Uncanny Avengers #5 Review

Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel
Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

When you look at the roster on the cover of this week’s Uncanny Avengers #5 you might think that’s an odd bunch – that’s kinda the point. This is the Avengers Unity Division. In the aftermath of Avengers vs. X-Men and murder of Professor Xavier, Captain America and Wolverine forged a new team made of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Children of the Atom. The team could barely unite when the reborn Red Skull emerged with the power of Professor X’s stolen mutant brain.

The first arc centered on rebirths. This issue begins with a birth (two to be exact.) Rick Remender weaves threads of his Uncanny X-Force epic and twisting it with the schemes of a classic Avengers villain. Marvel revealed this super group will face Apocalypse and Kang in the next arc. This is how it begins.

The story jumps to the return of Continue reading Uncanny Avengers #5 Review

Gambit’s New Lady and Rogue Reunion

Emerald City Comicon 2013 photo by ComicsBlend.com
Emerald City Comicon 2013 photo by ComicsBlend.com

For longtime X-Men fans Gambit and Rogue will always be their favorite couple (as you can see by these Emerald City Comicon cosplayers) but Remy has been flirting with danger in his solo series by James Asmus and Clay Mann. Gambit’s globetrotting adventures have him crossing paths with a female thief named Joelle. Asmus talked with Marvel.com about Remy’s new partner in crime.

“My editor Daniel Ketchum had liked the idea of bringing  in a thieving lady counterpart to Gambit. I was particularly interested in  capturing the energy that made me so intrigued with Gambit in his early years:  the fact that you weren’t really sure if you trusted his motivations, or even  what he said, but he was able to charm and disarm those around him.


Gambit #9 courtesy Marvel
Gambit #9 courtesy Marvel

We’ve learned a lot about Gambit since then, but I thought that creating that  push-pull attraction and question of trust with another character would let me  revive part of what I loved in early Gambit stories. From there, the actual  character of Joelle has evolved some as we’ve gone, for a lot of reasons. But  the core idea behind her and the answers to her major mysteries haven’t changed.”

The writer confirms Rogue will guest star and explains her connection with Remy:

“I think at the moment, she’s very worried about the trajectory he’s on. I’m looking at their relationship through a few personal  lenses. I’ve been on both sides of break-ups where one person’s afraid they  might’ve lit a self-destructive fuse in the other. These two will always care  about each other, but it’s never been easy. And I think she can’t help but be  curious if this mysterious new woman, Joelle, is pulling Gambit irreparably  away.”

For the entire interview and more of Mann’s art here’s the Marvel.com link.

In case you’re haven’t checked this series out yet, think of this book as Remy cutting loose and sharpening his criminal skills – stealing from the bad guys of course. Spider-Man villain Tombstone appears in the current issue.

By Editor

Avengers and X-Men Romance Novels?

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Two of Marvel’s hottest heroines will jump from comic books into their own novels! Rogue (X-Men, Uncanny Avengers) and She-Hulk (FF, Avengers) will headline two new novels from Hyperion Books and Marvel Entertainment.

Here’s how Marvel describes the novels:

In The “She-Hulk Diaries,” Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk, juggles climbing the corporate ladder by day and battling villains and saving the world by night—all while trying to navigate the dating world to find a Mr. Right who might not mind a sometimes-very big and green girlfriend.

Rogue Touch,” features one of the most popular X-Men characters, Rogue, a young woman trying to navigate the challenges of everyday life and romance—except that her touch is deadly. After accidentally putting her first boyfriend in a coma, she runs away from home where, she meets the handsome and otherworldly James and sparks fly. Like Rogue, however, James’ life is hardly simple. To elude his mysterious and dangerous family, James shaves his head, dons all black. Stealing a car, they head out on the highway and eventually, Rogue has to decide whether she will unleash her devastating powers in order to save the only man alive who seems to truly understand her.”

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

In the comics Rogue has been in an ongoing triangle with Gambit and Magneto but is currently solo. She-Hulk’s conquests include Hercules, Juggernaut and Wyatt Wingfoot. Let’s hope Rogue and Jen find better luck at love in the novels!

By Editor

Why An All-Female X-MEN


X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel

The WOMEN of the Children of the Atom take the spotlight in the latest Marvel Now X-book! Brian Wood left the (adjectiveless) X-Men book a few months back after a thrilling arc with Storm leading Psylocke, Domino, Colossus and Pixie in a modern story that still reminded me of the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith era. David Lopez was the artist on this Proto-Mutants arc.

