Jon Favreau on Iron Man 3

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  If Stan Lee is the “father” of a majority of the Marvel comic book universe then you might call Jon Favreau the hip cool uncle who kickstarted the movie counterparts. Favreau’s Iron Man and Iron Man 2 launched the succesful birth of the cinematic Marvel universe. The actor/producer/director was congratulated on the success of The Avengers in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

 “Yeah, how do you like that? Turned out really well. Look, it was something we always planned for, and hoped for, but anything could have gone wrong, and it took a lot of things to go right. First and foremost, Joss, to be able to pull together — four different characters based on four different sets of films that shared a lot tonally and they shared some cast-wise, but he had to pull all those things together and make it work, it’s a very high degree of difficulty for him. But we had done a lot of setup in Iron Man 2 and even in Iron Man 1, we were hoping that it would come to this. I don’t think it became a reality until the last few years, but we were definitely planning for it. But it took a lot of people to pass the baton well, and each director who had been involved with the franchises did their part, but it took Joss to really seal the deal, and clearly it worked out, because the moment seems to continue going.”

Iron Man in Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  Favreau is producing Iron Man 3 but Shane Black is directing. Robert Downey Jr and Black worked together on Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. The next Iron Man film is based on Extremis Warren Ellis. Does that equal a dark tone for Tony’s next adventure?

  “No, just a little bit more offbeat, I’d say. Shane and Robert definitely have an original point of view and an original take on the character, and I think it delves deeper into what makes Tony Stark tick and plays on the unexpected original unpredictable quality of the character that I think fans gravitate to.”

  For the entire story here’s The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision link.

By Editor

Iron Man’s New Leading Lady?

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  Jessica Chastain was in then out due to scheduling. Now Rebecca Hall is in talks to play a scientist in Iron Man 3 according to Variety. What does this mean for Gwynneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts? I was surprised how much Pepper screen time was in Marvel’s The Avengers. Tony and Pepper seemed happy in Stark Tower but could this new brainy beauty catch the playboy’s eye?

  The character is part of a team (including Guy Pearce) of scientists that create nanotechnology that gets in the hands of terrorists. The next Tony Stark adventure is based on Iron Man Extremis. Ben Kingsley is on board as the villain.

  I liked Rebecca Hall in Ben Affleck’s The Town. Below is a YouTube video of her promoting that excellent film.

By Editor

Iron Man Can Be Like James Bond?

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  Robert Downey Jr is suiting up for Iron Man 3 and I’m sure he’d be back for an Avengers 2 but how many times would the star play Tony Stark. What would Marvel do if Downey quits.

 According to Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige compares Iron Man to 007 – you can recast.

 “I think Bond is a good example. Let’s put it this way: I hope Downey makes a lot of movies for us as Stark. If and when he doesn’t, and I’m still here making these movies, we don’t take him to Afghanistan and have him wounded again. I think we James Bond it.” 

For more of Devin’s interview with Feige here’s the link to – I love this site name-

Downey Jr responded to MTV News about the potential of being recast and the co-stars lining up for Iron Man 3. Here’s Downey in his own words.




  This Geek’s Opinion: I love James Bond. I love Iron Man. I freaking love Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark – it was perfect casting and I can’t imagine another actor in the role just like Jackman owns Wolverine. I would hope there are enough Marvel characters to develop and give Iron Man a break. But you have to have a little faith in Feige, he’s got a track record that’s hard to argue with.

By Editor

Thanks to Dark Horizons.

New Avengers TV Spot Reveals Loki’s Army

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  Tony Stark breaks it down for Loki is a new tv spot for Marvel’s The Avengers. Tony’s ‘head count’ is a clever summary of his team mixed with action packed scenes and closer looks at Loki’s army.

Spinoff Online makes a great theory that these minions could be the Disir, exile Valkyries from Asgard.

Robert Downey Jr as Lex Luthor?

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  Some things are just cosmic. What if Robert Downey Jr never played Tony Stark/Iron Man because he was already committed to playing Lex Luthor?

  Director McG revealed to The Playlist his vision for the Superman reboot that never was. Superman: Flyby was scripted by a younger J.J. Abrams.

“We had Robert Downey Jr. locked up to be Lex Luthor,” he says, “which I think would have been extraordinary. Ironically, we liked Henry Cavill a lot, but we hadn’t cast him yet. J.J. wrote the script, and we got that to a really good place in the end. But I’m to blame [for the film not happening].”

 Scarlett Johansson and Selma Blair were reportedly in talks for Lois Lane. Johansson went on to play Black Widow in Iron Man and The Avengers.

 Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns starring Brandon Routh and Kevin Spacey became the next reboot instead. Singer didn’t direct X-Men 3 for that film.

  Downey Jr went on to play another rich genius in Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Marvel’s The Avengers and Iron Man 3.

  Zach Snyder’s The Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill -minus Lex Luthor – opens July 2013.

  Did things work out for the best? Or do you wish McG’s Superman with Robert Downey Jr. as Luthor had flown? And it’s impossible to imagine but who could have played Tony Stark?

  Thanks to Total Film for the story.

Robert Downey Jr on Iron Man 3

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  Robert Downey Jr is expressing his hopes for the next solo adventure of the Iron Avenger while promoting Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.

  “I think that we have an opportunity with the third Iron Man to make the best of the three, and maybe one of the better superhero movies that’s ever been made. But I think we have to remember what made the first one good. It was very character-driven. It was very odd. It was kind of outrageous. And so I think we have to have the courage to trust that the audience is really kind of cool, and smart” Downey told the Omelette.

  Thanks to Dark Horizons for the story translation.

  No word on the villain of the next film. I personally hope we might see the Mandarin. This Chinese master of magic, alien technology and martial arts is a classic character that I think could be given a modern spin. The Mandarin is known for his ten power rings. You may recall the terrorist from the first Iron Man film belonged to a mysterious group called the Ten Rings.