Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics

The Ninth Doctor (as played by Christopher Eccleston) is back in a new ongoing series.

Back when the Time Lord “regenerated” into a new television series after more than a decade it was a cool, leather jacket wearing Doctor exclaiming, “Fantastic!” with a young girl named Rose Tyler and later an alien scoundrel named Captain Jack Harkness.

The trio return for a new adventure called Doctormania this Spring.

Titan Comics shared a first look at the covers for the next book in their Doctor Who line. Continue reading THE NINTH DOCTOR WHO Comic Cover Reveal


Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics

The Ninth Doctor (as played by Christopher Eccleston) is back in brand new comic book adventure by Cavan Scott from Titan Comics. Ten years after the Time Lord’s television comeback, The Ninth Doctor along with his fan-favorite companions are together again in a new story: Weapons of Past Destruction.

Scott has written a series of Doctor Who spinoff radio plays, short stories and co-authored Doctor Who: Who-ology. In our interview I asked about the impact of The Ninth Doctor and how his new story fits into the timeline:

Congratulations and how does it feel to bring back the Ninth Doctor as Whovians celebrate 10 years of the new generation of the Time Lord? Continue reading DOCTOR WHO: THE NINTH DOCTOR Writer CAVAN SCOTT


Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #3 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #3 courtesy Titan Comics

Your modern Doctors (as played by Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi) with favorite and new companions starring in new adventures in time and space.

Titan Comics shared a first look at the issues coming this May.

Writer: Cavan Scott, Artist: Blair Shedd
Weapons of Past Destruction continues, as the Doctor, Rose and Jack are trapped in an alien bazaar, caught in a heavily-armed standoff between the overpowered Unon and the Lect – as the nearby star threatens to go supernova! Continue reading DOCTOR WHO TITAN COMICS MAY Previews

NINTH DOCTOR WHO Returns in Comics

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor courtesy Titan Comics

Titan Comics gives the gift of more Doctor Who comics – this time starring the Ninth Doctor from the first comeback season that rebooted the legendary sci-fi icon.

The Ninth Doctor is BACK with a brand-new miniseries: WEAPONS OF PAST DESTRUCTION!

“Leaving World War II behind, The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack discover that Time Lord technology, lost in the wake of the Time War, is being sold on the intergalactic black market! Continue reading NINTH DOCTOR WHO Returns in Comics


The Day of the Doctor courtesy BBC America
The Day of the Doctor courtesy BBC America

The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant)

The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith)

And the Doctor? (John Hurt)


Two weeks until the Super Bowl of Sci-Fi when The Day of the Doctor 50th Anniversary Special takes over planet Earth!


Here’s the second trailer courtesy BBC America featuring the three Time Lords, the return of Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) and what looks to me like are apocalyptic scenes of the Great Time War between the Time Lord and the Daleks!

Watch and enjoy! Continue reading THE DAY OF THE DOCTOR Second Trailer

Top 5 Comic Books for October 2, 2013

All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel
All-New X-Men #17 courtesy Marvel

All-New X-Men #17 Battle of the Atom rages on but Magik takes a time out…literally. If Illyana, young Hank and Bobby are meeting the real future X-Men then who are those mutants in our present? What did young Jean Grey see from her future self to make her surrender?


Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #9 The Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler star in the latest chapter in the year long mystery of the kidnapped companions! Is Rose the next target? The Time Lord’s mystery villain reveals itself.


Forever Evil #2  The Justice League Continue reading Top 5 Comic Books for October 2, 2013

David Tennant, Billie Piper Return for Doctor Who Anniversary

David Tennant as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose in Doctor Who Series Two courtesy BBC One
David Tennant as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose in Doctor Who Series Two courtesy BBC One

David Tennant and Billie Piper join an all-star cast celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. Tennant played the Tenth Doctor. Billie Piper played Rose Tyler, who was first companion to the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) and then Tennant.

The BBC revealed Continue reading David Tennant, Billie Piper Return for Doctor Who Anniversary

Doctor Who: David, Rose, Martha and Donna

David Tennant as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose in Doctor Who Series Two courtesy BBC One
David Tennant as The Doctor and Billie Piper as Rose in Doctor Who Series Two courtesy BBC One

The new Doctor Who evolution blasted off with David Tennant taking over the role. Steely yet cheeky. Tennant’s Time Lord could be a powerhouse menace against any invader who dared to threaten Earth or tear our hearts out as he crumbled over the loss of a loved one (like a companion or genetically created daughter.)

In Season Two Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) continued her journeys with the Doctor until the heartbreaking goodbye after a Dalek/Cybermen conflict in Doomsday.  Dr. Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) would pine away for the Doctor for one season before Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) matched wits with Tennant for the final season. Tennant and Tate were an amazing team with perfect comic timing – essential for a Time Lord!

One of my favorite Doctor and Rose adventures was Continue reading Doctor Who: David, Rose, Martha and Donna