Rebirth of a Hero In CAPTAIN AMERICA #25

Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel

World War II hero Captain America is a part of Marvel history and comics history is made this week when a new hero takes over the role and wields the shield.


As you can see from this Marvel preview of Captain America #25, the Avengers are gathering for this powerful moment.


The Super Soldier Serum was drained from of Steve Rogers body. Cap’s super strength may be gone but he’s far from a broken but he is a frail elderly man in his 90’s. Continue reading Rebirth of a Hero In CAPTAIN AMERICA #25


Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel
Captain America #25 courtesy Marvel

Marvel shared a preview of Captain America #25. with a look inside the pivotal issue and some incredible variant covers.


The story Rick Remender started back in #1 with Dimension Z leads to the birth of the All-New Captain America.


Steve Rogers watches as Arnim Zola and Red Skull invade New York with an army of mutates. The Super Soldier Serum was drained out of Rogers but he still has his allies. Ian, Sharon Carter, Jet Black and Falcon make a stand against the invasion of Cap’s two greatest enemies. Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA #25 Preview


Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Sam Wilson is not just the new Captain America, he’s taking over the Mighty Avengers.


Luke Cage, Monica Rambeau, White Tiger, Blade and Spider-Man were some of the heroes how joined to fight the forces of Thanos during Infinity when the Avengers were in deep space fighting the Builders.


The book relaunches as Captain America and the Mighty Avengers, as revealed at San Diego Comic Con. Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA And MIGHTY AVENGERS


courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada revealed Sam Wilson will be the new Captain America on Comedy Central’s Colbert Report.


Steve Rogers recently had the Super Soldier Serum sucked out of his body by the Red Nail. Without the serum, Rogers is now a frail man in his 90’s.


Quesada revealed Rogers will reach out to his former sidekick to take over as the Sentinel of Liberty.


Sam Wilson is known as the Falcon. Wilson was created by Stan Lee and Gene Colan in 1969 and is the first African-America super hero in mainstream comics. Wilson joined the Star-Spangled Avenger in 1972 in the renamed book: Captain America and Falcon. Continue reading FALCON Will Be NEW CAPTAIN AMERICA