she’s already been in a Spidey movie) would be perfect as tragic daughter of Scott and Jean. Rachel was forced to be a “Hound” and track down fellow mutants. In the comic books Rachel escaped the future and went into the past became the new Phoenix and joined the X-Men. She currently teaches as the Jean Grey School.


X3  Franklin Richards! The last surviving member of the Fantastic Four is in love with Rachel. The son of Reed and Susan Storm Richards is in the camp with the surviving X-Men and I won’t reveal his final fate. Mark Millar’s new role as Creative Consultant for the Fox controlled Marvel franchises includes the upcoming reboot of Fantastic Four. This film could serve as a reboot point for both franchises similar to J.J. Abrams’s Star Trek.


X4  Kitty Pryde/Kate Rasputin! Ellen Page is back so will she play the future Kate? Kitty is married to Colossus (as it should be!) but agrees to have her mind travel into the past to rally the X-Men to stop a chain of events leading to the dark future.
Continue reading X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Wish List!

Secret Avengers Versus Sentinaughts?

Sentinels courtesy Marvel.com

  The Descendants are rising up to threaten the surface world in Secret Avengers #22. A mysterious enemy known as “The Father” created these new races evolved from the most famous robots and androids in the Marvel Universe. All this week new writer Rick Remender is revealing the new foes with his research and commentary on Marvel.com. The latest Father File reveals the Sentinaughts, descendants of mutant hunting Sentinels.

“The Sentinaught Society is sentient Sentinels who have a natural hate for mutants and still have some of their original tendencies from their mindless ancestors,” says Rick Remender of these Descendants. “Such as their inherent need to crush, kill, and destroy the mutant race. [But] they’re individuals. So any Sentinaught that you’d meet would have its own personality and background. The Core has been hidden for so many years, and these things have been living there for many, many years. So these things all have their own back-stories and likes and dislikes.”

 Earlier Remender revealed The Core is a hidden city deep within the Earth where the Sentinaughts, The Machine People and UltraVisions are waiting to strike.

 For more of Remender’s notes and quotes visit Marvel.com.