Marvel’s Headmaster: Avengers Academy and X-Men Legacy Writer


X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy

  School’s in session for Christos Gage. He’s not just a popular writer he’s kind of like the Secretary of Education for Marvel’s next generation. The writer behind Avengers Academy and now X-Men: Legacy talked about the difference between attending the Academy and Wolverine’s Jean Grey School.

  “Being an Avenger is a choice, being an X-Man is almost part and parcel of being a mutant,” says Gage.

  “That wasn’t always the case, but now that there are so few mutants left, that’s how it is. So for the X-Men, it’s more about ‘This is the hand we’ve been dealt—what’s the best way to approach life?’ [where] with the Avengers it’s much more the traditional super hero philosophy of ‘Let’s use our talents to serve mankind.’ Not that the X-Men don’t care about that, but it’s just one part of a whole. 

  “Being an Avenger is a part-time thing, and when you’re not doing that, you’re being a billionaire industrialist or whatever. Being an X-Man is a full-time job.”

X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy

  While Gage will focus on the staff (Rogue, Gambit, Frenzy) of the Jean Grey School, we’ve already seen intense interaction with the students. I really loved Rogue’s lesson that helped Rockslide reach a new level of his mutant power. I’m thrilled to see Gage using the Guthries (Cannonball and Husk) in the book too.

 For his complete Marvel interview click here.

  X-Men: Legacy #261 arrives in stores this week.

Ms. Marvel’s Revenge in Avengers Versus X-Men?

AvX teaser art by Humberto Ramos courtesy

  Marvel revealed new teasers for the upcoming Avengers Versus X-Men. Humberto Ramos created this match-up over Paris. Looks like AVX may re-ignite an old rivalry!

  Rogue bested Ms. Marvel back in the day under Mystique’s orders. Rogue permanently absorbed Carol’s powers and personality. Wolverine wanted to gut Rogue the first time she wanted to join the X-Men. Professor X eventually helped Carol through her comatose to Binary and back to Ms. Marvel days.

  I admit I’m rooting for Rogue and she may have the power advantage but Ms. Marvel may have learned her lesson and is ready and may have secretly been yearning for a rematch.

Ultimate X-Men Kitty, Ultimate Twists

Ultimate Comics X-Men #6 cover by Kaare Andrews courtesy

  I confess I might buy a copy of the phone book if Kitty Pryde was in it. Kitty is the main reason I started Ultimate Comics X-Men but Nick Spencer had made me love entire cast and delivered one big huge “WHOAH!” moment at the end of issue #6 out this week.

 The Ultimate Kitty Pryde is the hardened, resourceful leader of a small band of mutant survivors. Kitty is known as The Shroud and wears a metal mask and red cloak. Pryde is leading the Ultimate Iceman, Johnny Storm and Jimmy Hudson against Reverend Stryker and a wave of Nimrods.

  I thought Stryker, Nimrod Sentinels and Val Cooper had been done to death in the regular universe but Spencer puts new twists and layers to their counterparts. Rogue is the tragic pawn in the struggle to save the remaining mutants and just when you think you understand her actions in this arc…there’s a last panel shocker plus a preview image that will have me back next month.

  Paco Medina’s art is dynamic and I love this Kaare Andrews cover that makes me think of Christina Ricci.

X-Men Legacy Changes

X-Men Legacy #260.1 cover by Mark Brooks courtesy

  X-Men Legacy #260.1 arrived this week with a new creative team and direction for Rogue, Gambit and Frenzy as they joined the Jean Grey School. This is the first issue since Mike Carey left the book after 5 and a half years of excellence.

  I’m excited to see where I think new writer Christos Gage will take us. Rogue has evolved into a confident mentor of young mutants and she quickly makes one junior X-Man reach a new level of power and potential during a football game.

  There’s a new threat to rebuilt school from an ancient enemy that’s right out of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer’s Sunnydale. I actually forgot that the Xavier estate has some nightmarish neighbors down below. Gage writes a dynamic fight with the invaders that shows off Rogue’s mastery of her power and the potential in the new kids.

  What’s really exciting is the slow burn then passionate ignition of a new love triangle among these X-Men and the return of Exodus. Given the villain’s history with the reforming Frenzy that should create a different kind of spark.

  I absolutely loved David Baldeon’s art which reminded me of Gary Frank on The Incredible Hulk. The first issue is a winner and I’m excited to see how the legacy evolves.

Age of X – 11 for 2011

X-Men Legacy: Age of X collection cover courtesy

  Mike Carey’s final year on X-Men Legacy took us to the Age of X – one of my top 11 for 2011. In this reality warped tale mutants are on the verge of extinction. The survivors are making a final stand inside Fortress X against constant attack but a conspiracy within threatens mutantkind. Carey tactically reimagined favorites like Cyclops. Scott is known as Basilisk and married to Frenzy. Rogue is called Legacy because Magneto forces her to keep the memories of millions of dead mutants.

  The truth behind the Age of X reality is a mindbender and impetus for Carey’s follow-up arcs. I particular loved Carey’s transformation of Frenzy in Age of X and beyond.

Mike Carey’s X-Men Era Ends

X-Men Legacy #260 courtesy

Mike Carey’s final X-Men story is here. After five a half years Carey is saying goodbye and setting up the future for Rogue, Gambit, Frenzy and Magneto in X-Men Legacy #260

Mike’s portrayal of Rogue is my favorite since Chris Claremont. You could sense the affection for the character in every panel.

Here’s a look back at Mike Carey’s X-Men Legacy. You will be missed.

Top 5 Picks December 21, 2011

X-Men Legacy #260 cover courtesy Marvel Comics

X-Men Legacy #260 The X-Men are divided. Magneto chooses Cyclops. Gambit chooses Wolverine. If Rogue survives her mission to save a lost young mutant, who will she follow. This is Mike Carey’s final X-Men issue after five and a half years of epic storytelling.

Justice League #4 Darkseid revealed. Cyborg is born. Aquaman attacks. DC’s big guns are meeting for the first time. Can they stop fighting each other in time to face the real enemy behind the conspiracy.

Batman #4 Batman digs deeper into the Court of Owls and discovers its dark ties to his own family. Scott Snyder keeps delivering intense action and a brutal secret history of Gotham City and the Wayne family that may trap the bat.

Birds of Prey #4 courtesy DC Comics

Birds of Prey #4 Batgirl joins DC’s female crime fighting force. Three bombs in the brains of three passengers on three trains. The Birds of Prey only know two names of the living bombs. How will they prevent the disaster. DC promises this issue will rewrite the rules for the team.

Northstar’s Brief X-Men Return


Northstar to the rescue. Courtesy

Mike Carey’s final X-Men: Legacy arc begins. X-Fans already know which side of Schism Rogue chooses but this issue explores how she reaches her decision. Issue 259 arrived in stores yesterday and Carey filled it will several exciting and moving moments.

  One surprise in this issue was the appearance of Northstar as X-men gathered around Rogue in an experiment after her embrace of Magneto revealed a big new mystery. In the Regenesis books so far we haven’t seen Jean Paul listed on Cyclops or Wolverine’s team. In my earlier post I made the case for Northstar’s official return back to the X-Men now that Alpha Flight has been cancelled.

  While I’m at it – if Archie Comics is bold enough to have a gay wedding for Kevin Keller how about more screen time for Jean Paul? Gay or straight, Northstar is a powerful character, an asset for any X-team.