A diverse team of heroes unite when Earth is threatened and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are in deep space! Mighty Avengersincludes Luke Cage, Spider-Man, She-Hulk, Falcon, Blue Marvel, Power Man and Monica Rambeau now code-named Spectrum.
There’s a Ronin on the roster. Echo (Maya Lopez) and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) wore the Ronin identity during the New Avengers era.
Who is the new Ronin?
“Ronin is the character find of 2013. We batted around some ideas for him with putting on the Ronin suit. We’ll find out in issue #1 why we can’t know who he is. I feel like even revealing his gender I’ve said too much. This is the man who will be Ronin. His mystery will be explored in the first year,” said Mighty Avengers writer Al Ewing.
It’s the big finale to Marvel’s week of MIGHTY teasers! Mighty Avengers is a brand new book tied to the INFINITY event! When Earth’s Mightiest Heroes must go on a mission across the galaxy – these heroes will rise up to protect our world!
Luke Cage, Superior Spider-Man, She-Hulk will be joined by Blue Marvel, White Tiger and the new Power Man. Today Marvel revealed more members of the roster (Falcon and Monica Rambeau now with new code-name: Spectrum and a new Ronin) and the creative team: Al Ewing and Greg Land. Continue reading MIGHTY AVENGERS!