Secret Avengers New Creative Team

Secret Avengers #23 courtesy

  Rick Remender had an incredible 2011 with Uncanny X-Force. 2012 sees the writer take on another of Marvel’s covert teams: The Secret Avengers. In today’s Marvel presser Remender and artist Gabriel Hardman revealed their plans for the team.

  Secret Avengers 21.1 (with artist Patrick Zircher) will introduce the new Masters of Evil who have set up their own sovereign nation. This issue will be bringing new team leader Hawkeye into the book.

  “In Clint’s eyes, he’s the direct approach kind of guy, he doesn’t like spy work, but cap thinks this fits his skill set. An archer or a sniper needs to be covert and deadly. Cap’s only concern is Clint’s temper, so the Point One issue is a test, ” Remember says of Clint Barton.

Secret Avengers #22 interior preview art by Gabriel Hardman courtesy

  “The first big story is based around a guy named father, who readers of Uncanny X-Force will be familiar with. He had a hand in creating a race of descendants from all the robots in the Marvel Universe who live in the core of the Earth. The threat is actually much bigger, and we’ll reveal it as we go. It’s something I’ve been working on for some time.” Remender said of the growing mech threat.

  “Adaptoids are like Sentinels for Avengers. They have a deep hatred for the Avengers. They view them as the bad guys. They protect humanity at the expense of other species like mutants or these guys” Remender added about the frequent Avenger foes.

   Arthur Adams will provide covers. Gabriel Hardman will handle variant covers and interior art. With such a diverse team (Hawkeye, Valkyrie, Venom, Black Widow, Human Torch, Beast, Captain Britain) who is the big challenge?


Secret Avengers #22 interior art courtesy

  “It’s fun drawing this characters I’ve never worked with. I need to find individual personalities for these guys. Beast is probably the biggest challenge because the way he is visually interpreted varies a lot and I needed to nail down my way to draw him. I basically draw him as Lemmy from Motorhead, so hopefully that will work,” Hardman said. 

Secret Avengers #22 cover Gabriel Hardman courtesy

  “I haven’t gotten to draw Venom in action yet, but I love that costume and am excited to do it. I like the more down to earth, gritty look for Hawkeye. It’s more practical…though the fan in me would have had a lot of fun drawing the goofy purple costume,” Hardman continued.

  Secret Avengers 21.1 on sale January 25th. Secret Avengers 22 on sale February 8.



Top 5 for 12/28/11

Secret Avengers #20 courtesy

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The New Masters of Evil: Feel the Fury!


Masters of Evil teaser courtesy Art by Patrick Zircher

  Marvel is unveiling the new Masters of Evil and today’s reveal was a shocker: Max Fury!

  I was excited to report that Uncanny X-Force writer Rick Remender will take over Secret Avengers in 2012 with Hawkeye as the new team leader. 

  Today Marvel gave new details about Remender’s first issue. In Secret Avengers 21.1 Captain America and Hawkeye’s covert team ventures into a nation run by criminals for criminals.

  The Masters of Evil is one of the largest and longest running alliances of villains in the Marvel universe. Baron Zemo, Ultron, Egghead and Doctor Octopus have been some of the criminal masterminds who gathered teams to oppose the Avengers.

Avengers #277 courtesy

  One of my favorite clashes between The Avengers and the Masters of Evil was in Avengers: Under Siege by Roger Stern in Avengers #273-#277. The villains had the audacity to storm Avengers mansion. This version led by Helmut Zemo was the most powerful and the plan was to overwhelm the heroes with raw power.

  Marvel delivered a new twist on the Masters of Evil when the villains posed as heroes called the Thunderbolts. Ironically some of the members of this incarnation liked being heroes and renounced their evil ways.

  Stay tuned as Marvel reveals more members in the latest incarnation of the supervillain alliance.