Rex Velvet’s Next Move?


courtesy Rex Velvet?

  “Rex Velvet” the self-proclaimed “super villain” of Seattle has been quiet since his YouTube debut and follow-up video challenging Emerald City’s super hero movement.  

  Have you have noticed the addition to the webpage of the so-called “People’s Villain?” What is this SocialVillainsAlliance link? Is this a clue to a phase two?

By Editor

Editoral Note: is covering this story because of the ties to comic book culture. This apppears to be the work of a creative person. We do not advocate super-villainy or any villainous acts or violence.

Seattle Video Villain Rex Velvet Is Back

courtesy Rex Velvet?

  Satirical fun by a creative mind or something else? Rex Velvet issued another challenge to the real life super hero movement of the Emerald City. A week ago the self-proclaimed super villain of Seattle revealed himself to the media. He shared this video with the media.

  It was just one of the many ironic stories last week about the “real super hero” movement in Seattle in a Marvel comic book, at an Avengers film series and on YouTube.

Rex Velvet has unveiled a new video. You can watch it here:

What do you think?

By Editor