The Name of the Doctor Trailer!

courtesy BBC One
courtesy BBC One

The countdown is on for the finale of Doctor Who Season Seven! River Song (Alex Kingston) returns. The villain from Christmas episode, The Snowmen (Richard E. Grant) is back. The mystery of Clara revealed? The real name of the Doctor revealed!?!

Take a look at the BBC trailer for The Name of the Doctor:

Who is the Impossible Girl? What if Clara was Romana regenerated? Romana was a young Time Lord who assisted the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) during the Key to Time epic. Romana was played by Mary Tamm then Lalla Ward.

In the finale of the E-Space trilogy, Romana and the robot dog K-9 stayed in the parallel universe rather than return to Gallifrey. There have been conflicting reports but no official on-screen revelation about Romana dying in the Great Time War.

But the big question…do you want to know the Doctor’s real name?

By Editor

Doctor Who, My First Time

Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor courtesy BBC
Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor courtesy BBC

Doctor Who is celebrating his 50th Anniversary with a new companion, new monsters and the return of old enemies. As we await the return of new episodes and details of the 50th Anniversary special I am flashing back to my favorite memories of the Time Lord.

Doctor Who’s adventures in time and space launched in 1963 but I didn’t catch up until Continue reading Doctor Who, My First Time

Doctor Who Star Mary Tamm Dies

Mary Tamm as Romana with K-9 in Doctor Who “The Ribos Operation” courtesy BBC.

  The universe is little less bright because a beautiful star has gone out. Mary Tamm played the Time Lord Romana on Doctor Who. Tom Baker was my first Doctor. Romana was my first Who companion. Tamm appeared with Baker in six stories in the late 1970’s.

  My first episode was The Pirate Planet. It was the second storyline in the ongoing Key to Time epic in which The White Guardian gave the Doctor a female Time Lord, Romana, to assist in his quest to find segments that would create the Key to Time and restore balance to the universe. I think my favorite episode with her was The Stones of Blood.

 Mary Tamm died at age 62 after a battle with cancer. I will always have a special place in my geek heart for her as Romana, my first Doctor Who companion.

By Editor