Spider-Man 2099 Returns

SpiderMan 2099 Get ready for a blast from the future past! Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) enters the Marvel Now in Superior Spider-Man #17 this Wednesday.


In the 1990’s Marvel launched an entire line of comics starring reimagined heroes (Ghost Rider, X-Men, Doom, Punisher) set in the future.


Spider-Man 2099 was created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi. Miguel was a brilliant scientist attempting to recreate the powers of the original Spidey in others. An accident caused O’Hara’s DNA to be rewritten with spider genetic code. This reimagined hero of Marvel’s future was the first Latino Spider-Man. Continue reading Spider-Man 2099 Returns

Spider-Man, Superior No More?

Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel
Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel

This could be the week True Believers!

Who will be the one true Spider-Man? This week Superior Spider-Man #9 teases “Superior No More”

Does this mean Doctor Octopus will pay for what he’s done to Peter Parker? Can Pete reclaim his body, identity and life from one of his greatest enemies?

Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel
Superior Spider-Man #9 courtesy Marvel

After the shocking events of Continue reading Spider-Man, Superior No More?



Superior Spider-Man #2 courtesy Marvel

   Imagine the ick factor of Mary Jane Watson making out with…Doctor Octopus? If Spidey fans are upset on the big switch in Superior Spider-Man #1 this shot of the new webslinger kissing Peter Parker’s girlfriend will make them go wild.

Artist Ryan Stegman shared why his style is perfect fit for writer Dan Slott’s darker spin on the webslinger Marvel.com.

“My style has been edging darker anyway. My favorite styles are sort of cartoony with a certain amount of looseness to the finish. It allows your work to cover a wide range of expression. So when it needs to be light it can and when it needs to be dark it can.

  I’ve found that my style slightly changes on almost every book I do to suit what it is that I’m working on. It’s not always overt, and it’s certainly not conscious. But I just finished a run on FANTASTIC FOUR and I think my style on this has been different even though I never consciously decided that. It’s just that the tone of the writing is different.”

Slott and Stegman are throwing a new Sinister Six at the Superior Spider-Man.

“I re-designed Overdrive. But for the most part we stuck with classic designs. I think one of the great things about the villains in this book is that the ones that stick generally have pretty cool designs. For example, the Living Brain is something that I would never design. It’s blocky and crazy looking. But somehow it’s awesome. So I didn’t want to fiddle with it. I just wanted it to look exactly like it always did.”

Back to that famous redhead, Stegman calls MJ the most important supporting cast member.

“I’ve always wanted to draw her. And I want to do her justice as all the great Spidey artists have done. Especially Romita Sr. That’s a huge part of Spider-Man to me. Without Mary Jane this book probably wouldn’t be everything that it is.”

For his entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

Superior Spider-Man #2 swings into comic shops this week with the kiss that’s sure to create controversy.

By Editor

Superior Spider-Man Kissing Mary Jane?


Superior Spider-Man #2 courtesy Marvel

  Amazing Spider-Man will end with issue #700 but Superior Spider-Man #1 launches in 2013. Artist Ryan Stegman shared his insight on the new Spidey on Marvel.com but first I have to talk about his cover to Superior Spider-Man #2. Is this new guy under the mask making a move on Peter Parker’s main gal? This sure looks like Mary Jane getting a kiss from the new webslinger.

Back to Stegman who shared why his style is perfect for Dan Slott’s darker take.

 “My style has been edging darker anyway. My favorite styles are sort of cartoony with a certain amount of looseness to the finish. It allows your work to cover a wide range of expression. So when it needs to be light it can and when it needs to be dark it can.

I’ve found that my style slightly changes on almost every book I do to suit what it is that I’m working on. It’s not always overt, and it’s certainly not conscious. But I just finished a run on FANTASTIC FOUR and I think my style on this has been different even though I never consciously decided that. It’s just that the tone of the writing is different.”

Slott and Stegman are throwing a new Sinister Six at the Superior Spider-Man.

“I re-designed Overdrive. But for the most part we stuck with classic designs. I think one of the great things about the villains in this book is that the ones that stick generally have pretty cool designs. For example, the Living Brain is something that I would never design. It’s blocky and crazy looking. But somehow it’s awesome. So I didn’t want to fiddle with it. I just wanted it to look exactly like it always did.”