  Wood is back with a brand new X-Men #1 with Olivier Coipel on art this April. The new book will have an all-female cast: Jubilee, Storm, Rogue, Psylocke, Kitty Pryde and Rachel Grey. Wood tells Comics Newsarama why the new book features an all X-Women cast.

  “It’s impossible to say what’s going to happen way down the road, but there has been zero talk of changing the lineup to include a male character, not from my editor on up the chain of command to [Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso]. But while the core cast of the book is these six women, this is not a title designed to be devoid of all men. I’m sure they’ll be some appearing as guests in arcs as needed… it would be sort of boring without it, and sort of a waste of chances for good character moments.

Continue reading Why An All-Female X-MEN

Anna Paquin, Ellen Page In X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

Uncanny X-Men #141 courtesy Marvel.com

Anna Paquin (True Blood) will reprise her role as Rogue in X-Men: Days of Future Past. Ellen Page will return to the franchise as Kitty Pryde. Shawn Ashmore reprises his role as Bobby Drake aka Iceman. Director Bryan Singer revealed the casting via Twitter.

Singer directed the first two X-Men films. Brett Ratner directed the X-Men: The Last Stand which was Page’s first X-film. If the film follows the classic comic book storyline Kitty is the critical character. The X-Men of the future send Kitty’s future mind into the past to prevent as assassination that will lead to the massive slaughter and enslavement of mutants and all super heroes.

Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, along with Paquin, Ashmore and Page will join the cast of X-Men: First Class (Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence) for the upcoming sequel.

Is it only a matter of time before we hear that James Marsden, Halle Berry and Daniel Cudmore are back as Cyclops, Storm and Colossus?

By Editor

Mike Carey Teases Superhero Comic

X-Men Legacy #260 cover courtesy Marvel Comics
X-Men Legacy #260 cover courtesy Marvel Comics

  Mike Carey teased a new superhero comic for 2013! Carey concluded a six-year run on X-Men Legacy in 2012. The new comic – still untitled – will be with a different publisher.  Here’s what Carey told Robot 6.

  “I’m writing another superhero book (the first since I left X-Men) for a publisher I’ve never worked with before. It’s continuity-free, high concept, and finite. And I’m really, really happy with how it’s coming along. The announcement is a while away yet, so I can’t really say any more than that. But it plays off a situation where people are starting to be given superpowers for the first time, in a way that’s both unlikely and a little bit suspect. And it’s about a guy who chooses to go down this road, and what it means for him and his family. Which, to be blunt, is nothing good.”

Carey is writing Unwritten for Vertigo. Carey crafted my favorite depiction of Rogue since Chris Claremont. Which publisher do you think has the new Carey project?

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers #2 Review

Uncanny Avengers #2 courtesy Marvel

The Children of the Atom may have won over the hearts of two of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes but they have a new enemy that is pure evil and possibly the most powerful new villain in the Marvel Universe. Welcome to the Uncanny Avengers.

Here’s what you need to know: Captain America wants you Alex Summers! The Star-Spangled Avenger asks Havok to lead a team of human and mutants heroes. A mutant terrorist attacks New York City. Havok, Cap, Wolverine and Thor fight to stop the madman and save lives. Scarlet Witch and Rogue are attacked by a mysterious squad of freaks at Professor Xavier’s grave. The Red Skull has been reborn and he’s stolen Xavier’s brain.

Rick Remender and John Cassaday continue the shock and awe in this week’s issue #2 picking right up where the last issue left off. The Red Skull is using the Professor’s brain as a weapon to inflame anti-mutant rage. The creators deliver more “oh —-!” moments involving the Red Skull and his manipulations.

I’m really excited by the way Remender portrays Rogue from her clash with Scarlet Witch, her discovery of Xavier’s remains and her recollection of joining the X-Men.

This book is definitely working for me and I’m excited for what’s next. Remender and Cassaday have me hooked!

By Editor

Which Avenger Kills? Who Dies?


Uncanny Avengers #5 courtesy Marvel

A major character will die in February 2013 according to the Marvel Solicitations. The victim will be killed by an Avenger in Uncanny Avengers #5. This is the same issue that brings Sunfire, Wasp and Wonder Man to the team. The Grim Reaper strikes and Havok’s leadership is called into question is this issue too.

Is the killer a member of the Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers or Hickman’s Avengers? Who bites it? Who kills?

My first guess is Rogue takes a life. Here’s what Remender said in a pre-launch interview about the X-Woman and her history. Rogue seems like the wild card of the team…and she took out an Avenger before (ok she didn’t kill Ms. Marvel but left her in a coma.)

What are your theories?

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