  Back to that famous redhead, Stegman calls MJ the most important supporting cast member.

  “I’ve always wanted to draw her. And I want to do her justice as all the great Spidey artists have done. Especially Romita Sr. That’s a huge part of Spider-Man to me. Without Mary Jane this book probably wouldn’t be everything that it is.”

For his entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

Superior Spider-Man #1 swings into the Marvel Now in January.

By Editor

Superior Spider-Man

Superior Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

  Amazing Spider-Man swings for the final time with issue #700 but in 2013 your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is feeling Superior! Marvel Comics is shaking up their roster of famous heroes and titles. The relaunch will mean a brand new and darker webslinger. Today’s news may give current fans chills over the fate of Peter Parker.

 Marvel announced Superior Spider-Man #1 will debut this January with current AMS writer Dan Slott and artist Ryan Stegman will spin the tales of a new Spidey. Slott reveals what makes a Superior Spider-Man on Marvel.com.

“That’s a tricky thing. It could be their powers. It could be an overestimation of their self-worth. It could be that they’re calling themselves Superior Spider-Man. Or it truly could be that they have some qualities that Peter Parker lacks. How is that possible?”

 Peter Parker’s adventures are filled with some fan-favorites supporting characters. How will the new title and leading man interact with the Parker’s friends and allies?

“This is still very much the world of Spider-Man. There may be a new Spider-Man here, doing things in a new and different way, but you’re going to see the Spider-cast reacting to this. You’re going to see how this Spider-Man will deal with our Spider-Man’s villains. How will he react to this Spider-Man’s supporting cast? Whoever makes it out of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700 will find a different Spider-Man waiting for them when Superior Spider-Man starts.”

 Dan Slott teased a potential new Sinister Six and confirmed the return of the Vulture.

For many characters, and for many things in Spider-Man’s world, there are dark days ahead,” Slott revealed about Parker’s friends at Horizon Labs.


Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

Does this mean Peter Parker will die in Amazing Spider-Man #700? Slott has reportedly said he will have to hide from the public after the milestone issue.

“Passions run high and fast. And I expect many message boards to be consumed with flames as all this stuff goes down. But at the same time, I feel that once #700 is over, and when SUPERIOR launches, I think a lot of people are going to walk into this and go, “what have they done?” But when they get to the end of SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #1, there will be a moment of, “oooh,” and then it’ll be safe for me to poke my head out and to walk the streets again.”

Ryan Stegman, Humberto Ramos and Giusseppe Camucoli will be the artist on the new series.

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel.com link.

By Editor

Captain America and Cyclops in AVX Variant

Avengers Versus X-Men #1 variant courtesy Marvel.com

  Fists are flying in the latest AVX reveal from Marvel. Ryan Stegman created this Avengers Versus X-Men #1 variant showing the two team leaders in battle.

  This is the press release with the image – which includes a big clue*:

  “This April, the biggest names in the industry pit the largest super hero franchises against one another for the biggest war in comics history in Avengers Vs. X-Men! To celebrate this blockbuster event, Marvel has your first look at the Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 Stegman Variant by red-hot artist Ryan Stegman! The Phoenix Force is headed towards Earth and Captain America is determined to prevent the destruction of the whole world by stopping it. But when word gets to the X-Men that the Phoenix is returning, Cyclops will do anything he can to save it…including going up against Earth’s Mightiest! But who is right? Will mutantkind be saved or will the world be annihilated? Don’t miss out on all the action in Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 in comic shops worldwide and on the Marvel Comics app this April!”

AvX #1 cover by Jim Cheung courtesy Marvel.com

   When AVX was unveiled we learned that “a shocking decision related to the return of the Phoenix Force” is what triggers the conflict.

  *I could be wrong but isn’t this the first time we’ve been told that Captain America is determined to stop it and Cyclops will do anything to save it? Scott has demonstrated he’s willing to make sacrifices and take drastic steps to protect his fellow mutants so could this mean the Phoenix is targetting Hope?